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Getting in shape

Silenced Fred

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If you truly intend to start a new regimen, it's important to keep things simple: Complex diets and calorie counting are very difficult to maintain on a long term basis, and they tend to take the fun out of eating.


My advice would be to avoid fast food and processed food. Eat fresh food: meats, vegetables, fruit. Drink water and juices. The stuff in cans and boxes as well as everything served in the fast food chains is poison.


I agree with you that running sucks. Do you play tennis? That's certainly more fun, and it's great for condition. It's also something one can do with nice looking girls...


It may require some adjustment on your part, but developing the proper eating and fitness habits is something you will never regret.

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In 2003 I was 250. I quit drinking altogether and went on a quasi-Atkins diet. No bread or pasta, lot of chicken, carb bars and carb shakes. In about 8 months I lost 58 lbs. After the Atkins craze faded I had a hard time buying the bars and shakes. Kmart is right down the road from my work and in 2003/4 there was one whole aisle devoted to the stuff. By late 2004 it was down to a few items so I slowly began eating normal again. Over the next few years the weight slowly came back. Not all of it but I bet I weigh 230 now. In 2007 I started walking every day, working up to 3 miles. One day for reasons unknown I tried lengthening my stride. Big mistake. Next day I couldn't stand up. Several trips to the chiropractor, two MRIs, three trips to the emergency room, lots of hydrocodone, valium and even one shot of demerol. Many thousands of dollars and they claimed I had swollen discs that "might cause slight discomfort". I've since found out I did some damage to the piriformis muscle and the inflammation is putitng direct pressure on the sciatic nerve. The slightest provocation causes pain much like a toothache from my hip to toe. Sometimes it takes me several minutes to stand up in the morning. I try to keep it to a dull roar by specific stretching excercises but the damage is done. So my walking days have pretty much ended since then, compounding the weight thing.


(The Doctors never did discover the piriformis thing; I found it on the internet and the first time I did the stretching excercises there I was in blinding pain and my late father was telling me to come towards the light. After stretching I could actually walk without my cane!)


Sunday morning I took Bud for a walk, maybe a mile. Almost killed me. Shin splints and out of breath. I will do it again though. Bud likes it, I need it. I'm old and fat and miserable and Jillian Michaels hasn't returned my calls. My wife has volunteered to drive ahead of me dangling a photo of Alyson Hannigan holding a flute. That may inspire me.


Vourot is 100% correct. But those two simple things are two of the most difficult to do in life.

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Yeah, milod, I get what you are saying.


I was thinking yesterday, about why I never succeeded in sticking to any workout and diet plan, and I found my answer. I have to do it for ME and myself alone. All the other times, (judge as you might) I did it because I thought it would help my chances with a certain girl. For whatever reason, I lost hope in that opportunity, then would falter. So, I'm doing it for me, not anyone else.


I also tried counting calories and all that BS, doesn't work for me at least.


Cutting the food, and doing lots of aerobics and heart conditioning exercises. I'm decent strong, have some good muscle so I'm not worried about that. I will have to do light reps to keep it up, but my main focus is going to be on cutting weight.


Thanks for the support everyone. This is going to be hard, but one of the most worthwhile things I've done.

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I'll sum things up. Eat less' date=' move more. It is really that simple.[/quote']


I was gonna say the same thing. You can curb your appetite. Eat until you are satisified. Your stomach will shrink. Do 20-30 minutes cardio exercise 3-4 times a week. All foods are fine in moderation. If you drink soda, cut back. You're too young for beer so no worries there. Be really disciplined about it. Don't break the cycle. It works.

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I am type 1 diabetic and there is some really god advice here. I've cut down on my sugar intakes because the more your pancreas has to work , the harder it is to lose the weight...The pancreas produces insulin and that controls your blood sugars...the harder it works the harder it is to lose weight..


Swimming has been mentioned and I strongly recommend it without hitting the side of the pool. Cycling is another great one but can be hard on the knees if you don't align your body right .

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My youngest son has dropped like 80 lbs. by just cutting portion size and watching his carbs.


Any excercise you do prior to breakfast will burn fat, as you have no other fuel in your system.


I've had good success with a "no animal products before dinner" diet... I eat raw, fresh cut vegetables for breakfast, a salad for lunch and a normal dinner.


