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I bought a new ash Tele from GC....My girlfriend picked it up as I'm too sick to leave home....The Tele was NEW from the


packaging from the back room...The clerk liked it, and my gal saw the front of the guitar...Once home, I checked out the


guitar.....As you see, it is center seamed, and well done....Many Teles, and Gibbys are off centered and look like cr*p.....


Then, I saw the back.....Please check out the photos.....This guitar should not have left the factory......I didn't buy a


factory second, but a guitar on sale......What do I do ??? Do I demand a replacement; If I do, it might be a MIM Tele


with an aweful match of wood...In other words, uglier overall than this one; from the front.....Fender says all guitars


defective in materials and workmanship will be replaced........Now, if I keep this guitar, it has no resale value, and it


looks STUPID from the back......Do I ask for a " Monetary credit " on my next purchase, and keep it ??? If so, how much ??


Do I return it and get a new Tele from them ??? If I return it, will they treat me well ??? I'm very stressed from legal


battles as a plantiff, and from health issues, so, I'm lost on a simple thing as this issue......But, how did this " WTF "


guitar even leave a factory ??? The guitar in person looks worse than in the pics.....What would you do ????


What should I do ???? Oh, the errors and scrapes were BURIED under the Poly finish, rather than being fixed


by the factory with one hour of dyed wood filler etc etc........Help.....and opinions..........Will GC do the right thing ???


What would you do ?????? They are selling these at $399.00 'cause of an instant rebate.....These aren't factory


seconds.................But, WTF.............

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I don't have a GC here, but the Long & McQuade chain which is basically the Canadian equivalent to it has a 30 day return policy where you can return a guitar for full refund or exchange if you aren't satisfied with it. This goes for anything that has a a factory defect or even if you simply don't like it. I think if it's only a matter of not liking the instrument they expect it in new condition so they can re-sell it, but any respectable music store should have something like this in place for these kind of situations.


If you really don't think the guitar is worth the price I'd return it and look for something you can live with.

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Don't stress too much. You don't need that.


I get that regardless of cost, stupid defects like that are wrong to leave the factory, but what is the big picture for YOU? I realize you don't have a lot of money right now, but still, the fun of buying a "cheap" guitar is not having to stress about your investment. At the MOST it would affect resale by a hundy, and what is that? you got WAY bigger fish to fry than concerning yourself about loosing so little on a resale down the road.


The REAL question for a guy like you (who has such a great collection of REAL guitars) is how do you like it overall? How does it play and sound? What does it look like overall? Cheaper Fenders CAN be fun because sometimes, you get one that slips through with a good chunk of wood, and ends up being as good as a more costly one.


I seen your guitars and I heard your work-you don't NEED anything to be able to do that. You got this one to have FUN, so have fun. Enjoy yourself as you evaluate it. No one will judge you if it stays or goes.

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Hi Damian


Sorry the amount of stress this has caused you, I really am. I think a couple of things to consider are how much you love this exact guitar and does it seem a special player? i.e would you want to lose it and get another one? If a guitar feels special I have forgiven things like cosmetics in the past. Also are you attached to it because your girlfriend picked it out?


I know these aren't practical things and it should no way take away being sold a blemished guitar.


Is a possible route to have either guitar centre to pay for the cost of the finish to be repaired and you get it done by a luthier, or is it possible to claim on the credit card? My wife's card has a thing on it that if something breaks or goes wrong, then the credit card has an automatic insurance.


Hang on in there Damian, on the plus side is looks gorgeous!!! [thumbup]



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Sorry to hear (and see) that you had such a terrible disappointment, Damian. NGD's should be all about joy unconfined.


If I was in your position I'd balance up the good aspects of the guitar - playability; tone; fit&finish; looks - against the bad - those unsightly gouges in the rear of the body.

Once you have decided whether the good outweighs the bad, or vice-versa, you will have a clearer picture of what to do next.

If the good outweighs the bad then see if GC will give you some sort of compensation - either monetary or 'in-kind'. The latter may be more appealing to them as it can probably be written-off as a tax-loss.

If the bad outweighs the good then you should probably return it and take your chances with what might turn up next. Obviously this has it's own drawbacks.


.....This guitar should not have left the factory......I didn't buy a factory second, but a guitar on sale.........What would you do ????.....


When you say it was "on sale" do you mean it was on 'special offer' - i.e. at a reduced price? If so then might the reason it was marked down in price have been the damage?


All things considered - and if the guitar is wonderful in every other respect - I, personally, would elect to keep it and try to get some recompense from GC.

Although the gouges are indisputably an eyesore they are not visible to the onlooker; the player is the only one who knows they are there. I could live with that.


