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"If you find your truth, you must follow it. You could find it in a paper bag, or in a statue, or in a slaughterhouse; you might find it dangling somewhere. People might say, "What the heck are you doing?" But it's OK if they don't understand. And if you follow it, stay true to it, and respect it, you could be in store for the greatest journey you could ever imagine." - Buckethead

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Pants first' date=' then socks, and [i']then[/i] shoes.


(It's deeper than it seems. Think about it.)

I did think about it - socks first.




A Smith & Wesson beats four Aces.




You are what you do when it counts.




One man says he can, another man says he can't - they're both right.




If somebody tells you "It's not the money, it's the principle of the thing!" I'll bet you $100 it's the money.




Learn the other guy's motivation.


which fits nicely with


Follow the money, you'll find the truth.




Some people just ain't no damned good.

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Nothing for GC neo?



Warning - profanity used to great effect to get the point across -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-0s3V4xAsA









(Unfortunately' date=' Mike left Bizarre Guitar to strike out on his own doing repairs and recording with his band.)[/b']

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Get into a fight with a skunk and you both will come out stinking.


Don't tug on superman's cape.


Don't stare at the sun.


Don't get to close to the tv or you won't be able to have kids.


Money is no expense.


Early to bed gets the worm.


Never say never.


Don't throw a grenade up hill.


Grape juice is a natural laxative, taken in large amounts.


Don't let your emotions overrun your intelligence.


Be careful what you post in forums. Check your spelling. Preview, then post.

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