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New $100.00 Bill

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I was in Philly in 94 working on Navy ships when the first new American bills came out. I happened to be living in Jersy at the time there hanging around a nice eatery and bar "The Cherrywood Lounge". Well one night while having dinner a guy came into the bar bosting that he could take the silk in the new bills out. So getting a couple of them in my paycheck I went over and took his bet. (Just about everyone in the bar came to see this.) I gave him the bill and after two small rips (less then two seconds) he had the silk piece out. I don't know what part of the Treasury he worked for but he had done this before. He took the silk out so he kept the bill. After that time I've heard from some old friends if the siilk is missing, the bill is no good. I'm glad I left the trick in Jersy those years ago.

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Back in the early part of this century when gas was climbing above $2.00 I stopped to buy gas and filled up my tank for something over 40 bucks. I handed the cashier a 50. She said she couldn't take it, store policy. I was on a trip and quite honestly it was the smallest I had. Besides she was only giving me back a few ones. I offered to go drive down the street to see if I could change it. She agreed to take it. I also said she needs to talk to her boss about revisiting his policy. At the current price of gas, she is bound to be getting more of these. She agreed.


On a later trip I used a debit card at the pump. It shut off at $50.00. [cursing] As that was, apparently, a pre-set pump limit. I learned later I could just shut the pump off, then re-initiating the transaction, you get another $50 limit.


Last time I filled up our mini-van, it was most of a hundred dollars. Maybe I'll take a "C" note next time I fill up to see what happens.

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Your redoing a home get used to the cost sometimes it seems it would almost be cheaper to just cover the walls in bills [cursing]



Kind of like the question George Carlin used to ask when he would say how can a bookmark cost more than 1 dollar when you could just use the dollar. but everything changes I can still remember saving money so I could carpet hardwood floors! Hell hardwood floors were for people that could not afford carpet now look at what a good floor costs, I just spent 16k putting a solid wood floor into a home and it's not a very big home. [unsure]

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Years ago, I went to a happy hour after work. Draft beers were 75 cents, so you can guess how long ago. I drank more than I should, putting down a dollar and pocketing the quarter change each time. When I left, I dropped a couple singles on the bar for a tip. When I got up the next day, I had a pocketful of Susan B. Anthony dollar coins. Apparently, they had a roll of them that the bartender mistook for quarters. I often wonder if that ineptitude contributed to the bar's demise not too long after. :)


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Your redoing a home get used to the cost sometimes it seems it would almost be cheaper to just cover the walls in bills [cursing]



Kind of like the question George Carlin used to ask when he would say how can a bookmark cost more than 1 dollar when you could just use the dollar. but everything changes I can still remember saving money so I could carpet hardwood floors! Hell hardwood floors were for people that could not afford carpet now look at what a good floor costs, I just spent 16k putting a solid wood floor into a home and it's not a very big home. [unsure]


I'm feeling your pain my brother.

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Thanks for the images of the hundies.


Things have changed for sure, and while a hundred goes not nearly as far as it used to, being so much more in the poor house makes them more valueable as well.


I still like hundies.

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I'm getting pretty used to the looks of 100 dollar bills - I get to use one every time I fill my truck [cursing]


Don't get me wrong I love my 54 Ford but they weren't worried about gas prices when they built these heavy steel monsters or when they swapped in the 351 in the early eighties. Why am I complaing though heck I averaged almost 8 MPG with that last tank. [scared]

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Everything's more expensive now... and it will not stop.


A couple of years ago a friend's dad told us how in Chile there came a time when people actually pasted bills to the walls 'cause it was cheaper than buying paint. [confused] If you were lucky enough to get paid, you just ran out and spent your money in whatever you could find, because chances were, by next day that money was gonna be worth half of what it was worth at that time. So people ran out and bought eggs and sugar... and that was mostly all they had to eat.


I thought he was exaggerating until I attended a lecture in university where some guys said the same and even showed pics. That was a long time ago during their transition from dictatorship into democracy.

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My experience from what happened in my country:


My country's currency right now is the US Dollar. Some 15 years ago we had our own currency: the Sucre. I can remember as a kid it was prety much at a par with what was a dollar's worth. Then it just started going down and down and down no stop.


At one time it went above 1000 sucres for 1 dollar. Then it would rise at about 50% in a year or 2... and everyone acted like nothing happened.


A pressident tried to change currency to the US dollar when the exchange rate was something like 3000 sucres = 1 dollar. People with power overthrew and exiled him, they put their own candidate as president. 3 years later it was 10.000 sucres for 1 dollar.


Then the **** really hit the fan.


I remember looting and disturbs on any major cities, roads closed by protesters... people were getting paid in sucres but everything was sold in dollars. You would see 2 kinds of prices on the street: those in dollars that were pretty much stable and those in sucres that changed drastically day after day. You checked out a car for 10'000.000 sucres and when you went back with the money it costed 19'000.000. [cursing]


That went on for 2 months... I was rehearsing at a girlfriend's place that was out of the city (she was a singer) when it all reached the final stage. I remember getting beeper messages that said "dollar price: 15.000 sucres" one hour later "Dollar price: 19.000 sucres", 2 minutes later "dollar reached 20.000 sucres - roads are closed due to disturbs in surrounding areas of the city (where most poor people live)". I thought we should have changed the currency when it was 3K :rolleyes: We had no way to get out of the girl's home as it was a 16 mile trip to the city and there was only 1 road you could use for that and it was closed.


At about 19:00 the dollar reached 35.000 sucres... it had risen more than 100% in less than a day. The president went on national TV announcing he was kicking out the guys at the national fund/bank (they were printing money like that was a solution to it) and he decreed the dollar as currency. He also said that should have been done at 3K when former president Bucaram wanted to do it. He also said lots of powerful people's interests would be damaged by this but he had to do what was right.


As with his predecessor, people in power threw him out and exiled him. But he lasted 4 days in charge after his announcement, and that time was used by him and his ministers to take down the entire lineup of idiots printing money, they also changed the law so it was illegal to pay someone in sucres and to loan people sucres to ask them to pay back them in dollars (something that was popular in here at the time).


Maybe none will remember him here when new generations come, but he was the guy that had the balls to stand up to those that put him in charge and give them what they deserved.

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Good for you if your in australia you deserve a break on Gibson prices. Tha's the only place I ever visited to surf and play music and ended up selling my guitars the price in Australia was ridikulous!


Yep everything is expensive here. I have just come back from a tour around the US and man clothing prices were so cheap. My son wears this Abercrombie stuff here a jacket for a 9 year old is between $89-110 there I bought him two for $35.90 plus tax. I couldnt believe it. My other son plays basketball Nike Hyperdunks here are 230-290....USA price 110.... I had to buy another suit case to bring stuff home :)

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