My 2d worth.



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Ah, dear Matt, the stress and extreme duress are due to my PTSD and my lawsuits as a plantiff.......


The guitar blemishes are rather bad, I'm willing to keep it, but I want to be reimbursed for it's


non resalableness, ect etc......I am autistic, and functional, as long as I don't have to re-enter the working world...


What is confusing me Matt, and your wife works with autistic kids as I remember, is that, as I fight this


" other " battle, I can't understand, or know, realistically, how to GENTLY handle this minor thingee.....


The pressure is, literally killing me.......Hmmm...See a PM...Thanks Matt...

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Thanks all......Good thoughts......


Yeah Stein, I'm getting stressed out...not about music though....although,


I hadn't picked up and plugged in this guitar..no time..I just did.......


It'll be a recording monster....It's lighter than most ash, so, it's quality ash.....


See a PM bubby....and, thanks....

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Ah, dear Matt, the stress and extreme duress are due to my PTSD and my lawsuits as a plantiff.......


The guitar blemishes are rather bad, I'm willing to keep it, but I want to be reimbursed for it's


non resalableness, ect etc......I am autistic, and functional, as long as I don't have to re-enter the working world...


What is confusing me Matt, and your wife works with autistic kids as I remember, is that, as I fight this


" other " battle, I can't understand, or know, realistically, how to GENTLY handle this minor thingee.....


The pressure is, literally killing me.......Hmmm...See a PM...Thanks Matt...


Sorry just cleared my message box out it was full. I completely understand and yes my wife runs an autistic unit and I will read this to her later as she will understand how this has bothered you. Anxiety and stress with things going wrong affects things so much differently when you are on the spectrum.


She is on here too as a member. If you pm me I will pass it on to her too if you want?


Remember, it can be fixed easily by someone who is a luthier and if you don't want any agro, the worst thing that can happen is you have to spend a bit of money on it. Try not to worry



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Retrosurfer and Benderforlife; Yes !!!!! Good thoughts........almost what I was thinking as well....


I finally plugged it in....It's very un-Tele like....much mellower....great for recording........


You all are the best, I rely on you all for a whole lot................Thank you.....

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Pretty hard to tell by those pics, on the blurry side showing the back of the guitar, but the marks seem to look like belt buckle marks. I doubt that guitar came fresh out the box or someone had just played it prior to your girlfriend purchasing it. Perhaps, the clerk messed around with it to show how it sounds to your GF?

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Taking my morning coffee break and I caught this thread - so sorry to read about your situation Damian.


Unfortunately you're left to decide if the flaws are something you can tolerate or not. You should also take into account the playability and sound of the guitar - if these are really good it might cause you to happily overlook the flaws against the chance of getting an exchange/replacement that's inferior in these aspects. And don't forget to think about this - if you decide to keep the guitar, and the flaws still gnaw at you, you could eventually decide to get rid of it, in which case potential buyers will likely leverage the flaws against whatever asking price you set.


I wish you the best possible outcome.

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Thats a nice chunk of lumber Damian.

If you like the feel and sound, I would suggest keeping it. I would however, try and get a partial refund.

I agree that it shouldn't come from the shop like that but really, its on the back and will likely get a little beat over time anyway.

You've got bigger, more important things to deal with. By comparison, this is peanuts.

Good luck to you Damian.



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Damian, that guitar is gorgeous! It has given me a toner. (And I haven't even heard it yet!)


I understand the frustration around the backside of the guitar....but remember, when you're playing it, its facing your stomach or your junk...and no one can see it. :) I know you know its there, and as others have said, if its bugging you that much, a luthier could fix that for you in a jiffy.


What is important is the playability and sound...does it feel right? Does it sound right? Sounds like it does based on what I have read...so yeah, try to stay focused on the GOOD stuff.


I personall never consider resale value when I buy a guitar...though I know I am in the minority here. I just don't plan on selling any of my axes. My fear is that I would regret it the instand the money and guitar exchanged hands and I could do nothing about it. Try to enjoy the newness and not think of when you might want to sell it. (You just got it, you can't think about selling it yet!) ;)


Cheers man...hope it works out alright for you...she really is GORGEOUS. I'm jealous of that center seam and the wood grain. Man... [thumbup]

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Thank you all........Very good thoughts.............hmmm...[thumbup] [thumbup] [thumbup] .....


John {Shred}, yes, the center seam is rare for a MIM Tele....


The damage must have been factory, as it's under the thick poly...


And the salesman took it out of the box from the backroom...


Rather than exchange it, I'll have my gal negotiate for a discount on it.....

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