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Silenced Fred

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I'm pissed. I care more than everyone around me (in the real world) I am an emotional guy I guess, I get attached to people too much and don't know when to give up. I like a girl, but she doesn't like me back. I guess I need to stop.


I guess this is showing through here, not trying to be controversial, just want to voice an opinion.


I like Green Day and Miley Cyrus and I don't like Buckethead or his guitar. It's my tastes, go figure.


I guess I just need to give up

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I'm pissed. I care more than everyone around me (in the real world) I am an emotional guy I guess' date=' I get attached to people too much and don't know when to give up. I like a girl, but she doesn't like me back. I guess I need to stop.




I like Green Day and Miley Cyrus


I guess I just need to give up[/quote']


Don't give up man...


I like most of green day's stuff and few of Miley Cyrus...


So what?


Haters can f**k off.

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Hey man, you gotta roll with the punches. Your taste in music doesnt make you a bad person. Very few people can stop things like that from showing through man. I'm a sensitive guy too, I'm just more used to keeping it in check when needed (it takes practice).


If you like the girl enough just be her friend dont try to be anything more, she might see it eventually if not, there aint anything you can do about it.


We all take a lot of sh!t at the wrong times, it's how you deal with it that sets you apart.


You're a good guy Nathan. If someone's opinion is drastically different than yours and they decide to write something mildly inflammatory, dont respond, not even a word.

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Don't worry about it man... everyone has their opinions. The most important thing is to stick to your guns.


Here... I'll take some heat off you. I hate the Rolling Stones' date=' Pink Floyd and AC/DC. [biggrin']/


hahahahah, thanks. I don't like AC/DC that much either though.... or the Rolling Stones.... sh¡t, I;m screwed

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I HATE THE STONES WITH A PASSION !!! Mich Jaguar should drop dead...just sayin :-


Ok the reason for that is... Mick did a benefit concert up in Toronto Ontario a few years back and wouldn't do it unless they paid him $ 5 000 000.00 . Last time I checked, you should do benefit concerts for you. Thought I better explain myself a little more before I got jumped lol

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Here... I'll take some heat off you. I hate the Rolling Stones' date=' Pink Floyd and AC/DC. :-/


continuing on that trend, I am not huge on Zeppelin, rush.


I dont like AC/DC, or Floyd


I think Buckethead has some good stuff.



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continuing on that trend' date=' I am not huge on Zeppelin, rush.


I dont like AC/DC, or Floyd


I think Buckethead has some good stuff.





Never heard anything by Pink Floyd, Rolling Stones and ACDC are neither here nor there to me.

I don't like buckethead...

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Man, you are young. Still plenty of time to get the same treatment from lots more. Just make sure that when the right one comes along you don't blow it.


BTW, I like the Stones, Pink Floyd, AC/DC, and all of those other bands mentioned. It's all good.

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Being young has its downside and this is it. What you don't understand yet, but you will, is that the things that you like and dislike are what make you uniquely YOU. That's a GOOD thing!!!!!! There's no other human on the planet like you and that makes you valuable. So what if you don't conform to the other sheep? No one person is any better or any less than any one else. As you get older you'll realize your value, and you ARE valuable.


As for the girl, I can't comment on that 'cause I don't know enough about it. But I agree it wouldn't hurt to start as friends because even if it doesn't blossom into anything else, you'll STILL learn a lot about women in the process.

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I'm pissed. I care more than everyone around me (in the real world) I am an emotional guy I guess' date=' I get attached to people too much and don't know when to give up. I like a girl, but she doesn't like me back. I guess I need to stop.[/quote']


Do accept this in the spirit in which it is offered.


A sense of well-being and general contentment is both obvious as well as attractive to others. You are, ultimately, the one in charge of your feelings. They don't come from anyone else. If you get comfortable in your own skin, it's something that can't be taken from you, no matter what someone else may think or say...or not say.


I guess this is showing through here' date=' not trying to be controversial, just want to voice an opinion.[/quote']


Your opinions are no more or less important than those of anyone else. And they are neither right nor wrong. That's the neat thing about opinions.


I like Green Day and Miley Cyrus and I don't like Buckethead or his guitar. It's my tastes' date=' go figure.


I guess I just need to give up[/quote']


Like whom you like. There are several alternatives to giving up. Growing up is an option you could try. I'll try to give an example:


I used to be able to work all day and screw all night. Now I can't work more than about 10 hours, tops. I don't burden others with it, I just take it. I'm a man, it's my job. :-



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I like a girl' date=' but she doesn't like me back. [/quote']

Stay busy doing what makes you happy.

The girl that doesn't like you never will - so give it up.


When she sees you busy, happy, and doing just fine without her, she may then wonder what makes you tick.

Let her wonder.

Trust me, she's not interested in a mopey, depressed, clingy boy - she has enough to worry about on her own.


What attracts girls?

Confidence, which comes from maturity.

Find something you're good at and just do it, somebody else will notice that you're smiling - and rockin'...


When you don't NEED a girl, that's when they might decide they want to get a little closer out of curiosity.


Tough to do when you're 17 with no job, car, or place of your own, but get used to the idea now.

Once you have some cash in your pocket and freedom to do as you please with your spare time, you'll start

meeting girls in places you never thought to look.


Good luck.

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Remember that the only difference between you and older folks is that we've been beat up more along the same lines as are hitting you now.


Karen nailed it also that just figuring on how to be a "friend" of girls is pretty important too. I really didn't have that option my last two years of high school since it was an all boys' boarding school. Excluding my "little sis," I didn't know any girls other than on a cupla "blind dates." You've got a better opportunity.


In fact consider this... what you're doing now is simply setting the stage for lots more years of still being you. I hope you never entirely "grow up," because I hope the same for myself. But on the other hand, I hope you learn that catching stuff you don't like is pretty much the same as catching stuff you do like - both will happen a lot. <grin>


And as Lao Tzu noted, if it weren't for the bad, we wouldn't know the good.



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I'm 17.


It's just a bad time for me right now. Sorry for complaining. Disregard this thread if yiu want' date=' it just helped to write it Dow. I guess[/quote']


Your young and you have your life ahead of you. Don't get hang up one particular women there are plenty out there is just a matter time. (This coming from a conform bachelor mind you.)


and if you don't find here then do like SRV did and make your guitar your first wife.

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It's all part of growing up. It sucks big time, but time eventually heals those wounds. Like Milod said, we've all been beat up a bit. As you get older, you get almost numb to anything. Nobody can hurt me now the way they could when I was younger. I've got no magic words for you, but we all know what you're going through. Grab your guitar, sit back, get comfy, and play.

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