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Thread starter (post delete feature)

duane v

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In lieu of threads being taken off track by the same obnoxious individuals. I'm gonna throw out this poll and see if the Epi members would like to have this feature. And if there is an over-whelming yes vote for the "post delete" feature, where the thread starter can dispose of any unwanted responses within their threads. I will forward this thread over to shadow and see if they can institute such a feature.

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In lieu of threads being taken off track by the same obnoxious individuals. I'm gonna throw out this poll and see if the Epi members would like to have this feature. And if there is an over-whelming yes vote for the "post delete" feature' date=' where the thread starter can dispose of any unwanted responses within their threads. I will forward this thread over to shadow and see if they can institute such a feature.[/quote']


Duane, while I understand the senitment, given the friction we've all experienced, at one time

or another...I have to say it's not a great idea. Because, who then decides who gets axed and why?

It got pretty obnoxious and petty, when the "Mods" did it, who...being their forum, or their "oversee,"

were more entitled (for lack of a better term), to do so. What we complained about then, was the "heavy handedness" they displayed, and utter lack of "reason," (seemingly) all to often.

This forum, as in life, has "all kinds," and we have to deal with them, and they US, too.

So...I have to say "no," respectfully.



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In lieu of threads being taken off track by the same obnoxious individuals. I'm gonna throw out this poll and see if the Epi members would like to have this feature. And if there is an over-whelming yes vote for the "post delete" feature' date=' where the thread starter can dispose of any unwanted responses within their threads. I will forward this thread over to shadow and see if they can institute such a feature.[/quote']Posts like this prove out your nonsense even more. Continue on I need a good laugh....#-o
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In lieu of threads being taken off track by the same obnoxious individuals. I'm gonna throw out this poll and see if the Epi members would like to have this feature. And if there is an over-whelming yes vote for the "post delete" feature' date=' where the thread starter can dispose of any unwanted responses within their threads. I will forward this thread over to shadow and see if they can institute such a feature.[/quote']


How about a delete feature for those posters we catch in their lies and BS...still waiting for that Les Paul photo, Duane.




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Duane' date=' while I understand the sentiment, given the friction we've all experienced, at one time

or another...I have to say it's not a great idea. Because, who then decides who gets axed and why?

It got pretty obnoxious and petty, when the "Mods" did it, who...being their forum, or their "oversee,"

were more entitled (for lack of a better term), to do so. What we complained about then, was the "heavy handedness" they displayed, and utter lack of "reason," (seemingly) all to often.

This forum, as in life, has "all kinds," and we have to deal with them, and they US, too.

So...I have to say "no," respectfully.




And I respect your opinion, and really it's just an idea.... Maybe give the thread starter some added ability to maintain the integrity of their thread, so that it doesn't spiral into an off-topic flame fest. I know if I start a thread, I don't want two or three knuckleheads going off on a "battle of the insults" and completely throwing off the thread.


We don't have an active moderator, so why not have the thread starter moderate their own threads. Instead of a heavy handed moderator throwing out ban notices.

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And I respect your opinion' date=' and really it's just an idea.... Maybe give the thread starter some added ability to maintain the integrity of their thread, so that it doesn't spiral into an off-topic flame fest. I know if I start a thread, I don't want two or three knuckleheads going off on a "battle of the insults" and completely throwing off the thread.


We don't have an active moderator, so why not have the thread starter moderate their own threads. Instead of a heavy handed moderator throwing out ban notices.[/quote']So...you want the ability to delete any reply to a thread you post?


You think you are that great that only your opinion matters and anything you think is a flame or not what you want in your thread you should be able to delete?


Here's a nifty idea. How about not posting threads that incite flame type responses, use a few brain cells before you post a thread as to the replying you really seek.

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And I respect your opinion' date=' and really it's just an idea.... Maybe give the thread starter some added ability to maintain the integrity of their thread, so that it doesn't spiral into an off-topic flame fest. I know if I start a thread, I don't want two or three knuckleheads going off on a "battle of the insults" and completely throwing off the thread.


We don't have an active moderator, so why not have the thread starter moderate their own threads. Instead of a heavy handed moderator throwing out ban notices.[/quote']


Why? So when you start some line of crap and you get caught up in your lies and nonsense you can pull the plug so you don't look like the prevaricating simpleton you usually prove yourself to be?



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So...you want the ability to delete any reply to a thread you post?


You think you are that great that only your opinion matters and anything you think is a flame or not what you want in your thread you should be able to delete?


Here's a nifty idea. How about not posting threads that incite flame type responses' date=' use a few brain cells before you post a thread as to the replying you really seek.[/quote']


77% to 22% so far...I think I'd rather be Sarah Palin running in 2012..



