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So what's up with AXE.... Murph...??


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Me thinks that since AXE has a full time job and a new band his time here or any forum is really limited.


It's funny, but for some reason when I first started coming here back in 2008 I thought AXE was a full time guitar tech :-k but I don't know why I thought that.


Murph.... haven't heard from him in a long time - no clue

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I heard, from someone I consider to be a very reliable source, that AXE had a stroke around Xmas-time.


He had been spending more time over on MLP. Perhaps one of the regulars there might know a bit more?


Murph was gigging a lot last time he popped in. Perhaps he's simply spending more time playing guitar instead of typing...


Jus' sayin'



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I heard they moved to Bolivia and are living together in Thunder's guest house.


Thundergod must have a big yard to live in Ecuador and have his guest house in Bolivia! [biggrin]


I think he spends some time in the other sections of this forum - and in his own GAS forum over at MLP

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AXE® actually last visited here just a few days ago. I've seen Murph here a few times too lately. I think the humor level of the entire forum goes down about 10 orders of magnitude when these guys aren't posting. They make me pi$$ my pants laughing with their humor. One way to get Murph back is to start a thread on how the ES-339 is not a Custom Shop guitar. Who'll be brave enough to do it?

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