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CONGRATULATIONS on your new President!


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oh but you do sound like a racist and your avatar adds to it. southern pride blah blah' date=' just like a swaztika is a sumerian good luck charm.


underqualified? look at the guy in office. i am a registered republican and even i can see that dubya is the worst president since warren harding. stop drinking fox news koolaid and what yer daddy told ya and actually read something. obama won because we (republicans) screwed up. we had the whitehouse and the congress and lost both because of incompetance, arrogance and corruption. the people have spoken for better or worse. if you dont like it, gtfo. i hear iraq is nice this time of year.[/quote']





First time I read such a comment writen by a republican (aorry to say it here), congratulations man! If more people acted like you then the world would be a better place.

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Enough of this can of worms. The USA has its first mixed race president and here in the UK we have the first mixed race F1 world champion and I for one think that is very very cool. Chaps lets get back to guitar chat.


Well said!!



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So... someone help me here. I've grown up hearing black people complain about "the Man". Now that we have a black president' date=' is "the Man" still holding him down? Does that mean we don't have to hear that anymore? I'm white so if something doesn't go my way does that mean I can say "the Man" is holding me down?[/quote']



Very valid comment man... I would like to know too! O:):-kO:):-k=D>

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If people could put aside their petty differences for a minute, maybe they'd see that history has been made. Not only because Obama is of Kenyan decent, but he's also a product of "average" people, not wealth. That, in and of itself is pretty damn special. It restores faith in "The American Dream", and that's enough to bring a tear to my eye.


He wanted to bring about "Change"? He already has. Think about it...

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Thanks Chan' date=' it's nice to be understood, every once in a while. Ya know what I mean?

I'm just O:) right now as far as what's going on, and not sure what to think.[/quote']


LPF don't fret (HA!). Keep an open mind, it's been all talk from both parties up till now. Next is action and from the current state of things we can only go up. I feel this new administration wants to do something and be remembered unlike the current who just wants to keep the chair warm and the beers cold.


I'm a supporter and I'm still scared and not sure what to think. He's smart, independant from corporate america, healthy and good at getting people to listen. I think we are in good hands and we'll see who he picks for his team. It can only go up or blow up from where we are. Play your les paul and give it a chance.

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So... someone help me here. I've grown up hearing black people complain about "the Man". Now that we have a black president' date=' is "the Man" still holding him down? Does that mean we don't have to hear that anymore? I'm white so if something doesn't go my way does that mean I can say "the Man" is holding me down?[/quote']

Yeah man now we have an excuse!! LOL Finally the "average middle class hard working white guy" is the minority.

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+1 on the congrats. ....at least you didn't get stuck with Steven Harper. [Canadian, eh?] I'm really looking forward to the bullseye being taken off Bill Maher. and Horray for Massachusetts!!!!! decriminalizing possession of less than an Ounce! Maybe 2 wars are coming to an end?

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<...snip...>look at the guy in office. i am a registered republican and even i can see that dubya is the worst president since warren harding. stop drinking fox news koolaid and what yer daddy told ya and actually read something. obama won because we (republicans) screwed up. we had the whitehouse and the congress and lost both because of incompetance' date=' arrogance and corruption. the people have spoken for better or worse.<...>[/quote']


Thank you.


I am a registered independent, and a moderate.


Before Nixon, I leaned towards the Republican side of the fence. I didn't like Nixon's illegal activities, Reagan's "Trickle Up" economics, Bush I's economic policy or anything about Bush IIs regime.


I didn't vote for Clinton, but the US was a better, more prosperous place when he was in the white house.


I don't listen to political ads, or Republican Propaganda Media (Limbaugh, Fox, etc.), don't worry about experience (they have enough advisers for that), but do look at past voting records.


IMHO, McCain, (who sacrificed a lot for this country and who I have a lot of respect for), would have continued the Bush downward spiral, since he rubber-stamped virtually everything Bush proposed. Palin was a joke and an embarrassment. And although I preferred Nader, he had no chance of winning and this election was too important to waste a vote on him (sorry, Ralph). So IMHO (1) Obama was the best applicant for the job and (2) I thought we simply have to end the Republican reign of corruption and political favors for the richest corporations in the world.


Also, the hate mail, and anti-Obama propaganda helped me make the decision against the Republicans (Did you know that Obama is an Athiest, a Muslim, a Communist, a racist, who will tax us to death, turn the arches of McDonalds into camel humps, put a turban on Colonel Sanders, and drinks the blood of small children ? -- anybody who believes that bulls**t should not be allowed to vote). The Fox/Limbaugh propaganda policy has the opposite effect on me than they want.


