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Ane else sick of H1N1?

Tim Plains

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Man, I'm just so sick of hearing about this virus, how people wait at clinics for hours on end and how they're running out of vaccine. It's all the evening news talks about. Anybody else sick of it? For the record, I'm not getting the shot. They're going to set up a clinic here at work for everyone to get vaccinated but I'm not. I'm sure it's safe enough but there's no way I'm putting an untested drug in my body. Pot, hash, alcohol...these have been tested for years and we all know their effects (:-/) but an untested laboratory drug? No thanks...

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It's fake... Just a regular flue that the drug companies dreamed up to sell drugs and scare people.... I hate when they do that...


That dag-gone regular flu... I'm sick of it.


Wash your hands, keep your fingers out of your nose, use hand sanitizer, don't let anyone sneeze on you, stay out of airplanes, don't work with kids, don't be around kids who've been around other kids...


Who needs any protection whatsoever?

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Sometimes it seems like someone wants us all to be constantly medicated. They like us all getting into a line to recieve the official, government approved injection. We need the practice. An untested vaccine for a flu with mostly minor symptoms, I don't think I'll go there.

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Sometimes it seems like someone wants us all to be constantly medicated. They like us all getting into a line to recieve the official' date=' government approved injection. We need the practice. An untested vaccine for a flu with mostly minor symptoms, I don't think I'll go there.[/quote']


Right On!


I think I'll just go die now.

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You only here the H1N1 get mentioned here when the british politicians get caught with there fingers in the public purse... Its kinda used to make other people forget the real agendas......





Exactly.... It's like, lets keep the general public side tracked and drugged so they don't see whats really going on... Just sayin' Commercials on TV for drugs are getting out of hand. If you have stress you should take a pill to cloud your brain so nothing bothers you. How about taking a run around the block to relive stress or an outing with the whole family to the park or beach or amusement park. No, that's to simple and no one will buy drugs then....

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Swine Flu, (I REFUSE to use "H1N1"), is the new "politically correct" virus.


Reminds me of the man who was so afraid of catching something and dying, he refused to leave his house, wouldn't answer his door, never married and never had kids, did EVERYTHING to avoid getting sick and dying.


Know what happened to him? He died.

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Am I to believe that the flu that's going around now is swine? The actual flu season starts in December, right? Two of my girlfriends three boys had it. They both missed one day of school. My girlfriend had it and she was out a good two or three days. My daughter had it and missed one day of school. It actually put me out for an afternoon. For something that is being portrayed as the black plague, it seemed kinda mild. It's a good thing the media is here to let me know the end is near. Otherwise, I wouldn't have a clue. I'd like to see data as to how many people die of the normal flu as opposed to swine.


I was trying to find a video of the clock from H R Puffinstuff that ran around yelling "Epidemic!, Epidemic!, Epidemic!" but I couldn't find it. Does anybody remember that?

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Well, rocky, it's alarming how many people die of the "Regular" Flu. When this Swine thing first took off last year, i checked into it. Just to see what they were selling, ya know.


According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the Seasonal Flu killed between 15,000 and 52,000 per year. That was based on a ten year survey (1990-1999, sounds like 9 years, but the cdc called it ten). That's an Average of 35,000 deaths a year from "Normal Flu".


Swine Flu has a lot of catching up if it wants to compete with it's Big Brother.

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By me 3 School Districts Have Been Closed From 3 to 7 Days bcause of that Virus and as far as the Shot that they are Pushing, No one in my household is Getting it.

I know of a Few Doctors that are telling me that they are on the Front lines (in hospitals) and the most Exposed and they Will not get it. That's Got to Tell-ya Something about it.

In the late 70's the Same kinda thing was going on and more people Died from the Shot that they were pushing at the Time than from the Virus. So were out and they can give it to Someone Else.

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Dave and grandpa have it right on. There is no swine flu. I'm not getting an untested vaccine pumped into me for something that isn't even a danger. We hear that there's a disease going around, and we run towards the vaccine like cattle. Who knows what the vaccine is? We'll take anything if the government tells us it keeps us "safe".


They're not getting me.

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Dave and grandpa have it right on. There is no swine flu. I'm not getting an untested vaccine pumped into me for something that isn't even a danger. We hear that there's a disease going around' date=' and we run towards the vaccine like cattle. Who knows what the vaccine is? We'll take anything if the government tells us it keeps us "safe".


They're not getting me.[/quote']


But how is this vaccine any different from the regular flu vaccine, which has been around for decades. Each year they develop a vaccine based on the strain of flu they think will be most common.


It is no different. Why is everyone afraid of this so-called "untested" vaccine?

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Not sure what the story is my wife brought the bug home from work about two weeks ago she was a very sick lady with a high fever, coughing, aches, and stomach issue's they confirmed the H1N1 gave her Tamiflu or whatever it is they mix up and told her not to allow herself to dehydrate.


Of course she loves me so she felt the need to share it I however had a much milder reaction ran a temp of 100-101 for three days and felt sore and beat like the flu does and that was it. They didn't even want me to go to the doctor and I didn't even take the TamiFlu (SP-?) stuff. Four days start to finish and nothing too severe thank goodness. over all I'd say I had the flu about like always. The wife was a little worse off than normal and two week later still has a slight cough but over all not really much worse than regular flu.


I always get a little nervous about things that can affect your lungs since I have a really bad right lung with some heavy scarring thanks to a bullet that bounced around off a few ribs years ago, so I feel lucky I didn't end up with anything worse like pneumonia which happens every few years anyway.

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But how is this vaccine any different from the regular flu vaccine' date=' which has been around for decades. Each year they develop a vaccine based on the strain of flu they think will be most common.


It is no different. Why is everyone afraid of this so-called "untested" vaccine?[/quote']


The new dosage for H1N1 is very different it's a live virus vaccine which is given as a nasal spray rather than a dead strain of the flu vaccine as a normal flu shot is. A lot of people are very concerned about live virus vaccine as historically they cause some real issue's. the normal dead vaccine they give annually for flu is much more of a proven safe vaccine and cannot give you the flu. the new live virus vaccine you inhale ???



the standard swine flu shots do nothing to prevent H1N1 or the related respiratory issues it brings.

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I got the Swine Flu shot last week. I don't see the big deal about not wanting to get one.



You got a regular Flu shot there is no shot for H1N1- it's a live virus nasal spray only at this time and they are only treating high risk people so far like hospital workers, police and fire medics and similar next comes young kids and parents of young kids then sometime in late Nov everybody else might get the chance...

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I love anything related to pigs except the flu, how can such a bad disease come from such a yummy animal.


My friends and I smoked this one a couple of weeks ago for 10 hours and to perfection to make sure no viruses, only flavor survived. Well worth all th work if you ask me...



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