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If there is a disagreement, there is a polite way to disagree. Just state that you disagree and state your facts. If you are right, the facts will surely speak for themselves and everyone will see that. There is no need for insults when explaining one's side of the story. This blog should not be like the Taiwanese parliament, where fist-fights and chair-smashings are a common thing, lol.

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I guess we understand some of the objectors.


Frankly, I don't see anything wrong with this idea.

If you're talking about the thread starter being able to delect replys that go off topic in a way seen as negative, the problem is

what if someone deletes, for example:


in another thread charlie and someone, sorry I forgot who, started exchanging off topic information because they had come from or lived in

the same area..


IOW it could be useful, but it could also be petty.


I really doubt that, to be honest, but it's a possibility.


I think it might be a better idea if you simply had the moderators read a post and if he finds that particular post is

not up to a certain criteria. then the thread originators request might be honored and that post deleted by him.


I do think it's fair for a thread originator to make such a request. I think it would be helpful.

I think that if the Mods were willing to take the time, which I believe would really be little-especially after

the idea was agreed upon and acted upon a few times, it would work out quite well.


It seems to me not censorship at all.. after all, in real life you can walk away, and while you can just not read a post in here, the fact that a conversation you started gets sidetracked is more like having someone shout over your conversation.

I dont think it would be abused, either.

The folks in here are too level headed for the most part for that to happen.


I see that as an issue of trust, not of censorship.


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Yeah, I go "off topic" now and then...LOL! But, generally, not for long...a reply or two...usually, then I try to get

back on topic, AQAP. But, we ALL do that, now and then, right? That's partly how we get to know one another

a bit better, and exchange some ideas that might lend themselves to another thread, even. I'm no forum expert,

by any stretch, but most I have participated in, go off topic as often, if not more so, than we do here. It was

one of the things the original "mods" got a bit heavy handed about. And, if the truth be told, I'm sure we can ALL

do better, if need be? But, you'll never stop it, entirely...and it would be "boring," if one has to be that strict, all

the time. Personally, I think this forum does pretty well, all around. Some bumps along the way, are to be

expected...but, for the most part, we get along pretty well, in comparison to some forums I've witnessed...but

didn't bother joining, because of that. So...???



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Poll or no poll, good idea or bad, what you're suggesting simply isn't a possibility within the technological framework of a messageboard. In order to delete posts, you have to be in a user privelege level with the ability to delete posts. It can only be grouped by individual sections of the board, ie moderators of just the electrics section or just the amp section, and so on. "CustomerService" is a global moderator, and this forum from what I can tell is not set up for localized mods, nor is it really big enough. I don't believe the forum software even allows a privelege level of deleting other users' posts in threads you started... But seeing as how they don't even have us enabled to delete our own posts, I doubt they would enable such a feature even if the software allowed. (I used to run an invisionfree board for transformers toy collectors, hence where my knowledge comes from. This does not appear to be the same software exactly, but it is very similar in function, so I assume the same level of similarity in design.)


The only other way it could be done is if everyone was given moderator priveleges, which I tried for a while in one section of my board. Short story, it doesn't work.


Bottom line, it can't happen, but if it could, I would still vote against it. "with great power comes great responsibility" and so on, LOL. I doubt many, if any of us would handle the power well.


Not to mention, Marx and Nelson would see their post counts almost immediately cut in half, which wouldn't be very fair, LOL!

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while I hate the arguing and other BS that ends up in many posts around here, the feature would defintely get abused and usefull info would get smoked for no other reason then the wrong person posted it. If someone is being a abusive/ignorant or obnoxious prick and you don't like it, copy what they said and send it to the mods for them to take care of... Eventually they might take care of it if enough people complain about something. But smoking posts right or wrong is something only the mods should be able to do.... and even then, as mentioned, they suck at it

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while I hate the arguing and other BS that ends up in many posts around here' date=' the feature would definitely get abused and useful info would get smoked for no other reason then the wrong person posted it. [b']If someone is being a abusive/ignorant or obnoxious prick and you don't like it, copy what they said and send it to the mods for them to take care of... Eventually they might take care of it if enough people complain about something[/b]. But smoking posts right or wrong is something only the mods should be able to do.... and even then, as mentioned, they suck at it


That would be an option, especially now there appears to a be a moderator taking a blink over here every now and then.

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I have to say "no" myself.


Self censorship yes, but anything else has the potential to be abused.


There are always cranky people and very nice people who tend to get cranky once in a while (myself included).


Listening to speech you don't like is the problem with free speech, but the problems associated with censorship are even worse. So we have to pay the price for having free speech and put up with speech we don't like.


We have the option to ignore anything we don't like, and often, that is the best option.


Insights and incites by Notes

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