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Ever Win A Guitar?

Steven Tari

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ME TOO!!! I'm still in the dark...


I was like 10, and I called in a correct answer on the radio. They told me I was the "7th" caller and to come get my prize. I didn't know what I had won, so my dad took me to the radio station, and it was there that I got handed my flashlight. I stayed in denial for a couple of years thinking it was a great item, till I grew up a bit and realized it was a piece of junk. I was pretty excited to have won something though... Man, if it had been a Gibson of the era.... :-k

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How many 12 packs did you have to drink to win it?????


1 six pack.


Saw an ad on TV, said to myself "yeah I'd like to be in that". Got a phone call 4 months later. Turns out only about 4000 people entered (bud isn't very popular here), so the odds were good [biggrin]

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1 six pack.


Saw an ad on TV, said to myself "yeah I'd like to be in that". Got a phone call 4 months later. Turns out only about 4000 people entered (bud isn't very popular here), so the odds were good [biggrin]


I guess since I don't drink I could always use the "no purchase necessary" clause.... Well, good for you!!! [thumbup]

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I won a fishing reel once. A Avery salt water fly reel. It's still in the box, I don't salt water fish because there's too much water and the fish too are spread out....I understand its a very good reel.

I won a hunting dog at the grand opening of a gunshop once, but I don't hunt so I turned into a fishing dog...I know it sounds silly, but that dam dog would point fish!

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I win phones from work that I sell and buy guitars with, does that count? I'm currently trying to sell one I won so I can buy that nice little Ami from Art and Lutherie so's I can take it with me and play for family and friends at things. I'll have pics later when I complete transactions.

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I never won a guitar in a contest, BUT... I have been given a pretty rare "vintage" piece. A (former) friend of mine GAVE me a 1969 Dan Armstrong plexi guitar. It's a long story, but what he was really doing was clearing conscience of former mis-deeds. But hey, a free guitar is a free guitar.


As a teenager, as I was able to upgrade to "real" guitars I gave my "beaters" to a kid in the neighborhood. Gave him both an acoustic, and an electric. Both guitars were pieces of crap, but it was the thought that counts. He should probably thank me for giving him POS guitars. Otherwise today he may be a guitar player like me instead of the brain surgeon he became.


A few years ago I decided the slide player in my band should have a Silvertone, everybody should own one. I bought and refurbished a 50's Silvertone lap steel and gave it to him for his birthday.


Gave away three, was given one, not bad odds. Dollar for dollar I came out ahead. Maybe what goes around DOES come around.

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