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The 3 Guitar Gods


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Tommy Emmanuel C.G.P



The Original c.g.p. C. G. P.


The initials in the title refer to the Atkins-coined title "Certified Guitar Player", a moniker he assigned not only to himself but other guitarists he admired and felt contributed to the legacy of guitar playing.


C.G.P. was awarded at Chet's discretion. Including him, there are only five gentlemen that have been granted the title. The estate of Chet Atkins that has trademarked the designation has made it clear that there will be no other c.g.p. distinctions awarded.


Now THERE'S a picker! [thumbup]

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From the list...


Because my wife loves him and also because he always thinks in melodies first and foremost, Joe Satriani

Off the list, way too many 'guitar gods' that I love from all different genres to list! msp_scared.gif None of them would be rock guitarists anymore I don't think though (yep shock horror even including Randy Rhoads LOL).



If we go off the list then you go on the list.


It's the way you play blues. That tips you to the top on my list.

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If we go off the list then you go on the list.


It's the way you play blues. That tips you to the top on my list.




That is one hell of a compliment and I hope you don't mind me promoting this; but I am recording an album of blues guitar (some vocals from my wife) that we want to either donate the proceeds to either the National Autistic Society in Great Britain, or possibly my wife's School where she run a separate unit for mid to high functioning children on the spectrum.


Like all schools they are always needing extra stuff.


I will give you the heads up when it is done (wont be for a while though)


But cheers



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I'm finishing up for the night - okay, morning - with rodeo pix, but your note on the benefit album struck me in the right way.


I think it's well for musicians as well as other professionals to be a true part of their community. That's increasingly difficult in a city - been there, although smaller ones than London - but it's a matter of picking your target and doing what you can do.


You keep being a good example. Sheesh. <grin>



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I only know of 2 guitar gods:


1. Django Reinhardt-

From Wikipedia= "Many guitar players, and musicians, have expressed admiration for Django Reinhardt, or have cited him as a major influence. These include British rock guitarists Jimmy Page, Jeff Beck, and Eric Clapton, all three of whom are regularly listed by publications such as Rolling Stone or Guitar Player Magazine as being within the top 10 greatest or most influential guitar players (often with Reinhardt, himself). In fact, Jeff Beck has described Reinhardt as "By far the most astonishing guitar player ever..." and "...quite superhuman..."

2. Les Paul

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That is one hell of a compliment and I hope you don't mind me promoting this; but I am recording an album of blues guitar (some vocals from my wife) that we want to either donate the proceeds to either the National Autistic Society in Great Britain, or possibly my wife's School where she run a separate unit for mid to high functioning children on the spectrum.



I'm in for a copy or two.



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This is all a matter of opinion and the style of music you like. My three votes would be:

1. Steve Howe

2. Alex Lifeson

3. EVH


There are too many class act guitarists to narrow it down to just three, but the list would get too long.

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I don't know about being a guitar God, but Malmsteen would win the "World's Biggest ******" award :)


I will admit YJM is a really good guitar player, but not a good, most of his music is just classical played on an electric guitar with some effects. WAY more of a ******bag then a god, for someone who plays 130% with the same style all the time he thinks he is king nothing.


Joe Satriani is definitely a guitar god, and well Steve is well on his way to being one (Funny that Joe gave him lessons before he went off to Berklee)


I dont really think there is a single guitar god, even Leo Fender and Les Paul would have to share that title for there innovations that brought the electric guitar to what we know it to be today. I believe a guitar god is a person who transcends all the barriers on there guitar, people who do things on a guitar so naturally that other people are like "[scared] OMG how the hell did he do that"







Jeff Healey, Canadian jazz and blues-rock volcaist/guitarist, blinded by retinoblastoma at the age of 8 months and my biggest piece of proof music knows no boundaries. Yes Jeff was the guitarist in the kick arse Patrick Swayze movie Roadhouse.

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I went to see this guy named Yankmy Manstem, back in the Mid 80's , who was supposed to be the best thing since sliced bread. Speed playing like nobodies business... One problem after 20 minutes, I and everyone else that went with me were looking for the exits. Absolutely the most boring thing I had ever witnessed still to this day. I have seen tons of concerts and it was the only one I've dipped early on.

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you shuld have called this thread "the guitarists i think are best". the original guys that started it all even copied each other. clapton copied some stuff from beck on the bluesbreakers album. jimmy page produced songs for eric. hendrix copied mayfield and a. king. srv copied hendrix so did vai.evh tried to be clapton. so....who is god of guitar. opinion is god. they all play better than me, even those who are dead.now get off this silly thread and go play your guitar.

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