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pre-show jitters


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The gig is this weekend and I am already nervous. I have only played at church for the last 6+ years and do not get nervous for that. That audience ranges from like 100-900 people per service (2 locations and I play at both). The place we're playing can probably fit 100-150 (200 if all table and chairs are removed). I guess it is because we have been preparing for this since November 2010 is why I'm so nervous.


We are a tribute band and 3 plus points to the 1st person who can guess which band we cover. 1 Additional plus point if you guess which part I play.

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I owe you 3 more pluses.



JB will be my side project and I will be the one that doesn't have curly hair. Moe, I think is his name. I ordered the JB LP jr. [tongue]



Seriously man, good luck. I just had my first show like two weeks ago and it was nerve racking for the sound check and then the first song, but then everything falls into place. Any worries just play shoegaze style [thumbup]

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Good for you..........The switch from church gigs to rock shows should be easy enough.................


I'll bet, if you do the first song with your HELLO KITTY strat, you be just fine.........[thumbup] [thumbup] [thumbup] ........

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Sweet, I need to get Hetfield back on.

I'm too introverted to be Hetfield. I'm Kirk. I bought an ESP KH-2 for this band. We are trying to be authentic. clothes, singer has a wig and cutting his beard like Hetfield's. We have "Ecstacy of Gold" as the intro, "Blackened" intro music, 30 seconds of war sounds for "One." But I will not be perming my hair.


Watch any clips on youtube from the Seattle gig in 1989...that is what we're trying to accomplish. Only doing songs from KEA-AJFA plus "Am I Evil."


One more rehearsal tomorrow night. [unsure] :unsure: [scared]

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Really, my Very Best Wishes for the show.


6 years experience playing, regardless of how much relevance you may consider them to have been, will prove to be more than enough on the night. Don't worry.


The most important thing is to enjoy yourselves and have a great deal of fun. Fun is infectious; if it shows that YOU are having fun, the audience will pick up on that and THEY will have fun too.


"Gie it Laldie!" as I used to say when I lived in the old country.



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Good luck for the show!!


You don't have to feel so nervous...it's natural.


Just go out there and give it your all..you'll ROCK!! [thumbup]

(felt the same way before my first gig..this is what my mom told me [biggrin] )


oh yeah... +1 for doing Metallica [thumbup]

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Well ladies and gentlemen, jitters were all for nothing. We absolutely killed it tonight. The owner said it was the most packed the place had ever been. The audience was singing along and pretty much going nuts the whole time. Oh yeah, we sounded good too [bored] Booked 3 more gigs. Now for well deserved hot shower and bed.

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Being nervous is a part of being a performer! its alright, we all get nervous, even the best of us.

but it all goes away when you up on stage having a good time!


(Im nervous for my show in a week, mainly because we had to get an extra guitarist and he only know half the songs were playing [scared])


Rock your heart out at the next 3 Mojo!


Beast [biggrin]

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Well ladies and gentlemen, jitters were all for nothing. We absolutely killed it tonight. The owner said it was the most packed the place had ever been. The audience was singing along and pretty much going nuts the whole time. Oh yeah, we sounded good too [bored] Booked 3 more gigs. Now for well deserved hot shower and bed.

Sounds like the machine has started, and is picking up speed.


I think jitters are kinda fun, and can make for a better performance.

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First off, Congratulations! Glad to hear it man, and keep that up. Knock em dead tiger


Secondly, in reference to the whole "pre show jitters thing", I don't feel comfortable if I feel comfortable at a show. If I'm not anxious about something, I feel like I'm not putting my heart into it and I'm mailing it in. When I played guitar in a cover band, it was like that a lot. In this band, I'm always worried, but its good. Sorry for the derailment

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Well ladies and gentlemen, jitters were all for nothing. We absolutely killed it tonight. The owner said it was the most packed the place had ever been. The audience was singing along and pretty much going nuts the whole time. Oh yeah, we sounded good too [bored] Booked 3 more gigs. Now for well deserved hot shower and bed.


It's a great feeling, isn't it. Hope the momentum continues. [thumbup]

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Glad you rocked!! Are you near San Francisco so I can come see ?

Play "Nothing Else Matters" for me.... or is that the wrong timeframe...?


I'm on the other coast and I don't think I could convince my bands mates to play NEM.

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Well ladies and gentlemen, jitters were all for nothing. We absolutely killed it tonight. The owner said it was the most packed the place had ever been. The audience was singing along and pretty much going nuts the whole time. Oh yeah, we sounded good too [bored] Booked 3 more gigs. Now for well deserved hot shower and bed.

Awesome, though I expected no less :P

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I'm on the other coast and I don't think I could convince my bands mates to play NEM.



Awww bummer. :)


Thanks anyway -- maybe you'll get some Youtube up of your next gigs?


And you mentioned church - being comfy there - I am too.

I'm trying to go at it with the perspective that even though a gig is "not-church" music LOL you can still approach it with the same type of attitude: IE -- this is not for *you* to show off, so much as it is to honor this band and music you love so well.


Hope that makes sense. :)

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