Hopefully, we made the right choice.


Time will tell.



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Okay' date=' if you go read my first post you'll see that, I went and not only removed it, but in it's place put an apology to everyone if I offended them. As well as in my last post made it quite clear that I am not a racist.[/quote']


With an Avatar like the one you have I would find it hard to believe you aren't. eusa_listen.gif

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A studio with gold hardware???? It might be a fake!!!


No the Alpine white Studio comes with Gold hardware. But it is so white it will blind you if you look at it for too long. The classic white is a more subdued colour that has chrome hardware and is no longer available in Canada or I would have one.

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Thank you.


I am a registered independent' date=' and a moderate.


Before Nixon, I leaned towards the Republican side of the fence. I didn't like Nixon's illegal activities, Reagan's "Trickle Up" economics, Bush I's economic policy or anything about Bush IIs regime.


I didn't vote for Clinton, but the US was a better, more prosperous place when he was in the white house.


I don't listen to political ads, or Republican Propaganda Media (Limbaugh, Fox, etc.), don't worry about experience (they have enough advisers for that), but do look at past voting records.


IMHO, McCain, (who sacrificed a lot for this country and who I have a lot of respect for), would have continued the Bush downward spiral, since he rubber-stamped virtually everything Bush proposed. Palin was a joke and an embarrassment. And although I preferred Nader, he had no chance of winning and this election was too important to waste a vote on him (sorry, Ralph). So IMHO (1) Obama was the best applicant for the job and (2) I thought we simply have to end the Republican reign of corruption and political favors for the richest corporations in the world.


Also, the hate mail, and anti-Obama propaganda helped me make the decision against the Republicans (Did you know that Obama is an Athiest, a Muslim, a Communist, a racist, who will tax us to death, turn the arches of McDonalds into camel humps, put a turban on Colonel Sanders, and drinks the blood of small children ? -- anybody who believes that bulls**t should not be allowed to vote). The Fox/Limbaugh propaganda policy has the opposite effect on me than they want.


Hopefully, we made the right choice.


Time will tell.




Heres whats sad bro. People like you that get offended by hearing the actual FACTS and RECORDS that actually did OCCUR!!!!!!! Would you be excited if hypothetically, you had a sister that was about to have kids and get married to a guy that was involved with a racist church, corrupt slum lords that have since been convicted, worked with an unrepented domestic terrorist and kicked off his political carreer with him? Are you crazy????? What does that say about his judgement of people? His own views (in which he voted present almost 90% of the time in his short time in senate)? voting present on bills charging teenagers as adults for blatant murder????


Would you get a job that you apply for if you had all that on your resume!!!! LOLOLOLOL OBVIOUSLY not!!!!!!!!

Yes Fox news was in the bag for McCain. They were backed in a corner to support McCain because they were one of the only sources that dared to question anything about Obama in the beginning. Hardly anyone on the Left would actually answer or entertain any of the serious questions asked to them, because they knew that the answers were damning to Obamas campaign, and they were afraid of being "racist". Rediculous.


You got turned off because its propoganda? What about watching each and every other channel on tv being in the absolute BANK for Obama, being reluctant to even cover anything negative about Obama. BS!!!!!


While in theory it is a great thing that America has its first African-American president, I am also very sad for African-Americans because I feel that this huge mile-stone has been cheapened badly by forcing this un-qualified candidate to presidency. How about electing a qualified African American as President???? Whats wrong with that? Wouldn't that make sense instead??? Because Bush was under-qualified, it makes sense to put in another un-qualified candidate right in after him?


I sincerely hope that Obama does succeed for him, and for all of us. It would defy the laws of logic, but I will have "HOPE" that he makes the proper "Change" LOL!!!!!!!!Jeez.....

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Obama is more qualified than Palin, and McCain was viewed as being Bush, Jr.


O'Biden will provide the plucky comic relief.


Most of the "facts" here are just regurgitated republican spin, heard ad nauseum in repeated republican smear ads.

They are based on a small shred of truth, and then spun into a seemingly huge issue. You have to REALLY pay attention and do your own research to get the actual facts. Frankly, this is the reason we are in such a cesspool now... every election we watch the Dems and Republicans call eachother names like a bunch of ill behaved children, while a bunch of neanderthals cheer on their particular side in the fight. The issues are never discussed in enough detail so anyone can make a really good choice, we only get to listen to another set of wishful promises about what they think you want to hear. When we finally do get a politician who tries to run on just the issues, they have to eventually defend themselves from the baseless political drivel being spewed from the "other party".



