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F-35 Lightning


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We need the cash....... B)


Tell me about it. Imperialism is expensive! You know what the daily cost of the Iraq occupation is? Afghanistan ain't done either. Maybe we could get that money upfront? And no, we won't accept payment in maple syrup, peameal bacon, and Molsons this time.

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Tell me about it. Imperialism is expensive! You know what the daily cost of the Iraq occupation is? Afghanistan ain't done either. Maybe we could get that money upfront? And no, we won't accept payment in maple syrup, peameal bacon, and Molsons this time.



Hmmmmmm.....Molsons........ B)

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Tell me about it. Imperialism is expensive! You know what the daily cost of the Iraq occupation is? Afghanistan ain't done either. Maybe we could get that money upfront? And no, we won't accept payment in maple syrup, peameal bacon, and Molsons this time.


You do make it hard friend.

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I won't even touch the political ******-baggery involved with the F-22/F-35 programs.

F-22 is already yesterday's news, and I've yet to see one.

TWENTY YEARS in development?


When we were a World Superpower instead of a has-been on the precipice of a Third world plunge, we designed legendary aircraft in months.

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Might wanna check Craigslist. They have some pretty good deals on there.


*wonders if they have Craigslist services in Canada*


Also, make sure you know what you're getting. The F-35 comes in either VOS or a gloss finish, and some of them have plain tops while some of them have figured tops, and don't even get me started on neck widths, chambering/weight-relief, and electronics.


Sorry...If I can't be helpful, I can (try to) be funny.

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When we were a World Superpower instead of a has-been on the precipice of a Third world plunge, we designed legendary aircraft in months.


It's because we had motivation. An enemy with a formidable air force, actively using them against us and our allies. We still do, but not enough of the right people want to believe it.

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Canada made a state of the art jet fighter, in fact it was cutting edge and would have been the best of the best at the time (1958)It had the capability to reach

mach 2.5...who could catch it?

The Avro Arrow, was then scrapped in '59...for reasons unknown, mostly political.


Alot of the engineers and brains behind the project took jobs with NASA

after the plant closure and helped with the space program.


It was a beautiful looking aircraft. If interested google CF-105 Avro Arrow.

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The real reason Canada's buying the f-35s.

Talk about a Cold War?



From CTV Winnipeg.


Canada, Russia locked in dispute over Arctic border


Canada and Russia are locked in a decades-old dispute over which country

owns vast stretches of the Arctic, and the potentially rich resources

beneath the otherwise deserted ice and snow.



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Canada is going to buy 65, F-35 Lightning fighter jets. We need to replace

our aging F-18 Hornets.


Couldnt you Americans lower the price of the F-22's a little?


Price isn't the issue. USA won't sell F22's because they want the tech for themselves only. Fair enough too.

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Price isn't the issue. USA won't sell F22's because they want the tech for themselves only. Fair enough too.


I dont think thats entirely true. I know the US didnt really want to sell F-22's to Japan. In 2006 a ban was lifted allowing "allies" a chance to buy them. Alot of senior military personal DO want to keep it USA only, but at $150 million +/- a piece they know they could make a fortune. Selling to countries like Canada, Britain and a few other trusted (I did say trusted) allies would and should be of no concern to national secuity.


As far as we Canucks go, I dont think our government wants to spend the money for a few reasons. First of all,The US is our neighbour and they wouldnt allow anything to happen to us. Not that it would ever happen, but if Canada became the target of some evil empire and war was declared on us, im quite sure the US forces would be once again our brothers in arms. So we really have no need to purchase the biggest weapons. Im not saying thats right, but history shows that its true. Truth be known, Canadian and US armed forces are more intertwined than most people know. I used to date a girl who was from a military family. Her father was a big shot high up in the ranks. He used to get drunk and tell stories, and if even one of them is true, Canada is not as innocent and meek as the world thinks we are...and the States knows all about it. Its their little secret.


Anyway, thats my rant for the day. lol

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In 2006 a ban was lifted allowing "allies" a chance to buy them.


Interesting, I hadn't heard about this. Have any allies bought any yet?


Australia has quite a few JSF's on order, for what reasons I'll never know, they don't have the range that we need. Currently we have a fleet of F111's (awesome aircraft) which have enough range to take off from Perth, bomb the **** out of Taiwan and return on the same tank. The JSF couldn't even make it half way there, and they're the replacement aircraft.

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Neither Russia nor Canada, nor the US can lay claim to ANY of the Arctic floor. Canada, Russia and The US can lay all the plaques and flags they want in mile deep water, jurisdiction and control are already determined by the UN treaty of 1982. Each gets 12 nautical miles of territorial waters and 200 miles of economic exclusivity. Canadia has economic exclusivity to the very end of the Lomonosove Ridge along the 60th parallel 200 miles off Alert point, but other than that, the rest is up for grabs. In fact, if proximity, beyond the 200 mile economic limit is a determiner, Denmark has greatest claim, owing to Greenland's closer approach to this under water ridge. Whomever drills the first hole gets it. Unless, of course, gun boats are deployed ... And with Vlad the Mad at the helm that is a distinct possibility. [crying]


As the ice pack melts, great economic opportunities will be opened up. I just hope we don't screw up the Boreal Forrest in the process.

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