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R9 is R9-less

Tim Plains

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Well, I still have Pearly but it's not a regular R9.

I've been going through all my guitars and selling all the ones I'm not 100% happy with (tone, feel, looks - all three).

I traded my 2007 R9 towards a PRS Private Stock and I sold my 2009 R9 recently. Guess that now makes R9...R9-less!!


I bought an R0 back in July and I'm buying another one tomorrow - maybe I should change my name here to R0? [lol]

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2+ hours may be far to a city person but to those of us up north it's right next door. ;)


Could be an opportunity to have him sign the guitar. Many of ZZ's crew are (or at least were a few years ago so I assume they still are) into flying remote airplanes and if the size of the property makes it possible, can often be seen flying their planes somewhere on the venue's property. All you'd have to do is talk to one of them and ask if it were possible....

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Is Tim a stock broker in his day job?



"This is THE one to have - don't miss this opportunity!"



One week later;

"This is THE one to have - don't miss this opportunity!"

"Yeah, but what about the stuff I bought last week?"

"Sell that crap, take your losses and move on!"



One week later;

"This is THE one to have - don't miss this opportunity!"

"Yeah, but..."

"No BUTS! Buy this one NOW!!!"



(Heavy sigh...)





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I don't think you need to change your name. It's like if you retire from the army you still keep your title . . . like Major R9 etc. On the other hand you could follow the example set by Prince and you could become 'the artist formerly known as R9' then later you could just be 'the artist" until finally you will just become known by a symbol.

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TAFKA-R9, I like that. [lol]


Could be an opportunity to have him sign the guitar.

I've heard that Billy often doesn't sign guitars. Honestly, I wouldn't even want him to sign it. If anything, it would be cool just to put the guitars in his hands (again [biggrin]) and watch him play it.



I thought one of your R9s was your favorite

Yup, favourite or second favorite LP (Pearly being the other). I was never happy with the top from day one, though, but the guitar sounded so good I bought it anyways. Obviously, it finally got the better of me and I sold it. Why keep a guitar you're not 100% happy with, right? There are so many out there that you shouldn't have to settle.


Is Tim a stock broker in his day job?



"This is THE one to have - don't miss this opportunity!"



One week later;

"This is THE one to have - don't miss this opportunity!"

"Yeah, but what about the stuff I bought last week?"

"Sell that crap, take your losses and move on!"



One week later;

"This is THE one to have - don't miss this opportunity!"

"Yeah, but..."

"No BUTS! Buy this one NOW!!!"



(Heavy sigh...)





Oh Neo, if only you knew what you were talking about. [rolleyes]

I've read many of your old Les Paul posts know you don't know much about LPs and their differences.

If you knew what the difference is between an R9 and R0, you wouldn't have written that. Obviously, you don't...



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Slimmer neck profile, reflector knobs.


Did I miss anything, oh Great Guitar God of the Great White North?






I'll readily admit I do not possess the keen nose for cork-sniffing.

The move to PRS is inevitable for those who believe they do...





I also do not profess to hold the Holy Grail (and worth every penny) in my hands - and then sell it.


Wanna talk guns now?


Nuclear power?


American History?


It's a great big world out there - I spend a lot of time in it.



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Slimmer neck profile, reflector knobs.


Did I miss anything, oh Great Guitar God of the Great White North?

Be it an insignificant one but yeah, you did. At least you've done some homework now and still don't think that a LP Traditional is the same as a 1957 Les Paul...I would think.





I'll readily admit I do not possess the keen nose for cork-sniffing.

The move to PRS is inevitable for those who believe they do...

I'm a cork-sniffer because I own PRS guitars, eh? I could say the same about you but I guess someone has to be an adult here and not resort to name calling.




I also do not profess to hold the Holy Grail (and worth every penny) in my hands - and then sell it.

So? People sell guitars all the time and there are always better ones out there.


Wanna talk guns now?


Nuclear power?


American History?

All boring topics (except the last one), no thanks.


It's a great big world out there - I spend a lot of time in it.



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I own a PRS (5 years now) and I'm not a cork-sniffer by anybody's measure.




I guess calling you a stock broker qualifies as name calling?




Sure, people sell guitars all the time.

Sure, there are always better ones out there.

It's rationalizing it somehow that can be a problem, eh?

(See my original good-natured post regarding stock purchases)


A man I know in Phoenix supposes he's personally owned 40 of the original 59 Les Pauls.

He made plenty of money on most of them, and then left the madness to rich-but-clueless guys.

No way he was willing to put his own money into a market gone wild.

Saved his butt a few years later.


This was after his flirtation with playing with Ferarris in the early nineties - same result.

That's why I stay within my comfort zone - and it differs from yours.




And the "boring" topics you avoid?

As articulate as I am, I find few people really want to know all the minute details about my guitars.




Ah, Tim...


Missed ya Man!


So, what else is new with ya?


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Umm, R9 without an R9 is kinda like Paul Reed Smith without a PRS (he he he). Well, you may not be a stock broker but you certainly follow the stock broker's code of never looking back once you sell something! I can't argue with what you got, so as long as you're happy then I'm happy for you...

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I've got to agree with "R9" on this one: His behavior has nothing to do with stockbrokers.


I know a guy who has an 8 year old daughter. One week she wants a puppy, because they're so cute. The next week she wants a kitty, because they're so cute. Then she wants a pony, because -- well, I think you guys get the point.


And in case you're wondering: No, she is not a stockbroker...



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