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Forum Bros, I ask for your help


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Oh my God Daimian [crying] ....

Get legal counsel immediately.... Get everything that is owed whether it's monetary and punitive... or both [cursing]





Even as a believer, I am afraid when dealing with certain types of people in the world, sometimes brute pragmatic action has to be taken as a first step, prey for the strength to look up a lawyer and pursue these scum, prey for the outcome, but act too!


I am so sorry for this i can really tell how upset you are :(



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Good luck hope it all works out especially if they got greedy and jumped the gun.


Read the contract you signed carefully - I don't know Oregon law but in many states it's not only legal to sell your property at auction as abandoned but if they don't get enough money from your property you still have to pay what you owe.


I have only been at one storage company auction and it was over twelve years ago so things might have changed maybe a lot. The storage place had waited 6 months after payment and in this case the people had told them to auction the units as it was from uncle that had died or something and they were not going to pay, they never gave us any specific details, but the family was there and was going to get whatever came from auctioning above the back rent.


When the auction was held It wasn't blind or guess work and you could get a pretty good idea of what you were getting, they gave all of the people bidding on specific units 30 minutes to exam the storage units, then make a closed bid auction on the entire contents. If you were the high bidder you had 48 hours to make payment in cash or credit card only and then empty the unit completely everything had to go.


I purchased an entire sign workshop and printing press company that had been boxed up for several decades I paid almost 4k and moving costs and after clean up I kept what I needed and made almost 20k selling what I did not want. I wish I had never sold anything because in todays art market it would be worth easily 75k.


Those days are probably gone with the internet and advertising establishing values so much easier for people. But the sales still happen every month like clockwork, I live about four miles from a very large storage facility and they have auctions almost every month I see the signs.

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Even as a believer, I am afraid when dealing with certain types of people in the world, sometimes brute pragmatic action has to be taken as a first step, prey for the strength to look up a lawyer and pursue these scum, prey for the outcome, but act too!


I am so sorry for this i can really tell how upset you are :(



Thanks MATT, that is a good point about the strenght to do what is nessesary for the outcome I deserve. I have gotton some good encouragement from DAMIAN on this as well.


I HAVE been honest and straightfoward in my dealings with them thus far. I have told them simply, that if the law says what it says, I will abide, and if I was in error, I will accept it. But I don't think they are correct in what they did, and I would like them to look into it as I am. It APPEARS they may be doing that and taking steps to make it right, and I hope and pray they do.


It is NOT free money I seek, but rather reimbersment for my loss, and something I would very much like to reimberse those that I owe. If I am able to recieve it, I WILL see it as a miracle and a blessing.


I prey I act shrewdly, and honestly, and faithfully, while I also prey I don't HAVE to fight. I also pray for those that are willing to make the sacrifice in paying me back and doing the right thing that they can do so and it helps them as well.

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Good luck hope it all works out especially if they got greedy and jumped the gun.


Read the contract you signed carefully - I don't know Oregon law but in many states it's not only legal to sell your property at auction as abandoned but if they don't get enough money from your property you still have to pay what you owe.


I have only been at one storage company auction and it was over twelve years ago so things might have changed maybe a lot. The storage place had waited 6 months after payment and in this case the people had told them to auction the units as it was from uncle that had died or something and they were not going to pay, they never gave us any specific details, but the family was there and was going to get whatever came from auctioning above the back rent.


When the auction was held It wasn't blind or guess work and you could get a pretty good idea of what you were getting, they gave all of the people bidding on specific units 30 minutes to exam the storage units, then make a closed bid auction on the entire contents. If you were the high bidder you had 48 hours to make payment in cash or credit card only and then empty the unit completely everything had to go.


I purchased an entire sign workshop and printing press company that had been boxed up for several decades I paid almost 4k and moving costs and after clean up I kept what I needed and made almost 20k selling what I did not want. I wish I had never sold anything because in todays art market it would be worth easily 75k.


