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i fell over in work today...

S t e v e

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don't laugh [blush], i was carrying a half full can of lacquar to fill up the pot when i turned and my foot slipped from under me and i went crashing to the floor! the can of polish went all over the place including my face and some funiture but lucky enough i closed my eyes as i fell, i have a bruised arm, leg, ribs...and dignity/pride [blush].


funny enough if it had happened to someone else i would of laughed my head off! [biggrin], how do YOU react when you see someone fall? do you laugh or take it seriously and help them?

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The other day at school this big old fat lady was walking by and she just went down for no apparent reason. I don't know if she was drunk or is just bad at walking or what...


Anyways the worst part was that she was wearing a dress and I was unfortunately watching from the worst possible angle [scared]


It was pretty gross. I didn't laugh I was just shocked.

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I work in a steel mill. Depending on the situation, we laugh when peoples' clothes catch on fire. Nothing is funny when somebody gets hurt though. We've had our share of major injuries. Lost limbs, major back injuries, and three or four deaths since I've worked there.

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I work in a steel mill. Depending on the situation, we laugh when peoples' clothes catch on fire. Nothing is funny when somebody gets hurt though. We've had our share of major injuries. Lost limbs, major back injuries, and three or four deaths since I've worked there.


i'm a reproduction antique furniture polisher, the job i started two weeks ago has me spraying bedroom furniture (pine), spraying cellulose and pre-cat lacquars...iv'e been doing this since i were 15 yrs old and i'm 33 now so i'm pretty much a pro B), as it happens my line manager builds acoustic guitars in his spare time for private sale and was asking about me "relicing" one...never done that to a guitar before but have aged a piece of furniture, i know it ain't the same but with a bit of research i think he and i could come up with something :-k

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When I fall and hurt myself and someone laughs, I just want to knock them out (just 'cos I'm hurt and don't think it's funny). But that's just a reaction. If you're like me and try to hide the pain (yeah, to look tough, lol) people think I'm ok, so I don't blame them for laughing, but inside I'm going "sonova motherless goat you mother trucker piece of mother........"!

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Glad you are ok Steve, don't worry about your pride. It happens to all of us. If it makes you feel better, I once peed on an electric fence lmao


There was that episode on 1,000 ways to die, where the dude did that and fried his junk... Ouch!! Glad you're still with us!! lol

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