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Sgt. Pepper

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Everything posted by Sgt. Pepper

  1. He's coming by me. I am gonna try to go. I saw him at that Grand Ole Opry last year. Damn good.
  2. I'm all acoustic. Can't play much past the 14 fret. But the D-41 man oh man what a guitar.
  3. Once I got over the size of my BB King (same size as a 335) there is nothing that guitar can't do. Except maybe sound like a Strat or Tele.
  4. Beautiful stated. But no one cares what these rich do or say as long as it doesn't interfere with a forum members ability to buy another J-45. That is when the pitchforks and burning stakes will come out.
  5. I know Taylor Swift is a devoted Hammond B3 and Leslie girl.
  6. I saw a guy called Jack Pearson (for a short while he was an Allman Brother) at the Station Inn, in Nashville. It is about the size of an over sized living room. Yep, those guys I could get behind.
  7. I watched a YT video from Jason Isbell. He said when he was out of the house he used to play Method Man and put his acoustic guitars in front of the speakers so they would get vibrated and stimulate what Tone Rite does.
  8. She is an absolute __________. You fill in the blank.
  9. No two things even the same model are exactly 100% the same.
  10. Gibson BB Kings come with 490's. I had one and loved the pups, but many don't.
  11. Yeah if someone steals our case and its locked there just gonna get in some how.
  12. Reverb is great. If you do CL make sure you go to a public place to make the deal. It is recommended to do it a Police Station parking lot. No joke.
  13. Maybe and error or maybe 3 go on the top and 3 on the bottom. Not sure.
  14. Rio Grandes or Bare Knuckles. Never cared for SD or Dimarzio.
  15. Gibson is on it right now. Just kidding. Are you looking to buy some or want Gibson to sell them?
  16. Reverb, ebay or aftermarket is your best bet.
  17. Probably by tomorrow the J-45 experts will chime in a give you a tutorial.
  18. I watched it a few weeks back. Good doc. Love some of Croz's statements, but loath him a human. I would have liked more doc and less concert, but that's me. I would have rather them use footage of the bands that made the music instead. Not slagging them in any way.
  19. That is all these talk show hosts and comedians got. They can't think of anything else to make fun of, but lets be honest I do not care one way or the other about him, he does make it easy for them. Jimmy is an unfunny tool who usually has terrible music guests.
  20. I sold a Guild JF-30 and traded my D-35 and some cash. No regrets at all. The 35 was stellar, but this is stellar-er.
  21. Just commenting. Not directed toward you in any way. Now go listen to some Zappa. Its okay to lust after the weather girl. There was a girl on the morning news were I live. She is easy on the eyes.
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