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To Pedal, or not?

charlie brown

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Hi All...

I experienced a situation, not long ago, where in a "jam-

open mic" situation, one fellow that came up to play, had to

have very specific pedals, at very specific levels, or he felt

he couldn't play! I was astounded, by that attitude, frankly.

I went through the "pedals" stage, where I had lots of

them, and/or a mulit-effects (all in one) board. But I

seem to always go back, to a great guitar, a great amp,

and the cord! All of "MY" favorite players used just that...

simplicity. A lot of the tones that are referenced here,

as desirable, were simply overdriven tube amps, and guitar...

(Oh, a Wah-Wah, now and then), but...for the most part,

it was "bare bones!" Also, that's the way I learned to play,

initially...just the guitar and amp, and all adjustments were

made between them. And, because of that, I've always

used pedals/stomp-boxes, very sparingly...even when I

owned a lot, I didn't use them, that much.


Do you find yourselves relying on pedals, or...using them for awhile,

then discarding them, or still using them, but very sparingly?

And, what pedals do you use most often, and why?



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Oh, I hate using a pedal. They really hurt me...really do. Everytime I use one it hurts that I am using them to somehow get more from my amp and guitar. Boost, EQ, overdrive...my amps and guitars should supply that stuff.


I have a new VOX AC30 and it absolutely KILLS me that I have to shape my sound with an EQ pedal. Remove some harshness, scoop some lows.... The damn amp should have enough knobs to do that! I feel completely ripped off anytime I use a pedal. I just want guitar into amp! Most times I can get that. But still I sometimes reach for a pedal and I feel used and ripped off. Can't shake that feeling.

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I don't have any need for them myself. I can't afford an AC30 (you lucky dog BeatleNut), but I have a Vox AD30VT, and I find it has all the effects I need or want. I did purchase the switch which allows me to switch between 2 different presets, and between 2 effects, but I don't even use that very often. I like modeling amps for this reason.

But someday when I can afford to get an all-tube amp, I may have to get some pedals. But who knows.

For now, I too just like to plug in and play.

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It's kind of pragmatic for me.


I'd never bring my pedal board-to an open mike jam. Too much to fuss with. I'll bring my Bluesdriver or Bluesbreaker 2 pedal just incase the house amp has no gain and I want it, but that's it. Less is better in that situation-less time lost, less possibility of not blending in. Also, I think it's appreciated by the quality musicians there when you can sound good w/o a bunch of extra gear.


In my own project or a project where I'm encouraged to be myself, I'll definitely use the board. I don't think I over use effects though. there isn't much on it my board really, just wah, OD, Freq. boost, tremolo, slap back echo, and rotary sim. I'm never using everything at once. I have a Motion sound cabinet, but the boss rotary sim is easier to carry...no tremolo on any of my amps-and I MUST have tremolo. Some of my amps have no gain function, so I need that. Wah goes without saying, and slap back is just too much fun not to have...then there is the BBE Freq Boost...patterened after a Dallas Range Master supposedly...it's just too damn cool not to use.

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I'm ambivalent about pedals ...... I never have felt I have to rely on them, but depending on the sound I'm after, they come in handy. I like them, a lot .... but don't need them - sometimes doing without can really alter one's take on the way they play a certain song or phrase. I need a better amp before I invest any more $$$ in pedals/fx ..... just sayin'

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I agree with everything that has been said. There's nothing like the tone of the valve amp clipping in to overdrive and using the onboard controls on the guitar to get desired levels of distortion and tone.


However, when you think about it, there are also some classic songs on which the simple use of a particular effect has made the song. Indeed, the use of guitar effects has had a massive impact on popular music culture. Here are a few examples:




Jimmy Hendrix- Voodoo Chile


U2- Where the streets have no name


Nirvana- Come as you are



I'm sure others can think of many more

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Yeah, I understand totally, the "fun" element...and even the "need" now and then, for a particular sound/tone, etc.

But, to say one can't join in or even play, because there isn't such and such a pedal, or amp, etc...is "NUTS," and

frankly, a bit sad...to me! But, maybe that's just me?! LOL!


It's interesting, all the diverse points of view, though...as always.

Thanks...keep 'em coming!



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Yeah' date=' I understand totally, the "fun" element...and even the "need" now and then, for a particular sound/tone, etc.

But, to say one can't join in or even play, because there isn't such and such a pedal, or amp, etc...is "NUTS," and

frankly, a bit sad...to me! But, maybe that's just me?! LOL!


It interesting, all the diverse points of view, though...as alwasy.

Thanks...keep 'em coming!




Agreed there Charlie. All these great players didn't rely on effects but used them to great effect as and when the song required them.

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I've played with guys that live for them......I'm not one of them.

Everything has it's place and effects are no different. A matter of taste I guess. I like the sound of my guitars.

I do use a blues driver and/or a digital delay once in a while; mostly to enhance the sound of my guitars not to change them. I have used other effects for the sake of a song....not for the sake of my playing or my guitars.


They're just not something I have to have.

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I used my pedals ( I have 5 ) for gigs on regular bases...But believe me' date=' it won't stop me to play with you guys if I would'nt have none of them...[/quote'] Exactly. Just gimme a guitar..... acoustic, electric, electric with the works (pedalboard and all).... don't matter - it's all good, one way or another :-k
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Yeah...I understand not wanting to use someone else's guitar? I'm like that, myself...but then I always take my own guitar and amp, anyway. Don't always use my amp, but I do prefer to use my own guitar...whatever it is. Some people come with nothing, and expect the "world," apparently? Then..complain, and/or pontificate about how much better they "could" have played, if they'd just had the "right gear!" LOL!!!


