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Refinish my SJ200 WC?

Buc McMaster

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I have sent inquiries to a few master guitar luthiers/refinishers around the country about having my SJ200 worked on. Don't start screaming at me! I have always thought the ES-295 was one of Gibson's finest creations.......the color scheme to me is classic. See what I mean here: Gibson ES295. For quite some time I have entertained the idea of having my 200 refinished in this manner: Gibson bullion gold paint with a custom p/g in the 295 style - ivory white with gold accents. I envision a p/g bound in the manner of the original on my Western Classic of a size and shape a bit different, retaining a similar floral design as the 295 p/g. I would, of course, at the same time have the neck reset. The guitar plays great for now, but the saddle is a bit lower than I would like and a reset will be necessary in another few years.....might has well have it made right if I'm going to do the refinish.


At this point this is just sending out feelers for pricing and turn around times, but I really might do this is it's not cost prohibitive, which it may well be. Certainly the original Gibson tri-burst finish is outstanding and beautiful to behold, but I believe an SJ200 in bullion gold would be just as beautiful and truly unique.


Any thoughts?

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It's your call. I'm wondering first off if your SJ-200 is a burst?

Bursts are my favourite so I would never change one. But here's an idea . . .

That refinishing work is going to cost a fair bit with a custom guard too. How about starting to save up and get The Custom Shop to build you the Buc Master Bullion SJ-200 with the gold top and pickguard to your specs. You choose whatever back/side/top wood you wanted and go for a different combination to your current SJ-200 to get a different sound. You could have the back and sides and the back of the neck in a custom colour too . . . maybe ebony. And you could even consider having a J-185 size guitar rather than an SJ-200 size, both for contrast and also I have a feeling that gold would work better (aesthetically) on a J-185 size guitar.

Just an idea . . .

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My first thought would be to see how much a custom order for this goldtop

would be and then sell your current guitar. The Western Classic is a very

valuable guitar either on eBay or other online markets and you should have

no problem selling it. You could then have Gibson build exactly what you want

with a warranty to boot.


Just my $.02

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Buck' date='


My first thought would be to see how much a custom order for this goldtop

would be and then sell your current guitar. The Western Classic is a very

valuable guitar either on eBay or other online markets and you should have

no problem selling it. You could then have Gibson build exactly what you want

with a warranty to boot.


Just my $.02[/quote']



Good advice

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... Don't start screaming at me! ...


Any thoughts?



Let me see if I understand this --- you want to pay someone to spray paint your Western Classic gold ?


We're in a free capitalist society' date=' and it's your guitar to do with as you please ---


You already know you'll spend lots of money to make your guitar less valuable --- doubt you care about that --- but defacing a Western Classic ?


There's a local guy selling a mid 90's SJ-200 with a half scratched off pickguard --- I can [i']almost[/i] see doing it with a guitar like that, maybe, well I wouldn't but... a Western Classic ?


I gotta agree with the go Custom route



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Hmm. Not a well received idea, and perhaps for good reason. Shall we chalk this up to an extended brain fart on my part? Yes, I would still like to have a 200 in bullion gold maybe it shouldn't be this particular one. I spoke to a noted luthier by phone yesterday and he almost cried. It is his considerable opinion that stripping an acoustic guitar for paint destroys every bit of it's tonal properties. While I'm not sure of the how and why of that, his opinion and experience does carry weight and should not be disregarded out of hand. So I suppose I'll put off my hankerin' for a gold 200 for now at least. Thanks for not thinking me insane......at least not out loud!

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...a noted luthier... It is his considerable opinion that stripping an acoustic guitar for paint destroys every bit of it's tonal properties. While I'm not sure of the how and why of that...


I read an interview with Paul Reed Smith where he talked about experimenting with different finishes, and how they harden, and how various finishes effected tone.


So, extrapolating from that --- it may have something to do with the hardness of the settled in original nitro lacquer finish being a factor in the tonal equasion.

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Hey Buc,

You need to go by Fuller's and check out the gold J-45. I recall you saying you live near there. It's really an interesting looking guitar and a fine player. If I was in the market for that look, it certainly fits the bill. I'd leave the WC alone. I recall a while back you saying you might fill in the neck inlays. Are you sure you're not just having us all on? That WC is a great guitar. Not much about it I'd want to change.


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Well I have received one response to my inquiries so far.......and I am very, very tempted to do this. The price is lower than I expected, quite reasonable actually. Neck reset, fretwork, complete refinishing in bullion gold and clear nitro and a few other minor things......all for under $1K and about 120 days time. And the shop is internationally reputable. I am still pondering this....... If the guitar were mahogany I would only do the top in gold, matching the paint scheme of goldtop Les Pauls. Being rosewood though, I think it needs a whole-body paint job, neck and all. Picture an all gold SJ200 if you can.........quite impressive, me thinks.


Selling my 200 and ordering another in a custom color is cost prohibitive. Being lefthanded, finding a buyer would be problematic from the get go and a resale price would not come close to the cost of a new Custom Shop piece.

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DO you really want to do that?

I really don't understand you in this case...

But we are different - all of us.

And do not understand you doesn't mean that I don't respect you, my friend.

If this is in your soul - do it.


... by the way - "Calling Alexia" is ready 90%. I'll record it sooner than I told you ;-)

And it gets even better then the stuff that you saw.


Good luck with your SJ 200 ;-)

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i think this repaint sounds like a job for a good Craigslist SJ-200. I agree with what the rest are saying about your western classic left-handed or not! I'd send it to bozeman for the neck set too just to keep the warranty in tact. i did it with mine a few years back and it's been great


after the repaint the only visible difference i think would be the headstock? there are of course some other difference (adi vs. sitka, bracing?)

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as i understand it.............. a goldtop acoustic sounds terrible. that is bronze powder mixed in with the paint. we all want a thin finish so the top can vibrate freely. some guys even take the pickguard off to get more. we argue about bridge pins making a difference. a coating of heavy metal can't be good!

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Your brain fart is over!



My twopenneth is that there is a simple answer..


Buy an Epi J200 clone and spary that ( including the headstock.)


You'll get a similar look and the thing will play as well as you beautiful guitar with half a ton of paint on the soundboard.


Hell doubtless you can eevn get a Gibson Sticker for the headstock from somewhere


However I do agree with modoc..... a change of bridge pins would be essential!

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Let me get this straight---- You are thinking it now makes sense because you got a low bid to do the work?


It that's all that it takes, give Earl Scheib a call.


BUT Please- spare that guitar!!!

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Let me get this straight---- You are thinking it now makes sense because you got a low bid to do the work?


No, no, no. You may think me crazy, but don't imply that I am stupid.



I have decided not to do the refinish of the 200 so y'all can let this thread go the way of the dinosaur.....please.

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