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Everything posted by MissouriPicker

  1. And all the all the people born here who claim to hate it, all they do is talk. They don’t leave.
  2. Some amazing guitar players. Wish I had a fraction of their talent……..Still, life is often unfair. You can let that kill your dreams and aspirations or you can keep striving to be “you.” Sure, I wish I had their skills (they are outstanding!), but I’m me and at this stage of my life I’m happy and pretty satisfied with what I do. I’m an adequate guitar player and I think my music (songs) fit well with the coffeehouses and wineries I play and I suspect their talents and music fit well for what they do.
  3. Just remember! A crowded elevator smells very different to a midget.
  4. I don’t watch the Olympics anymore. It’s boring ‘and even worse, it’s political. Maybe I’ll watch if they have people boxing an Alaskan Grizzly or wrestling with a Reticulated Python.
  5. I can’t put exactly into words what I mean by loud, woody, mellow, crisp, bright, muddy, etc. All I know is that when I hear it I know I’m hearing it and if I like that particular degree of sound than I’m more likely to feel that I could live with that guitar. I’ve got to feel that a guitar is an extension of who I am by enhancing the sound and mood I want with my songs. The attributes of a particular sound depends on who is listening to it. You might hear something as too quiet while I think it’s nice and mellow, and we’re both correct in our own personal way.
  6. I believe you. You’re irritating and funny! Keep doing what you’re doing!………Everyone is different in some way. For myself, I just don’t get offended very often by what someone says to me. I can joke about most everything and I can laugh when the “joke is on me.” My family is pretty much off-limits, but beyond that I don’t waste time getting offended. Like many in here, I been around here for more than a few years and I enjoy the often spirited debates and disagreements. Makes for an interesting forum. If someone disagrees with my views, that’s fine, but I think it’s sometimes fun to “stir the pot.” Just don’t takes this kind of stuff too seriously.
  7. Man, that is pretty cool! I prefer the more traditional look, but that’s “pretty cool.” I suspect it’s directed toward a younger buyer who can afford a “bird,” but even an old dog like me can look good on stage behind a “bluebird.”….lol….
  8. Yeah, J200s have a way of being sweet. Those big bodies can be mellow or they can roar. Keep the music alive!
  9. If it’s in super-good shape $300 max.
  10. Yesterday, my wife spent most of the day at our daughters, so I had a lot of free time. I spent about three hours with running trains on my layout and then got out the Dove and spent almost five hours (off and on) trying to finish a song that started-out as a poem over thirty years ago…lol….I actually started turning it into a song last summer, but got stuck and have remained “stuck.” I think I’m stuck because of the way I looked at things then and the way I look at them now. Anyway, somewhere along the way I’ll figure it out.
  11. Well done, RB! Real smooth delivery. That’s a real “coffeehouse” version and I truly enjoyed it. The song, the vocals, and the pickin’ are sweet
  12. Whatever you do, don’t have any contact with her tongue.
  13. Congrats on a sweet guitar. I hope you enjoy it for many years.
  14. You know it’s cold outside when you step on dog crap and roll your ankle.
  15. I don’t know if it was just one song, but I always liked the way Luther Perkins and Bob Wooton (Johnny Cash’s lead pickers) played. I can do that pretty well, along with keeping a constant baseline going like Doc Watson used to do. Then, I’ve also picked-up some stuff from Peter Yarrow and Joanie Mitchell. There are probably too many influences to remember. I just took whatever I was capable of using from these artist and made it into my own limited ability technique. Like most folks, I have a lot of favorite songs, but the ones that have had the most influence on my playing are of the folk genre.
  16. Welcome to the forum! I personally don’t know anything in regards to your question, but I suspect that “zombywoof” and some others will point you in the right direction. Lots and lots of knowledge in this forum…..BTW, don’t be a stranger in here. Lots of J200 owners too.
  17. You sound like me. I do that occasionally in public….lol. I’m tempted to say it’s a “getting older” thing, but then I’d be admitting I’m getting older.
  18. What do “pro-vaxxers” and “anti-vaxxers” have in common? None of them will ever be fully vaccinated.
  19. My main resolution is to keep playing my gigs (maybe more winery gigs) and hanging around with people fatter than me so that I feel skinny.
  20. Tough way to start a new year. It’s a continuous cycle.
  21. Nicely said! And, I think most everyone here has noticed the exceptionality of your nuts……Also most of us think you are nuts………And all of my Gibsons are great.
  22. Yeah….lol….that’s true. A 2-3 masker would have sprayed me or maybe run screaming from the building. ….., Anyway, I was fine the next day. I think I got it from our son on Christmas Eve. Didn’t have a headache, although my wife said I gave her one.
  23. Today I have one-hell-of-a-cold and cancelled my weekly gig. I felt good, but didn’t want to unintentionally spread my cold and/or scare any of the coffeehouse customers away. They’ve been very loyal to me. Normally, with a cold, I’d just go and play a lot of instrumentals, but in the era of Covid people get worried. So, I’ll be there next week, starting my ninth year of playing there weekly. Anyway, I’m a fortunate guy.
  24. Nicely done! Sounds like a very talented group of musicians. Certainly better than I could do (although that ain’t sayin’ much)…….I hope it all goes well.
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