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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. "Better a diamond with a flaw, than a pebble without." I think that's from Confucius.
  2. Loved them all. "A" seemed a little more natural to my ears. Really love this genre.
  3. Everyone's ears are different, but I preferred the Old SJ. I think my SJ200 sounds 'better than his'. But maybe that's because I didn't crack the bridge and split the face in 3 places. Most amazing to me in this video - the two guitar cases in the background are in pristine condition.
  4. Funny how language evolves.... "LOCKDOWN" use to be a term only used in prisons.
  5. My first night in Boot Camp - June 5th, 1968, they told us of the assassination of RFK. It was surreal. When he was told of his brother's assassination 5 years earlier, Bobby said "I thought they'd get me first." There were some witnesses who testified there was a 2nd gunman there in that LA hotel kitchen. Like the Grassy Knoll testimonies from Dallas. Then, in another 5 years - the disappearance of Hoffa who had a few times told associates that JFK and RFK had to be eliminated ... questions surrounding MLK's murder. The race riots of those times - LA, DC, Newark, Chicago, Detroit in '67 and '68. It was clear to us at the time, Sir Bobster was right - The Times They Are A-Changin'. LBJ's Great Society and Vietnam War: They certainly didn't change for the better. To say the 60s were a turbulent decade would be a pitifully trite understatement. These lyrics paint the mural for those who care to see it. A tip of the hat to Em7 to surfacing this song.
  6. Connect the dots: They lead right to where we are now.
  7. This Is Us .... Modern Family ... Council of Dads ... we're being programmed by the programs.
  8. Having one broccoli, re-fried beans and hard boiled egg burrito for dinner at night keeps them away the following day.
  9. Buc, I enjoy every one of your performance posts immensely. Your H'Bird sounds fantastic. But like Chet said when someone paid him that compliment - "It's sitting over there, I don't hear a thing!" Your singing and playing are two legs of the stool - your song choice is impeccable. Thanks.
  10. 45 .... that's up from the 28 you mentioned 5 days ago.... none in your county, but what state ? Context ! 🙂
  11. Wow. TD makes a huge difference... even I can appreciate it. Tnks!
  12. As the Disney song says "All The Colors of The Wind".... except Red, White & Blue. To think you're making a political statement by not using a guitar with a paint job patterned after the US Flag, is indicative of an underlying condition.
  13. The Assassination of JFK: Who, beside Oswald was involved? Who paid off Jack Ruby?
  14. Of course Gibson has the final word on whether your warranty is still in force, but the fact there was a change in leadership at Gibson would not allow the company to legally cancel warranties already granted. In fact, even when a company which has issued warranties is acquired by another company, part of the 'transaction' includes setting aside an estimated 'reserve' for possible future claims. The new company acquires the assets and the liabilities of the company it acquires. It's my limited understanding that if you are the original owner and registered your guitar as purchased in the US, even if you live in another country - you are covered for things like this. Regardless, the cost of a neck repair on a great guitar, is no reason to feed it into the wood chipper.
  15. Saw an ad yesterday for another new line of Martins - The Carpathian Line. Use Carpathian Spruce. I guess it's not special to the tree huggers, just to the guitar players.
  16. And now for the baseball scores: 5 to 3; 7 to 4; 12 to 2 and 5 to 5 in the bottom of the 12th.
  17. Depends. On how much it's coming away, and the age. If it's a 60s or 70s the glue may have worn out. In which case I'd bring it to a guitar tech or luthier to remove it safety and the flue residue and then re-attach it. If it's not that old and it's just a corner lifting by 1/8th of an inch or less _ I'd get some extra-thing double sided tape and slide it in there and put a book on top for a day or two.
  18. 'cause they know that wood (pun intended) get PETA after them. Birds of a Feather !
  19. Great job - a nice reminder on why we love SJ200 Mapleators !
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