EVERY ONE of you pointing your finger at the other side with accusations or gloating are contributing to the REAL problem, and until you quit being sheep, and start thinking for yourself... and not listening to some party propaganda designed soley to advance their own agenda and secure their continued employment... we are doomed to repeat the same debacle, over and over and over again.



WHY do you think they want us to fight amongst ourselves??? Ever stop to wonder what they stand to gain from their devisive political tactics?



things that make you go "Hmmmmmm......"



You can now fight amongst yourselves, I'm done with politics in my guitar forum.

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Heres whats sad bro. People like you that get offended by hearing the actual FACTS and RECORDS that actually did OCCUR!!!!!!! <...>.


The "Facts" as reported by Fox News' date=' Rush Limbaugh and the rest of the Republican Propaganda machine are not facts at all, and no, I do not believe them.


You can repeat them all you want and I still will not believe them.


I've heard Obama is a Racist, Atheist, Muslim, Marxist, Card Carrying Communist, Uneducated, Terrorist, and so on. I don't believe a word of it. If you look at his voting record, he is obviously a moderate.


IMHO the once noble Republican party has been bought by the richest multi-national corporations. It's sad because they once were great.


They spit out propaganda and then do the opposite and we get, "Read my lips", "I am not a crook" etc. We get a criminal Nixon, an Agnew who cheats on his taxes, a Bush liar/mass-murderer and the Republican Propaganda machine makes them heroes. Under Clinton (who I didn't vote for) we had good economy, a balanced budget and a little infidelity and they make him out to be Satan. I don't know about you, but my personal economics were much better under Clinton, and I don't care what he did with his cigar.


They make Hillary out to be a *****, and nominate an air-head weather-girl for vice president. One who said in an AP news story that we should attack Russia. One who cannot name the countries of NAFTA. One who thinks Africa is a country, not a continent. She would have been a heartbeat away from being president. And then they say Obama is inexperienced. Propaganda.


The Republicans hijack the Christians on the anti-abortion ticket. They get those well meaning Christians to vote for them and what did they do next? Broke two of the ten commandants ([i']Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor[/i] and thou shalt not kill). In other words, lied about the WMDs to start a war that has resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of adult human beings. I guess embryos are more sacred than sons, daughters, fathers, mothers, sisters and brothers -- at least when Oil Company, Halliburton, Blackwater and other corporate profits can be made.


In the meantime, they drop the ball looking for the real villain who took down the World Trade Center. Afghanistan was justified. In Iraq they invaded a sovereign country on a manufactured lie just like Hitler did to Poland. Plus they approved the heinous act of torture (another Hitler tactic). How would we feel if China invaded Bolivia stating they had WMDs? We would rightly be outraged. Then why aren't the Republicans outraged at the invasion of Iraq? Could it be because they are brainwashed by Republican-Propaganda-Media? At least Obama voted against the illegal invasion of a sovereign country.


The Republicans gave tax cuts to the richest people in the nation, and financed the war on credit so that every taxpaying citizen in the US has to pay more for the goods and services than they did before. After all, the interest on the >10 trillion dollar debt has to be paid by someone, and it ain't gonna be by the richest people in the country, they get a tax cut. This resulted in more loss of income than any democratic tax increase would have. There is more than one way to tax the citizens, at least the Democrats call a tax a tax.


For the second time under a Republican administration, we taxpayers had to bail out the banks (remember Reagan's S&L bail out?). So we the people (you and I) are paying for the bad loans, and the interest and we don't own the property, the banks do. To make matters worse, mega-millions of that bail out money (our tax dollars ) went to pay the bonuses of the executives running the banks we bailed out. Why aren't you outraged????


I'd consider myself an idiot to vote Republican again this time around.


Listening to Republican-Propaganda-Media is a sure way to get brainwashed. My advice. Turn it off, look at the voting record of your representatives, and think for yourself.


It is easy to see that the country has been going downhill since Bush and the Republican Congress took control 8 years ago. By re-electing a Republican president and congress, you can be sure of more of the same.


I didn't vote for Obama because he is black. I voted because (1) I like his voting record and (2) I wanted to vote against the Republicans who are ruining this great country. I'm not in love with the Democrats either, but right now I believe they are the lesser of the two evils.


I actually preferred Nader, but he didn't have a chance so I thought it was more important to de-throne the party that is running this country down the tubes.


So the new guy is in. Will he do better? I hope so. Can he do worse? I don't think so.


I'm tired of this thread. I'm outta here.

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