A caveat to the "No Fast Food is Healthy" mantra : Almost every fast food restraunt sells salads now, which gives you a perfectly healthy alternative to their normal fare, but you gotta be careful. Some of the dressings are outrageously carb rich. In any event, dip your salad into the dressing as opposed to pouring it on top and you'll cut down on the ammount of fat.



Good Luck! It's really all about will power...

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Lots of good stuff. A few extra thoughts:


I run, though I hate it, because it's the most efficient exercise I could find. It burns calories at a terrific rate, strengthens leg and core muscles, and improves cardiovascular conditioning - all in less time than biking, because, well, it's harder.


My physical therapist friends tell me that as long as you're not really old, a moderate "pounding" is actually good for your joints. Apparently, cartilage doesn't get blood flow, and relies on being "squished" by action to push out wastes and take in nutrients.


But something else to think about is that muscle has a higher metabolic rate than other tissue, including fat. So you can increase your resting metabolism by increasing your muscle mass. Basic isometrics like push-ups and pull-ups have helped me in the past. Of course, muscle weighs more, so the scale might not show you're losing weight, but if your goal is health, not a waif-like figure, that shouldn't matter.

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I'm not sure about the cut the carbs advice. A healthy diet is.....

40% carbs

30% fat

30% protein




I'm Diabetic. 270 carbs a day max' date=' and I typically go about half that. I can't follow this formula... or so my blood sugar tells me [crying


What my son has done is take a look at what he is eating, and putting fewer carb rich foods in his system. He's not going "0 carb". That's the whole Atkins/South Beach diet thing that is based on cutting carbs out. The issue is that it throws your system into a type of survival mode... and your body turns on itself more or less and starts using the fat deposits for energy. This is, long term, pretty hard on your system, and there have apparently been cases where more vital organs have been "scavenged" for energy.


So 0 carbs is a Very Bad Thing; lowered carb intake is a Very Good Thing.




It's about choices, but there is no substitute for a proper diet and excercise!

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All fast food is bad.

so true, I havent had any for 3 years and I've lost quite a bit round the middle. That contributed, I'm not saying it caused it all, but definitley helped.

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This also may sound silly to some... but if you're not horridly out of shape, just telling yourself, and meaning it, that you want your bod to do "X" has more effect than one might imagine.



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nearly 16... relevance?


The relevance is that 3 years ago you were 12 years old.


It's not like you're some old man with a beer belly who has to eat fast food because you're on the run for work. You were a little kid and you just eat what your parents feed you.

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The relevance is that 3 years ago you were 12 years old.


It's not like you're some old man with a beer belly who has to eat fast food because you're on the run for work. You were a little kid and you just eat what your parents feed you.

Ding ding ding!

You know how i stay skinny?

Fights. [biggrin]

Acutal i let my dogs chase my around that house for an hour a week.

I was never fat though.

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The relevance is that 3 years ago you were 12 years old.


It's not like you're some old man with a beer belly who has to eat fast food because you're on the run for work. You were a little kid and you just eat what your parents feed you.

I was rather large round the middle at the time...

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Well that's cool that you lost weight.


I'm not trying to be condescending. I just thing some of your posts are funny sometimes because of your age.

I do make an idiot of meself a lot eh? <chuckles> I have quite an ability to do so.

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Same here' date=' I may come off as an idiot but I do know something.



Thats unhealthy, just eat smaller meals. My lunch is two water bottles and a sandwich. Breakfast? Cereal and water...


recurring theme... drink lots (but not too much) H20. Too much and the salt levels in your blood will become too low and it causes nausea lightheadedness etc...[/quote']


Nah..it worked for a while, but now that I have all these exams and ******* assesments, I started back to eat lunch...


But seriously, these assesments, they never freakin stop coming....


I know its not so bad, but rushing for this and that absurd deadline and learning this and that speech, and studying and going to class, its a wonder I find time during school to eat.

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Regardless of politics, I think Mrs. Obama's campaign to at least enlighten people about "childhood" obesity is a pretty good idea.


It's a different world from that in which I was raised. There are some potential advantages, some potential disadvantages to those differences.


Yeah, I think compared to when I was a kid and teen, there are a lotta overweight and/or really out of shape kids from little to high school.


Mostly it has to do with the environment. We hadda walk a lot more, among other things. And no air conditioning at home or school; we all played a bit of this and that outside in the summer. Etc.


I know there are claims that food is in general healthier, etc., etc., etc. Yup, it probably is. But there are other factors involved in "health."


I dunno.



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