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Hey there,


Just recently bought a new Gibson Explorer which has a Rosewood fret board, and am about to order some 0000 steel wire wool to get the slight oxidation on the frets. I've been looking online and most websites recommend putting masking tape on the fret board to avoid the risk of any damage to the wood from the wool, although won't this leave any residue/adhesive on the wood once it has been removed? Any chemical I should avoid while polishing the rosewood?


(Apologize if this is in the wrong section of these forums)



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Get the painters tape, put it on your jeans for a second then put it on the guitar. The little threads from your jeans will take away some of the sticky so the tape doesn't stick so hard. Even though painters tape doesnt have much of stick in the first place...

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Get the painters tape, put it on your jeans for a second then put it on the guitar. The little threads from your jeans will take away some of the sticky so the tape doesn't stick so hard. Even though painters tape doesnt have much of stick in the first place...

And use that same painters tape to mask off your pickups or you're gonna have little wire wool bits in them forever!!

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They sell painters tape with different levels of stickyness, go with the weakest. it is indicated in its wrapping.


Use the finest steel wood you can find and finish off to a to buff with Turtle Wax polishing compound.


If polishing compund gets between the fret and fingerboard simply brush it off with a dry tooth brush.

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You can get some nice metal fretboard guards from Stewart-MacDonald for a few bucks that will protect the wood while you work on the frets. They're especially good if you use a Dremel polishing wheel.




I've never heard of masking tape messing up a fretboard, but I have known it to pull binding off! Fortunately, I assume the Explorer has none.

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Thanks for all the replies!


I was tempted to buy the fingerboard guards although I'd have to take delivery from the US to the UK and wait a few weeks to get them msp_thumbdn.gif. Amazingly they don't sell these over here in the UK (from what I've searched on the internet).


Just bought some Everbuild low tack masking tape (http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/150709568528?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649#ht_500wt_792) hopefully it'll be harmless to my fret board msp_thumbup.gif

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I use steel wool once in a while. You can use masking tape (or painter's tape) to cover the fretboard. But you really don't need to. The steel wool is fine to run across the fretboard, just don't snag it on the fret ends.


Like axe said, scotch brite works good, too. Especially to get any gunk off the board.

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Planetwaves do a good fret polish paper. Its costs about a fiver... Its easy to use, very effective, dont need oils or chemicals and you cant get it wrong. The pack comes with a slotted card for protecting the board..


You can even get it on the bay!!





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