Those days are probably gone with the internet and advertising establishing values so much easier for people. But the sales still happen every month like clockwork, I live about four miles from a very large storage facility and they have auctions almost every month I see the signs.

Thanks for sharing.


I completely understand the nessessity of having to sell someones property as well as the obligation one has to pay thier bills. I NEVER had any intention of not paying my bill (or any bill) and never gave them any indication I would not. It was sold, literally, without my knowledge.


It seems like a good idea to go to auctions, but after what happened to me I don't think I could, and I wonder about what others may be getting sold that shouldn't. It SCARES me.

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Getting Lawyer and taking the court is about the only way you will get them to answer. Otherwise no amount of prayer is going to change what just happen. I do believe in prayer myself but I also believe in holding those accounting for doing something to me even when I haven't done anything to deserved it at all.


By the way here is storage law here in Oregon in case we have some lawyers in group who can interrupted what is written




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I understand why you wouldn't want to take legal action, however you definately can't leave it in their favour. The check they gave you (which bounced), didnt even cover the value of everything in there.

It sounds like one messed up storage place.

Keep fighting until your happy, cos you can tell right now your not.


I'm not really one to pray but thoughts are with you...Good luck [smile]

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Storage unit companies are not appraisers and are in no way obligated to get any more money than what is owed them, that's why it's called "auction" and not "Big SALE of AWESOME guitars today!".


God has other things to do besides worry about storage unit sales, and he isn't doing a very good job of those, so I wouldn't expect a whole lot.


Not trying to be a bummer, but I find false hope to be one of the worst things a person can get. You lost what was in your storage, and that sucks large. I'm pretty sure the contract explained pretty clearly what would happen in the event of non-payment. Whatever your state law says is easily lined out and changed by local written agreement, not only can these peoples not be bothered with holding yer stuff for indeterminate periods of time, they can't be bothered to do dumb things that will get them in court.


Good luck with it. I hope it works out well for you and yours, and I will send you all the good thoughts I can, and all of my good thoughts of last years coast to coast, from here in south jersey to there at Seaside. You have a beautiful state!



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I like you Stein, and though I'm not a praying man it doesnt mean I don't believe in a higher power.


Here's my advice; take this to every news outlet and radio that will hear your case. Don't go silently, you'd be surprised by the amount of people who would sympathize with your wrongful losses.


Keep us posted and food luck!

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Storage contracts are pretty well written out. If I were you I would get a lawyer and go after them otherwise you will wind up on the short end of the stick and your stuff will get auction off to pay for your overdue rent.


Not only that but if you do not bring a lawsuit others may get the same treatment as you.


Prayers going your way!

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Try going to a local college and see if you can get some soon to be law school grad etc to help you out as you don't sound too financially fit.


And sometimes it's better to just walk away as the legal and emotional costs out weigh the next bounced check coming your way.


Sorry and I'll give a little shout out to the Big Guy for you and remember you may never see it but they will get theirs in the end (Karma).

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Just another thank you for your support, your advise, and your prayers. Good poeple here.


Update: I have made my list, being careful to be sure of model #s and only including what I am SURE was there at the time, while attempting to not leave anything out. While I may have been mistaken about the amount of amps and guitars left in the unit, adding up the values being conservative is still more than I thought, and I am over 20k.


I have also decided, regardless of immediate outcome, to pursue as far as I have to assuring that either I have pressed as far as I can, or that I really have no legal basis for a case if that turns out to be. I will not lie to win, and I will also hold that standard to them as best I can. I will also use this to help others as best I can.


I still continue to pray for a favorable outcome, that I do the right thing concerning this, as well as for others that they recieve a favorable outcome as well as that those that do wrong don't and those that do right will benefit from their actions.

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God bless you, Stein.


I believe in God.

I believe in the power of prayer.

You have mine, prayers said.


I also believe in getting up off your knees and following the Spirit and inspiration to proceed according to His will and doing what you feel is right in the situation.


Keep us posted.


And I am sitting here wondering (none of my business wise!!) whether you and Damian have the same storage company.............






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