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Another thought on guns


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I hate this kind of stupidity.


Not quite the same, but similar is a local story from my area recently. A high school student was reported to the principle as having a knife in his possesion. The kid is an Eagle Scout and when asked by the administrator he told them he didn't have a knife on him, but had one in his car. It was a pocket knife handed down through his family and he was going to take it on an upcoming camping trip. So...he was of course expelled for possesing a weapon on school grounds :(

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The guy should have known better. Sounds like the law is pretty straight forward. Sawed off shotgun. Can't possess it. The guy's ex military. Cummon bud.


Is it o.k. for me to find a pound of weed on the side of the road' date=' and then take it to the police station? Nope.[/quote']


COMMON SENSE! Cummon bud. [-(


This makes about as much sense as charging someone with pedophilia when they take a pic of their baby while in a bath. [blink]

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Wait, this is NOT in the US, correct? That makes more sense. Before people go getting their panties in a knot, those of us in the States have to remember that the rest of the world has had a very different history with firearms.

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Since the story says he found a black bag with a barrel coming out of it... he wouldn't have known it was a gun until he "possessed" it, already breaking this ill-conceived law.


Unless he was a mind reader, he couldn't help break the law....unless..... EVERYONE in that community calls the police to come identify every single piece of trash on their properties!! Kill two birds, (sorry... bad analogy), gives these lemming-police something to do...and cleans up the neighborhood!!



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The guy should have known better. Sounds like the law is pretty straight forward. Sawed off shotgun. Can't possess it. The guy's ex military. Cummon bud.


Is it o.k. for me to find a pound of weed on the side of the road' date=' and then take it to the police station? Nope.[/quote']


weird statement an yes it should be fine for you to find a pound of weed by the road and take it to the police.- what would you do ignore it and let some kid find it? now if you caught driving around smoking it while you are in route thats different but come on think it through.


I spent several years doing police work and I had people bring in all kinds of illegal drugs and weapons they had found in rental homes and on the street etc. we usually shook there hands and thanked them possession is with intent to use not finding it and taking it to the police. What should the guy have done thrown the sawed off shotgun back over the fence???

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Something in that story doesn't jive. I think we're not hearing the WHOLE story. First off, the guy found the gun and rather than just call the cops directly, he picked it up (damaging potential evidence if it was used in a crime) and took it home. THEN he sat with it overnight, and who knows what he could have done with it in between those hours. THEN, the next day, he decided to wander in with it.


Common sense to me would have dictated that he finds a gun, stands over it while calling the cops, and identifies the location of it. The cops come and pick it up. He shouldn't have handled it, he shouldn't have taken it home, he should have just informed and let them handle it.

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Something in that story doesn't jive. I think we're not hearing the WHOLE story. First off' date=' the guy found the gun and rather than just call the cops directly, he picked it up (damaging potential evidence if it was used in a crime) and took it home. THEN he sat with it overnight, and who knows what he could have done with it in between those hours. THEN, the next day, he decided to wander in with it.


Common sense to me would have dictated that he finds a gun, stands over it while calling the cops, and identifies the location of it. The cops come and pick it up. He shouldn't have handled it, he shouldn't have taken it home, he should have just informed and let them handle it.[/quote']


regardless, the final quote in that article says it all. and that is downright frightening.

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Something in that story doesn't jive. I think we're not hearing the WHOLE story. First off' date=' the guy found the gun and rather than just call the cops directly, he picked it up (damaging potential evidence if it was used in a crime) and took it home. THEN he sat with it overnight, and who knows what he could have done with it in between those hours. THEN, the next day, he decided to wander in with it.


Common sense to me would have dictated that he finds a gun, stands over it while calling the cops, and identifies the location of it. The cops come and pick it up. He shouldn't have handled it, he shouldn't have taken it home, he should have just informed and let them handle it.[/quote']


+1 read my mind sister.

All I was thinking soon as I heard he touched it was NOOOOO get CSI on it >.<


...and as for having to take a peek in a bag, I've seen suspicious heavy bags by my house. I live in a roungh area. If I am compelled to examine a discarted suspicious bag, which generaly I say "**** it, let someone else do it", I get a branch and poke a bit and **** no I ain't touching **** with MY bare hands.

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It appears the government needs a nanny-net. Y'know, kinda a hot-line sorta thing run by the Ministry of what-should-I-do-now. They can put phone boxes on every corner so their subjects can call for instructions every other block or so. Another couple hundred years and everyone should be toeing the line automatically, never having a thought of their own. It'll be perfect! [biggrin]

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