Well...takes all kinds, to make a world. ;>)



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My favorite tones are guitar ,amp and cord but I do have a bunch of effects and I use them sparingly. I also have a Leslie 145 modified to use with any amp head and that is the best modulated type effect ever IMHO! After you play through a Leslie a chorus just doesn't cut it! Nothing comes close to the real deal.

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I won't play MY amp without the Sonic Stomp, but I'll play on anyone else's with whatever they have running. Actually, I had a situation recently where I needed to play a buddy's rig, to play a song with them on stage. He runs one of those old school digitech multi-effects pedalboard units that sound pretty dated... He runs it into a peavey valve king... I played a few notes to check signal, and the tone was so bad I reached down and pulled the cord from the pedal and put it straight in the amp... Turned a few knobs, and it sounded 10 times better. He was mad at first, but by the end of the song, he decided he liked it better that way, and just played without effects the rest of the night. (Afterwards, I helped him set the pedal up without any distortion on different banks so he could use the amp tone I dialed in with his effects, and still had his old presets in case he changed his mind later.)

Point is, I don't really NEED any pedals to get a good, usable tone out of any rig that is capable of one... But for "my" tone, I use the pedals I have.

I've even gotten to the point where I don't even switch channels on the Mesa... I either roll back the volume pedal for clean, or if it's a song where I need to be able to switch from clean to dirty instantly, I use the neck pup with the volume at about 3 for clean tone, and use the toggle as a "channel" switch, with the bridge pup wide open for dirty. The in-between setting actually gives me a good semi-distorted third "channel" to use in a few verses, too. Amazing how versatile a volume knob or two can make your guitar when you get rid of a noise gate pedal, LOL!

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This is an interesting thread. I am new to electric guitar, having played acoustic for >35 years. I've played my acoustic through a PA for the last 3 or so years. With the new Epi Dot Deluxe, right now I have the Roland Cube 20X with an EQ pedal which I run through the PA. I just bought a foot switch (arriving next week) to switch channels for leads.


But I have no desire to have bunches of pedals that I need to remember what they do.

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I have 8 pedals, and only use 2 of them regularly (Vox V847A wah, and my US Big Muff).


I always take the Muff with me for open mic nights, but if I didn't have any pedals with me that wouldn't keep me from playing.


I think that if a persons playing is so dependent on pedal effects that a situation arises like the one Charlie described then that person seriously needs to step back and re-evaluate themselves as a guitarist.

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I think that if a persons playing is so dependent on pedal effects that a situation arises like the one Charlie described then that person seriously needs to step back and re-evaluate themselves as a guitarist.

That's a bit harsh.


I have no problem with someone who needs pedals.


If their style/sound dictates that need, so be it. Far from me to tell someone they are less of a guitarist because they need a stomp box to get the sound they want.

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I, too, like the tone from a simple chain of guitar=>cord=>amp.

And mostly, I am quite happy with the tone I'm getting from my guitars straight to my amp (all-tube, 60W Peavey Ultra 212, MIA in 1999).

But the problem (?) is that I don't gig and can rarely crank up the amp to enjoy its full potential.

At bedroom-approved (or should I say, my wife-approved) volume level, what I'm getting in distorted tone is mostly due to pre-amp gain, which is little buzzy and quite not as smooth/juicy/powerful as power-tube distortion.


But using my multi-effect processor (Digitech RP14-D that has a 12AX7 pre-amp tube), I get to hear quite pleasing power-tube breakup-like tone without actually cranking up the volume and hearing from my wife or neighbors.

(I don't think this produces a real "authentic" amp tone such as Marshall Stack, Rectifier---, but the tone is very much usable)


So even though I enjoy the organic tone from my guitars straight to my amp, I do say that there is a place for a pedal or multi-effect processor in my setup.


Let me put it this way...

The pedals are there to help us define or find the tone that we desire.

If one can do so without using pedal, then that's perfectly fine.

But if pedals can help us, then why not use them?

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Ah, I agree with you Marx but I just meant its a bit ridiculous for some one to refuse to play at an open mic/jam unless they have all their effects.


I have friends that use up too 15 pedals at once, but they are perfectly willing to go and just jam at an open mic with just their guitars.

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That's a bit harsh.


I have no problem with someone who needs pedals.


If their style/sound dictates that need' date=' so be it. Far from me to tell someone they are less of a guitarist because they need a stomp box to get the sound they want.[/quote']


I agree. Nothing wrong with using a stomp box, or any other effect, to get a particular sound.


I think the crux of this issue is that there probably is a problem when players need effects to cover up their mistakes/inadequacies.

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That's a bit harsh.


I have no problem with someone who needs pedals.


If their style/sound dictates that need' date=' so be it. Far from me to tell someone they are less of a guitarist because they need a stomp box to get the sound they want.[/quote']

I think there's two different schools of thought on that. I don't think somebody like, say, David Gilmour would EVER play a show without his pedalboard, but I'm sure he would be completely okay with walking into a pub, picking up whatever guitar was sitting around, plugging it in to whatever amp was on stage, and sitting in on a jam. It's the guys who absolutely refuse to even touch a guitar without "their" pedals that would leave me inclined to agree with the statement about reevaluating themselves as a guitarist.

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The pedals are there to help us define or find the tone that we desire.

If one can do so without using pedal' date=' then that's perfectly fine.

But if pedals can help us, then why not use them?



It's my philosophy!!

I would like to go at gig with just my amp and guitar, but my amp sound so much better with a booster! And I need a EQ for boosting my solo... and I need a Whammy for that Rage Against The Machine song... and a Wah for 2 or 3 songs... You get the picture!!!

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