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That was a good read. Why'd you lock it up?


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Actually my real "political prejudice" would be to ban the use of applying words to objects and ideas for political reasons. My career has seen that increase to the point that it has gone well past something to gripe about and into a real concern for the integrity of the language over a period of time.


The "assault weapon" term applied to a semiautomatic rifle is actually one of the more minor examples.


But all of those changes of word meanings to craft an argument reeeeeeally bug me.


It's like in the olden days when they put the new Gibson shape with a "Les Paul" name tag on it. <chortle> If that had been "political" 'stedda "musical," we'd still be fighting over it instead of loving both the Paul and the SG.


For what it's worth, too, I discovered last fall just how differently different age groups perceive words. "Nuclear" has a far different effect on fourth graders today than for my generation, for example. Ditto "computer."


I understand the cutoff. Don't entirely agree, but understand.


Uhhhh.... Blackie's latest post just convinced me, Duane. You done good.



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Milod, you're too smart for two men.

And incredibly skilled in the fine art of diplomacy.


What was that old definition of diplomacy from way back then....





I can be better at it than I usually choose to be.

I find myself practicing my diplomatic skills for my own exercise, it's too often lost on its intended recipient.

Usually I just skip it altogether, limiting my efforts to the courtesy instilled by my parents.



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I too have recently found that I have to hone my diplomatic skills to a razor's edge-like sharpness.

It's called, "managing a little league baseball team."

Parents are often less mature than the boys playing on the team.

Still, there are those times when the ADDHD kid "must be removed from the dug out."

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All kidding aside... I can think of no nastier politics than those felt first hand by youth sports team program coaches.


It takes great courage and skill - and the sport doesn't necessarily have anything to do with it.



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All kidding aside... I can think of no nastier politics than those felt first hand by youth sports team program coaches.


It takes great courage and skill - and the sport doesn't necessarily have anything to do with it.




Preach it brother!!


Coaching youth sports was one of the most rewarding (teaching kids commitment and teamwork) yet frustrating (parents and win at all cost coaches) things I have ever done.

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But it could easily have gotten out of hand.


I was a contributor, but I think you gave it plenty of time Duane and ultimately made the right decision.


Doesnt meant it wasnt fun though!


A credit to you all for keeping it 'relatively' nice.

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I'm glad you locked it' date=' duane. I'm always a little leery when fanatics and zealots think they have the inside track to the truth.[/quote']


this is why threads get locked down....you just cant help but to make your snide little attacks.


perhaps you arent talking about me, but i hardly consider myself a zealot because i own and occasionally carry a firearm for own defense. i know that Evil Black Rifles scare the pants of some people, but they are little different than other commercially available hunting rifles.


and as a matter of interest, it cracks me up that anytime i or neo or anyone mentions firearms as a hobby (and attempts to defend the 2nd Amendment), we are attacked as being zealots, gun nuts, crazies, fanatics, etc, but none of you ever attack the guy who produces a controlled substance in his backyard for "medicinal" purposes. and no, I am not attacking this person either. i just find it interesting that when i act within the confines of my state's laws, i'm a nut job. but when he/she does it, producing a product that has been shown to be a major source of abuse and a gateway to much worse things, not a word of criticism is spoken.

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this is why threads get locked down....you just cant help but to make your snide little attacks.


perhaps you arent talking about me' date=' but i hardly consider myself a zealot because i own and occasionally carry a firearm for own defense. i know that Evil Black Rifles scare the pants of some people, but they are little different than other commercially available hunting rifles.


and as a matter of interest, it cracks me up that anytime i or neo or anyone mentions firearms as a hobby (and attempts to defend the 2nd Amendment), we are attacked as being zealots, gun nuts, crazies, fanatics, etc, but none of you ever attack the guy who produces a controlled substance in his backyard for "medicinal" purposes. and no, I am not attacking this person either. i just find it interesting that when i act within the confines of my state's laws, i'm a nut job. but when he/she does it, producing a product that has been shown to be a major source of abuse and a gateway to much worse things, not a word of criticism is spoken. [/quote']


Particularly noteworthy is the absence of any commentary on the fact that this same person is not only a legal grower of the substance in question but a 2d Amendment supporter and ccw holder as well. [love]


C'mon...bring it! [cool]

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perhaps you arent talking about me' date=' but i hardly consider myself a zealot because i own and occasionally carry a firearm for own defense. [/quote']


Not at all referring to you Fenn, but if the shoe fits... And I support the second amendment. I am referring to the gentleman who called me a liar for stating my opinion on several occasions.

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