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WTF? I got denied from Henry's forum...

Silenced Fred

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Maybe Henry does not want to help you choose what amp to buy :-# maybe he does not like polls...[biggrin]


I got accepted but I did not know my "application" was under review.


I will think of something to ask that actually contributes something as opposed to those guys that are asking why a Gibson is more expensive than a Fender...

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Unfortunately Henry and his staff are going to have to weed through all the retarded stuff some folks have posted, I mean Curtis Adkins is posting in that forum, also Gibson haters are going to take the chance to ask stupid questions. Why are Gibsons so expensive? :)

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Its not the end of the world and all things considered its a feel good maneuver which very little will result from posts from the average user. They approve all posts for Henry to look at so don't expect any ground shaking evolution from either Gibson or Henry.


Personally I would not waste my time or effort


You do not know that for sure, he wants to listen to well informed people that make sense, know their stuff and may have valuable advice.


If you ask him stuff like why Gibsons are more expensive than imports for instance you are wasting your time, matter a fact you would be wasting his time and effort.

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I think it's wise that they weed out the non-sense.


"Henry, do you think my Les Paul Studio look better with speed knobs or top hats?"

"Henry, what do you think I should replace my Studio's pickups with, I will start a poll?"

"Henry, what kind of distortion should I use with my Wine Red Studio?"

"Henry, which hand should I wipe my bum with, my picking hand or my fretting hand? Shall I start a poll?"

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agreed about stupid questions like your example but on a flip side its all edited and monitored so who knows what really great questions are being deleted' date=' denied and or censored. Loads of permissions and security issues also with that homemade forum.


Finally knowing what I have read about him, I seriously doubt its him to begin with.



Great questions being deleted? seriously? you really think that? ...oh my.


I think it is him and that is the reason he only answers certain posts. Why would even bothersetting a forum to then do what you suggest?


Good thing you are taking the option of not contributing...no offense meant.

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Unfortunately Henry and his staff are going to have to weed through all the retarded stuff some folks have posted' date=' I mean Curtis Adkins is posting in that forum, also Gibson haters are going to take the chance to ask stupid questions. Why are Gibsons so expensive? #-o





Curtis adkins? Curtis is not much of a problem when you consider that guy whose LP studio was stolen and is asking Henry for a (free) new one? [lol]

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Yea, I jus noticed that there are more then a few beggers.


people that are sick, poor people that can't afford a luxury item and the guy that wants a sponsorship, this last one is within business reason as the guy does have the chops to back is request, good luck to him.

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