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Pistols at dawn?


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I think it's their right but if you want to have a t-shirt with their logo no one can stop you.


There are hunderds of thousands of idiots out there building and selling guitars that sport the gibson logo without being made by gibson and Gibson doesnt do a thing abou them.


It would be laughable if they came after the forum boys for printing the logo on a t-shirt the company should have sent for free with each guitar.





Fender boxes are full of candy... just sayin'

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They'll put their logo on that Maestro and Hendrix uhm...stuff...but don't want it on the proud chests of their most loyal $upporter$?


It's free advertising. They could sell those tshirts by the trailer load. Different solid colours just with the Gibson logo on the front. Sell them for $20.00 each and you can drop the price of your guitars from all the money you are making on tshirts. A "proper" merchandising section would pay handsomely!!

Some very short sighted and small minded people.



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Corporate Legal geeks of all corporations get their bundies in an unch when it comes to using their logo. They usually cite that it 'dilutes' the value if you over display it.




Maybe they ought to take a lesson from John Deere. These guys are trademark license whores. They've got their name on everything from coasters to baby bibs, commemorative plates, windmills, Christmas ornaments, key chainds, watch fobs, ear rings, belt buckles ... you name it.


Not to mention scale model toys.


I worked for a major machinery manufacturer at one time who was trying to get into the ag market. They were absolutely stingy with production of anything with their name on it. In particular, scale model toys. The ag branch licensed a line of toys and was doing well for a few years until corporate 'legal' got ahold of it. "You don't know what you're doing here. Let us handle that here at corporate." Before corporate got ahold of it you could buy the their branded toys at any Walmerts and Farm & Barn store in the country. After corporate got ahold of it? Only company gift shops had them available for sale.


What is the result of 'Deere's unbridled use of their nameplate? Customer loyalty. Customer loyalty that begins in the womb. Any child whose daddy owns 'Deere equipment knows two things by the time he can speak: The big yellow arches mean MacDonalds and the ONLY tractor in the world is painted gree.. no, John Deere Green. You can't BUY loyalty like that. Heck, 'Deere isn't buying the loyalty... They're selling it!


But, it's their logo and they can do with it as they wish.


Oh, btw the 'major machinery manufacturer' is pretty much out of the ag business.

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Just look at fender... they put their brand on almost anything, they let anyone sell their guitars, they also let their forum members have a shirt with the fender logo.


They dont stop there... if you buy a guitar from them they'll give you a strap with fender writen on it, a fender cable, and some other stuff. Gibson doesnt even give you a gibson pick, while fender picks are everywhere.


Gibson wont let most small stores be authorized dealers unless they place orders that go for more than what the whole store is worth, and even then they wont give those small stores accesorioes and replacement parts; while fender will not only give them guitars but also t-shirts, picks, accesories, spare parts and lots of other stuff.


Guess who is selling more guitars?

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I went through this trademark usage situation with Harley-Davidson about 10 or 15 years ago. Our local chapter of the Harley Owners Group (HOG), for which I was founding director 20+ years ago, wanted to design and print our own club t-shirts. The design was to include an original chapter logo, which included the trademarked HOG logo into its design.


HOG is an internationally sanctioned (by Harley-Davidson Motor Company Inc.) group of local chapters, and each chapter must be sponsored and governed by the local Harley dealer. We had to submit the logo design to Harley corporate for approval. We eventually received written approval, which we needed to have the shirts silkscreen printed, and off the t-shirt shop we went. We had a gross or two printed and they sold VERY well (available only to card carrying members, not the general public).


Shortly thereafter Harley had a change of heart and cancelled our approved usage of the HOG logo, and forbid us from printing any more shirts, or using the "custom" logo in any way. They now only allow us to add our local chapter name to their "standard issue" designed shirts, patches etc.


I think then with Harley-Davidson, as now with Gibson, it comes down to what your second grade teacher said when she made you spit out your chewing gum, "if I let you do it, I'll have to let everyone do it."


I was very involved with the Harley-Davidson Motor Company from the mid-eighties through the early nineties. This is the era from which they went from within hours of bankruptcy, to a listing on the New York Stock Exchange, to one of the most successful manufacturing companies in the United States. Their story of this era has actually been used in college economics class studies, and has been the subject TV documentaries and many books. One of the main marketing strategies of the turnaround was Merchandising. They licensed their logo to be used on anything and everything (similar to John Deere). Today H-D makes more money on logo'd merchandise than they do selling motorcycles, and the dealer showrooms look more like "boutiques" than motorcycle shops. The square footage of floor space devoted to jackets, t-shirts, sunglasses, stuffed animals, watches, gloves, hats, boots, embroidered patches, bumper stickers, window stickers, parking signs and the like, FAR outweigh the amount of space given to displaying motorcycles or the parts and accessories that actually go on the motorcycles. Without this type mechanism campaign Harley might not still be around, and in this respect Gibson could learn a little something.


In recent years, in the eyes of long time customers, and "old timers" (or "long-timers" as we prefer to be called), Harley's image has diminished greatly do to (now see if this sounds familiar) their control, restrictions, demands and requirements of their licensed dealers. They have put many "mom & pop" shops out of business with inventory requirements, sales quotas, territory assignments, even what the shop building looks like, inside and out. If you don't meet their standards, follow their rules, and do what your told (even if it means moving your dealership or building a new multi-million dollar "boutique" showroom) you risk losing your franchise. These policies may have made more money for "corporate" in the SHORT RUN, but they have killed many family businesses, virtually eliminated competition between dealers (for which the consumer suffers from lack of customer service and pricing incentives), and have bitten into the profit margin for the dealers, which have survived, due to the "investment" required by "corporate".


Whether these marketing strategies bring in more money from new customers than from the old ones they run off will be left for the bean counters to decide. Meanwhile, we as consumers that may be trying to cling on to "brand loyalty", pay the price.



OK, I'm done now. I think I'll go play my Gibson guitar before I go for a ride on my Harley.

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Good stuff, L5.

I've heard much of that already, but not with your insight.


And yes, simply look at the showroom floorspace and what's sitting on it to see where the money comes from.


Then the Harley boutique shops in the mall....

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Hey, this is the world upside down LOL! On the Gibson site is stated: we heared you....and they have developed a collection of the most ugly T-shirts I've ever seen. Gibson should even pay me for wearing one of them.

Now they have their soundboard and a Gibson logo is just too much. I'd love to meet Gibson's bunch of marketeers LMAO!!!

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I have a very VERY serious question.


DOES GIBSON RECOGNISE THIS FORUM OFFICIALLY? Hey as I said, a serious question guys. If they say yes then they also have an obligation.


If they do not? which actually would upset me a litte, make your own and sell them.

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