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Everything posted by SteveFord

  1. It's going through the Caribbean islands so I'd say don't count sunlight and humidity killing it off a whole heck of a lot. It's kind of like that great Mel Brooks song, Hope For The Best, Expect The Worst. We had 7 new deaths in our little county overnight, one of them was my wife's boss' grandmother. It's weird as the old lady was a virtual shut in so she must have touched something contaminated and it bumped her off.
  2. If you have any vacation time you could probably get a smoking deal on airfare and cruise ship, plenty of fresh air and sunshine there. My old happy humping grounds, Greenwich Village in NYC, might be nice to visit this time of year. It's not too hot and humid so you don't get all sticky walking around. My nephew, who lives there, says that the streets are surprisingly deserted so you wouldn't have to fight the maddening crowds, either. You're right, why let a pandemic cramp your style? Don't forget, we like pictures!
  3. Protests in our state capital today and I'm told it was a zoo. Cars, trucks, motorcycles, pedestrians, cops, you name it. Lots of out of state license plates, too, so this wasn't a spontaneous uprising, either. I did my civic duty and stayed the course with social distancing. I didn't wave a flag but I did wear a black Stetson Pinnacle fedora. Almost forgot - up 948 cases in PA with 92 deaths since yesterday.
  4. Pete Townsend might care to give that one a whack. All in favor, say AYE!
  5. Since last night +20 in my county, +1628 in the entire state, up 80 deaths state-wide.
  6. We'll get through it although it's going to be a really strange year. The biggest thing working against us, here in the US, is that it's going from a straight health issue to a political issue (witness the morons in Michigan demonstrating against a lock down yesterday) and a young versus old schism. Kind of hard to stop the spread of this when people won't do what is for the common good. As for me, I'll hunker down and wash my hands a lot as the case numbers are still rising all around me.
  7. Very handsome, I had a Classic years ago and really liked it but then came the Great Recession and off it went.
  8. Young people croak from it, too, but admittedly at a much lower rate. Did you see that cell phone pattern following Spring Break in Florida? Here comes the plague.
  9. The old heavy duty snake and lizard dewormer, ivermetctin, is being studied as a possible cure for CORONAVIRUS-19. Every vet on the planet is familiar with ivomec, it's cheap and plentiful and is REALLY powerful stuff. I've used it on at least 100 animals over the decades. Dangerous stuff, too, it kills turtles and tortoises so they'll have to do a lot of testing. Wouldn't that be something if that stuff I was injecting into imported reptiles saved the day? https://www.yahoo.com/gma/head-lice-drug-emerges-potential-coronavirus-treatment-studies-080301583--abc-news-topstories.html
  10. Some friggin' show featuring Ellen Degeneris and 10,000 screaming nitwits. Earlier today The Who Live At Leeds and Meaty, Beaty, Big and Bouncy.
  11. Shame the owner is thick as a brick but he seems to like me, nonetheless. I think it has to do with the never ending stream of produce.
  12. I took a mental health day, listened to some "new" Who albums and caught a little sun with the tortoises.
  13. I had my 6 month post-heart attack check up over the phone with the doctor today. She agrees with my wife's speculation that we "may" have had COVID-19 last December; it wasn't the flu, the hospital ran a boatload of tests on me, said it was a virus and it took 3 weeks to shake it. My wife wound up in the hospital as her lungs were filling up but she pulled through. Whatever it was, it spread through the office in a matter of days and you just cough your brains out. I will say that I haven't been quite the same since. As for central PA, my county is up to 371 cases, 3 deaths, the entire state is as 25,345 cases with 534 deaths. Our lock down/social distancing bit is unofficially expected to last until August. We won't be out of the woods for probably another year at the earliest.
  14. Doing this work at home/quarantine thing has made me realize that I needed some "new" albums so I've got a bunch of 180 gram ones coming: The Who (first album), Live at Leeds, Meaty, Beaty, Big and Bouncy and their latest release The Rolling Stones Hot Rocks, Through The Past Darkly, Their Satanic Majesties Request and Beggar's Banquet. That should keep me going for a bit.
  15. If you're going to collect the whole set you NEED Mothermania. Otherwise, you might as well be stuck to the seat on the bus.
  16. 21,655 w/ 494 deaths all of PA 293 w/ 3 deaths for my county
  17. SteveFord


    “When I die, I want to die like my grandfather who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car.” Will Rogers.
  18. ...where you'll wind up covered with special sauce and shoved into a sesame seed bun with some pickles on you. Working from home so did 11 hours and then, to practice social distancing from my wife I went for a short blast on a motorcycle. Very eerie feeling as there's hardly any traffic and few people around. Naturally, one of the few I saw was a fat guy coughing into his elbow. Hmmmm... Also played my Les Paul for the first time in maybe 6 months. That guitar has a wonderful neck on it with nice, low frets but it just feels too dinky after a Firebird. Complain, complain, complain!
  19. SteveFord


    When I had my heart attack and then got on my motorcycle (not understanding what had happened to me) and then blacked out while riding and came to all covered with gas in a field I figured that I was dying. Took long enough to figure that one out but I never was all that bright... I wasn't afraid, it was just wait to see what would happen next. A couple of cars and a pick up truck went by so I crawled back to the bike, got my cell phone out of the luggage and dialed 911. That's what happened next.
  20. The plague is upon our downtrodden butts. My county is up 29 to 218 w/ 2 deaths Pennsyltucky is up 1579 to 14,559 w/ 78 deaths for a total of 240 fatalaties. All just since yesterday.
  21. Yeah, I'll say. Looking to adopt?
  22. Tortoises are VERY personable animals. I lay down on the yard and they're all over me. Give them a scratch up above the tail and they do the wild butt dance, ha, ha. They swing the back of their shell side to side and walk past swinging side to side, it's pretty funny to watch. You have to work with them a little bit but they learn their names and you can call them, they see me walking around and they come on over for some attention. They're great animals.
  23. Worked at home yesterday, worked at home today (Sunday), will have to run into work for a few minutes tomorrow and then back to working at home. Work, work, work. The only interesting thing that happened today was I fed the snakes, fed the monitor lizards AND got the tortoises outside for a little bit. They are so miserable being cooped up all Winter so I got to make them happy for a change.
  24. I can only think of 3 I'd really like back: Late 70s ES 335, wine red w/ coil tap switch and trapeze tail piece 74 SG Standard in red which was just astonishingly aggressive sounding through a Marshall stack 2005 Firebird VII in candy apple red which just exuded class. Anyone else?
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