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So... Did I miss anything?


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Hi all, It's been a while so I just wanted to say hi. Hope everyone had a good summer.... I have been traveling and busy with family things. Not too much has changed for me aside from my favorite cat Toby left this world. My mother was doing poorly but is on a rebound. No new guitars... [sad] While visiting a friend in Miami we did an unplugged version of one of the tunes I play with my band. A bit sloppy but I hope you like....


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Funny that, I was just wondering where you had got to.


Welcome back!


btw Sorry to hear about your cat mate, I feel your pain.


also, nice tune. I have no idea what the words mean but I dig it.



Thanks man... The tune in the video is pretty big in the Latin market... I'm sure Thunder knows it. The group that made it a hit is called "Enanitos Verde" which means little green midgets...

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Yeah that part of my trip was strictly pleasure... I used to live there and hadn't been back in like 25 years. Everything has changed!! Hardly recognized the place but I got see some of my old stomping grounds in Miami and Ft. Laudedale. I needed the break!!

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