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Forum Bros, I ask for your help


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As some may know, I had what seemed to me a major tragedy when I lost my storage unit some months ago. You guys have been helpful by helping me to realize what is important and what isn't regarding gear, but here is the story.


I was having some tough times and was late on my storage bill AND my phone. Phone was off for about 2 weeks. Everything I have read and heard tells me Oregon law requires 90 days before property can be sold. It was sold exactly 60 days from last payment. When I called to make a payment, I was informed it was gone, but The proceeds from the sale got me a check for about 1100 bucks.


Not counting clothes and furniture (like my great grandmothers stuff and the bed made by my grandfather) was my stereo and all my records (I was an audiophile hobbyist, and had a lot of blues and jazz recordings) and a buttload of guitars and amps. Just the amps and stereo would come to 15,000 EASY on the second hand market. Not to mention all the guitar and amp parts, NOS tubes, Vintage speakers, ect.


I had talked to a couple laywers, a couple other storage facilities, and I was pretty sure the law favored me, but I decided not to fight because it would cause more heartbreak, and I thought I would have a hard time proving and recovering value for what I was claiming was there.


So, I decided to cash the check, but it bounced. I called the storage company for a replacement, and gave them 2 issues I would like to address: the replacement check, and the question about the correctness of them selling the unit. After getting the run around for like 2 weeks, and having trouble getting a replacement check, I get a call requesting a list of what was in there.


If you have had it in you to read this much, I believe the only factor here is prayer, and the willingness to do the right thing by the storage company. Even if I am in the right and am in the law, winning my case would still be a long shot I think. And many large companies do what they know is wrong but cannot justify doing what is right if it cost them. And, they are going to freak when they see my list.


I know this: God hears prayers, and God makes happen and controls poeples hearts according to his choices. It CAN make the difference. If I loose, I will be satisfied that it is not what I need and be happy. But: I really owe some people money and would like to be able to pay them back. It would really do my heart good to give those that helped me what they deserve.

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I'm not the praying type but if you believe my good wishes will help you make you whole than here's wishing you whole brother. As someone who has spent the last year trying to scratch a life back together (worked on the bathroom flood last night) I can feel for ya and I can tell ya that it ain't all over. So long as you're still sucking wind you can start over and rebuild. Tomorrow's another day.

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I wish you the best possible resolution to your situation and will pray on that.




My take - after a bounced check, I wouldn't trust these guys at all. And I'm sure you're not the first person that was taken by them. I would not send anything in writing to them without consulting a lawyer.

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I'm with Kahuna...


Something's off kilter and it's likely time to back off and strongly consider a lawsuit.


We're with you...




I'll throw one up to the big guy for you. But seriously I know some guys who made seal team 6 look like a bunch of girls. Say the word my friend say the word. :P


Note. For legal purposes this message was intended with some humor and should not be taken seriously...........or was it.........???? but seriously........now I have you wondering if I am a religious man..:-k

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I'm not the praying type but if you believe my good wishes will help you make you whole than here's wishing you whole brother. As someone who has spent the last year trying to scratch a life back together (worked on the bathroom flood last night) I can feel for ya and I can tell ya that it ain't all over. So long as you're still sucking wind you can start over and rebuild. Tomorrow's another day.

Thanks, man, THAT'S what I need. I think God hears everyone regardless of belief and who. And I appreciate the encouragement.


I admit and feel bad that at times I have given up, and I often go back and forth between giving up for a time and trying my best. But, can't give up just because I gave up, gotta keep trying again and again.


This house here is a fixer and it is very much a deal where I have HAD to fix things or sink. Even still, with all the events I have had to deal with and seen, WE are pretty lucky to still have SOMETHING we can put our efforts to, as I am reminded of those who have truly lost even that.

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I don't believe in a god, so here's sending good vibes and any good karma I have your way.


And as someone said, that bounced check gives me the feelings something doesn't smell right with this storage company. Talk to an attorney and find out where you stand.

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Kahuna and Molid:


YES, there is a LOT of things about it that are highly suspicious. It ranges from a total lack at times to obtain info from their records as far as what months were paid or being able to get info, getting someone to send documents, even getting someone to want to talk to me. One guy even told me to seek legal council, to which I replied, "I have, I was hoping someone in the company would prefer to talk to me about it before I went anywhere with it."


The circumstances to which the sale occurred are highly suspicious to me, in that, I had purposely arranged it so the "value" was hidden and it appeared like useless stuff. The bid for the unit was VERY high based on what could be seen from the door.


The check, had written on it "must be cashed within 90 days" so I am sure that is why it bounced.


BUT..what it all comes down to is this: the best resolution I could hope for is for THEM to step up and do the right thing, as opposed to having it be a fight. While I don't want to give it away, I hate to think of what the outcome would be, as My experience is that bigger companies are much better equipped to win than the guy like me, regardless or right or wrong, or legal or not.


And, much of the "questionable" things I have seen is simply a result of policies set up by the company (right or wrong) and puts the employee in the middle. I have seen a lot of that lately, and it breaks my heart to see a person in such a position to have to compromise values in order to keep their job, remain loyal to the company, and sleep at night.

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Storage contracts are pretty well written out. If I were you I would get a lawyer and go after them otherwise you will wind up on the short end of the stick and your stuff will get auction off to pay for your overdue rent.

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I have read and continue to read each and every post, I know who you are.


Regardless of outcome, regardless of the wrong I have been dealt, What I am asking for IS a miracle. Regardless of any legal battles. If I was to actually recover the fair value or anything close, it would be enough to change the circumstances of my life, and the money would be used to put things right.


I currently owe family and freinds a LARGE sum of money, that was given me to not loose my house. That is a miracle itself, but I know those that I owe could really use the money I owe them as well, besides making me feel "whole" for paying them back what I owe.


In the end, this could result in me being able to stay in my house. I know it would change the corse of my life, at the least, and allow me to not only function better as a man in my head, but allow me to possibly find a way back to doing things I used to do.

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Oh my God Daimian [crying] ....


Get legal counsel immediately.... Get everything that is owed whether it's monetary and punitive... or both [cursing]


Duane, actually, this is Stein's thread; however, I've been fighting a storage company for eight months....My stuff is still there,


but, fighting them has been, um, interesting......As a matter of fact, 4, actually, 5 hours this evening is devoted to the battle...I'll be


helping Stein with what I have learned............

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