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Zeppelin on Letterman tonight


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I got the impression that JPJ was nervous and just trying to be funny and Robert Plant was annoyed at everything Jimmy Page said, or maybe annoyed at being there at all. It was awkward. I kind of think that people keep trying to drag these guys together. It seems to me that Led Zeppelin is over. Robert Plant is not into it. Time to give it up and quit trying to force something that isnt there.


Id like to see John get back with Grohl and Josh Homme for another Them Crooked Vultures album.

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They all did seen a bit subdued, or just a bit uncomfortable. They did loosen up towards the end, didn't talk much, just answered question's. Plant was a bit more forward. There usual from other interviews I've seen with them in the past. Nothing good or bad about it really there are just regular guy's with a bunch of music inside them. [thumbup]

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Yea, hard-cringed when he said "the drummer died".


I saw this more out of curiosity than anything, I knew Dave was going to try to make it a funny interview rather than something in depth, that's the show format. I think what is funny is to have Led Zeppelin promoting new material...as if they needed to.


I would have liked to see Jimmy Page give Sam Dunn (from Metal Evolution) an interview but Zeppelin is so non-metal that they don't even want to talk about it even if the subject is the band being an influence on the genre.

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Well, the "normal" community seems to frown upon the metal community. And Zeppelin are beyond that. They just won that Kennedy award (which means absolutely nothing to me, and I'm sure the band feels the same way). It would be a big thing for Sam I'm sure. I love the Metal Evolution series too, plus all of the other stuff he's done (Metal: A Headbangers Journey, Rush: Beyond The Lighted Stage, Iron Maiden Flight 666, etc). He's the only non-pro musician besides Eddie Trunk that's waving the metal flag.


Dave needs to retire. When KISS was on a couple weeks ago, he was standing next to Gene and Paul. That makes three of em'...

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