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Anyone heard from Missouri Picker?


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I messaged Larry back in the first week of March when the subject was Hummingbirds. His name came up (believe Sal had suggested that it was an topic Mo'Pic' might have some experience with). Never received a reply. No posts by MissouriPicker over at the AGF as well. For a LONG time. Hope he's doing well, and has simply made good his escape from Guitarforumland.

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Man, I hope he's well.......


I have "stayed out" of here a few times. There were a few people who were rude to me due to differing political views and it made posting ANYTHING uncomfortable for a while. But I would still check in and read.


Sometimes I am very busy with life, land, projects, mowing, day job and stuff.


Other times I realize I simply have nothing to add to the conversation, some of the members here are almost like encyclopedias when it comes to guitars. Although coming up with something stupid has never been much of a challenge.


But, if someone asks about me I'll usually check in.


As for Larry, I pray all is well, he's a valued member and a talented player.

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Thanks to all you folks for your concerns. I've been fine. Just couldn't sign-in to the form. Couldn't change my password or even read the forum. Same thing happened on YouTube and some other places.. Couldn't sign-in or change my password. Same thing on the Kia Forum and often with Facebook. Anyway, I'm thinking now that I had some software problems on my computer. Had it all checked-out a few weeks ago and now I can get around okay. They told me they removed several Trojan class bugs...... I got on Sound Cloud about three weeks ago. Couldn't join it or listen to music on it before.. The other day I found Sal and Anne there and reminded me of this place. When it comes to guitars, this is home.




Been an interesting ride since I was last in here. Somewhere around October or November, I think. Early in November I bought a Hummingbird TV from GC. It was a 2013. Nice cherry burst and it sounded real good. I played it about ten days and returned it. Beautiful guitar, but in all sincerity my original Hummingbird has the sound that speaks to me. My son and I played them against each other over and over, but I could hear and feel the difference. Doesn't mean my bird is better. Just means it's better for me. I'm just comfortable with that guitar and its me. Anyway, also found an American Eagle LG2 that is a sweetheart of a guitar. Sweet fingerpicking guitar. Excellent fit and quality. Great tone. My only issues are that I'm used to playing dreads and jumbo guitars...lol.....The little LG2 sounds cool, but doesn't have that "thump" I listen for. Don't know for sure if I"ll keep it..............I've always been somewhat of a purist pertaining to guitars. You know, "the bird" is supposed to be mahogany. Same with the J45. The AJ is supposed to be rosewood, and long scale and so on and on. All the different models kind of bothered me. Anyway, I found this guy with a Koa AJ. A 2011.. Short scale. He let me play it. An absolutely off-the-planet guitar. An acoustic beast. The adirondack red spruce top is a killer. Totally a beautiful instrument. I bought it about two months ago and have been playing the hell out of it. Have to force myself to hang it on the wall and play something else. I put an LR Baggs Lyric in it and love it. My son now has my rosewood AJ. He's gotten more interested in playing and I can use it if I need to. Otherwise, it's his and that works for me. Not sure what I'll look for if I don't keep the American Eagle. Maybe a used J200 or a J45TV, although the J150 is a wicked guitar and my standard J45 is a workhorse for my gigs..............Been playing lots of gigs. More than ever. Finished a CD. You won't find it on the radio....lol........but I put up a sign by my tip jar at gigs---"Leave a tip and take a CD." I've got right at 35 cents in each CD and folks leave 3-4-5 dollars when they take one.

Works out pretty nicely........Btw, when I came back in here tonight, it let me change my password. I suppose it's best to keep your computer free of bugs...lol....I'd rather use the money for music things, but sometimes you've got to sacrifice...............Thanks asking about me. Nice to be back home......Oh, also bought an Ovation guitar. A Celebrity Plus Koa. Nice guitar for around 475. I just can't get used to the rounded back...lol...Ovations are different (in a good way). Nice tone. Very easy to setup yourself. Maybe I should have gotten one with the contoured back, or maybe I'm just drawn to the Gibsons...........I'm sure it will be returned within the next week while I'm still within the return period.


Again--------thanks for asking about me. Much appreciated.

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Thanks Anne and Kahune.....Yeah, Kahune, I have been pretty busy. We don't know the future and all we can do is remember and learn from the past. Got to keep pushing forward. I've come to the conclusion that for myself there is no relief in this literally perpetual desire for guitars. I kind of envy the person who can honestly say "this is the last one." I've thought/said it numerous times over the years, but it was all bullcrap and maybe at the time wishful thinking. Each time I plead with my wife that "this will be the last one," she says "just buy the damn thing and don't make promises you can't keep." I'll be 68 in a few days and I have no idea when or if this kind of addiction will end. I've got two friends (husband and wife) who are 86 and 84 years old. She plays a stand-up bass and he plays guitar. They play "old time" music at nursing homes and coffeehouses. Time after time he's telling me something about the latest instrument they've got. Great people and I know them because of the music. If I live to be 100, I hope I'm still doing this stuff............I'm sure glad to get back in this place. Good people and good discussions.

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Welcome Back Larry! I am sure you are having the time of your life. We all question things we do - "Is it an addiction?" VS "Should I do this more often?" I'm at the point (a month older than you ) where I've settled into my skin and can accept who I am and how I got here. Wish I had spent less time at the office and more time smelling the roses. And gotten better at mixing cliches.

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Pickax, I sent you a message. [thumbup] Thanks for your interest.



fortyearspickin, you are 100% right. Somewhere along the line we each have to settle into our own skin and accept who we are. I think I'm pretty much in that place in regards to my life... In regards to this music thing I think I reached that point several years ago. I always knew that I wasn't going to be the next Johnny Cash. Never had the drive to make the sacrifices and definitely never had the talent. So all I had to do was reach a similar point in regards to other people I know and I eventually reached a point where I could look at some of my local contemporaries and tell myself he/she can sing better, play guitar better, write better songs, etc....and I have no issues with that. It's never been a competition for me. I do it because I enjoy playing, I've grown to be happy with what I do musically. With all of my musical imperfections and inabilities I've found a niche where grandma and grandpa songs fit in, and that works for me. Some of the folks around here are so good that you love sitting there listening to them. At times I wonder how they got so good and so natural at it, and at such a young age. But, in the end, I am who I am and I can accept it and be happy with it. Musically, I've never had great expectations of myself. Maybe it's because I enjoy playing my little gigs so much that I don't let other things bother me. No matter who or what I may have one time wanted to be, it turns out that I've got to be me...........And fortyearspickin, it sounds like you already know all this stuff....lol [thumbup]

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