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What did the new G string SING to the New B sting?
































G D G G7

I'm back ON the saddle again

C G G7

Out where a friend is a friend

C Cdim

Where we sleep out every night

G Em

Where the only law is "right"


I'm back ON the saddle again

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What do you call a snail on a ship?




A snailor.

That's from Spongebob....how do I know? I have a 6 and a 4 yr old.




How do you confuse a blonde?

















put them in a circular room and tell them to stand in the corner.

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An old retired sailor puts on his old uniform and goes

down to the docks once more for old time's sake.


He hires a prostitute and takes her up to a room. He's

going at it as best as he can for a guy his age.


The old sailor asks, "How am I doing?"


The prostitute replies, "Well, sailor, you're doing about

three knots."


"Three knots?" he replies, "What's that supposed to



She says, "You're knot hard, you're knot in, and you're

knot getting your money back."

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Did you hear about the Celestion that robbed the bank?? The police found him hiding in a cabinet......Did you hear about the new Gibson Obama Les Paul?? It comes with a birth certificate of authenticity, hangs a bit to the left, and stops working after eight years...What do you call a jazz guitarest locked in a freezer? One cool cat.......How did the guitarest play pool? With acoustic......Why are strats lonely? Their coils are single...Why did the U.P.S. guy go to the music store? For a pick-up...What happened when the JBL dated the Celestion? They broke up too soon......What did the metal guitarest say to his wife when she was angry with him?? " Honey, you're blowing this way out of distortion." What did the JVM say when he got off the stage coach? " There's a new Marshall in town."

What did the sadomachic singer sing through? I'm not SHURE, but probably a S&M57.....What do you call a guitarest without a girlfriend or wife? Homeless..

What did the Gibson say to the Fender? " Call me on your Tele." Why did the recording go see his psychiatrist? He suffered from compression...](*,)8-[:-k

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Why did the drummer stop mid song? He caught a rabbit in his snare......The guitarest was gibby with excitement over his new strat.....:unsure:

Did you hear about the '80s' guitarest who became an alchoholic??? He drank to INXS...[scared] And he always needed a FIXX...[sneaky]

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Thought from the Greatest Living Scottish Thinker, Billy Connolly -----

"If women are so bloody perfect at multitasking,

how come they can't have a headache and sex at the same time?

Now THAT'S funny...


A Rabbi and a Priest walk into a bar.

The bartender says, "What is this, a joke?"

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Now THAT'S funny...


A Rabbi and a Priest walk into a bar.

The bartender says, "What is this, a joke?"



Now that's funny Dennis, I'll bet the Rabbi was a Luddite, as the Luddites wandered in the desert for fourty years.......Come to think of it, many Luddites STILL wander in the desert.....[confused]dry.gif[unsure] :unsure: [scared][crying]:-({|=[lol]

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So, ah, Two Luddites walk into a bar, bartender asks " What can I get you? " One Luddite says, " Oh, nothing complicated, something simple. " [flapper] :unsure: [scared]


If a Luddite plays guitar in a forest, does anybody hear? [glare][bored][blink]

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A blind man walks into a bar with his seeing-eye dog. The dog leads him to the center of the room where he promptly grabs the dog by the tail and starts swinging the dog over his head in a large circle. The bartender yells over to him, "hey buddy, can I help you??", to which the blind man replies,


"No thanks--just having a look around . . . "

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