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What makes a good guitarist?

Silenced Fred

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I'm trying to convince my parents to help fund an Orange Dual Terror, and they asked me, how good are you?


I didn't really know how to answer. I know scales, I can play solos, but I tend to be more of a rhythm player. I have good time, and find myself more useful there because a lot of people that play guitar that I know can't count for sh¡t, so I have kind of made that my niche. I can do riffs, chords, some solos.


In your definition, what makes a good guitar player?

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Well there is no way anybody can define that. I think you should instead show your parents how serious you are about playing. I know if my kid took a very active interest in something then I'd be inclined to buy something nice for him...

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Well there is no way anybody can define that. I think you should instead show your parents how serious you are about playing. I know if my kid took a very active interest in something then I'd be inclined to buy something nice for him...



I second that, when I was a teen I showed my parents how dedicated I was. Also how the "right" equipment would last and be with me for a lifetime.

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For me, it took others who were knowledgeable about music and musicians to tell my folks I had promise. Once a couple of established and working musicians told them they should encourage me, they were much more receptive and supportive.


I hope that helps!




ETA* Actually... for my Mom, it took an impromptu beach concert. She used to tease me about only knowing 3 chords until the night I went out to the beach with my guitar. She came to check on me in a couple of hours and found me surrounded by people listening to me play.



So go to the beach and put on a free concert. It worked for Guns N Roses!



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That's kinda what I was getting at. That's what I told them. I can play and am progressing. I mean, its not like I'm asking for a 100 watt Marshall head, it would be for the kind of stuff I would be playing, jam sessions, small gigs, whatnot.


I didn't think there was any way to define a guitarist as good or not

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Nathan, yeah, I think Rocketman hit it pretty well...


You're young, but look at all the folks you know your age and younger who have started this and quit, started that and quit, started the other thing and quit...


So it's not even a matter of "are you very talented and skilled," as much as "is this a part of you that it is part of your life that can't be left behind?"


Granted, that's harder to prove than ability. But... <grin> Good luck, truly. Heck, my parents never did "get it" along those lines for a number of reasons that had nothing to do with me or my interests.



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Personally I think it should be more a "How much do you love it" not "Are you any good?".

Just my opinion. A guy who loves it more than anything else but isnt that good deserves it more than someone who is fantastic and doesnt really enjoy it.



Just my opinion

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If your playing annoys them, they're probably not going to buy you an amp with Terror in the name. If you're in a situation where you can't play loudly, a loud amp makes no sense. 5 watts is as loud as a trumpet. Think about it.

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If your playing annoys them' date=' they're probably not going to buy you an amp with Terror in the name. If you're in a situation where you can't play loudly, a loud amp makes no sense. 5 watts is as loud as a trumpet. Think about it.



I know what you mean. They were a little shaken up at first, but I told them its only the name, and that it goes down to 7 watts.


They understand.

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I know what you mean. They were a little shaken up at first' date=' but I told them its only the name, and that it goes down to 7 watts.


They understand.[/quote']


I'm telling you, 7 watts is ****ing loud.

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The heck with what makes a "good" guitarist.


If you love it, do it. If you don't, don't bother. Never forget that it's cheaper both than drink and punching doors and walls. A lot less painful, too. And you end up smiling a lot more.



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I read all the other answers, and I can tell you one thing; Your going about this all wrong!

You don't have to convince them your good enough for a great guitar and amp..............

Just tell them that if you don't get the amp and guitar you need, your going to sell all your gear and take up drums!!!!!!!!!!!! And your never going to leave home till you can play just like Ginger Baker!!!


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I agree dedication and hard work and a true love of music make a good guitarist very few are born as musical prodigy most have to earn it.


Hard call for a parent on what is a need and what is a want I tended to err on the side of buying it early since good gear makes it easier to learn, and if they quit hell I got the gear back anyway. My parents were not wealthy so I earned my first gear pretty slowly, my parents bought me a LP standard and a L6-s along with a 1974 Marshall 18 watt amp when I got into college on a full scholarship, they had saved money for school so when I got a full ride scholarship for Football and academics they splurged some and the rest of the money went into my sisters college fund I will always remember that day though a amp and two new guitars. The amp and the L6-s are still with me 30 some years later (LP was stolen in early 80's) so good equipment does last almost forever at least.


The amazing part of the guitars was I was not expecting anything especially help in college I was kicked out of the house on my 16 birthday so thought the parent thing was pretty much over then but they still had a college fund going even though I was out on my own. Before anybody thinks my parents were jerks trust me I earned it when I got kicked out [crying] my poor dad took me outside on my 16 birthday and pointed at a almost new pickup he said there you go the good news is that's your present, the bad news is everything you own is in it your too much to handle now, so we love you but goodbye...

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God and Bad are subjective. Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced are not.


I think what your parents are trying to get you to think about would be more "Do you NEED a Dual Orange terror, or do you WANT a Dual Orange Terror?"


Do you really think you've "Out Grown" your current set up? Has your playing advanced to the point where you need to upgrade your amp? If you Need an Orange Terror then I bet they'll help you get one. If you Want one, they'd probably want to see you try to get it yourself.

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