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Twang Gang

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Everything posted by Twang Gang

  1. I found this very interesting, although it would have been more helpful if they described which type of system each guitar had, and what they were doing with the DI boxes on the floor. A couple of months ago I bought a SJ200 Standard and it came with the LR Baggs Anthem system which I understand has an under saddle element and a small microphone. You can control the balance between the under saddle and the mic, as well as volume and a phase switch. I gotta say so far I am not at all impressed with this system. What I am looking for in an acoustic pickup system is a way to amplify the guitars natural tone as accurately as possible. I bought the guitar for it's really nice mellow tone. With the balance over toward the under saddle element it does not sound natural at all. It sounds very clicky/slappy (hard to describe), like you just have a sensor under the bridge, and the tone from the body of the guitar is removed. (similar to the sound the fellow 3rd from left got when he starts the video) With the balance all the way toward the "Tru-Mic" it's better, but it's sort of boomy and again not the natural tone of the guitar. As I try to blend them, as soon as I get to a point where I can hear the under saddle's influence it starts sounding unnatural again. There is another tiny little screw adjustment - the "Mic Level Control" and I am going to mess around with it to see if I can get a better tone. But in reading about this control it would appear that it is a level or volume control for the mic only. "If it lacks clarity and top-end, increase the mic's level. Back it off slightly if you experience excessive handling noise and/or brightness". I'm hoping if I back off the mic level a little maybe I can blend in the under saddle and get a more natural sound? In any case I have to say that this system does not accurately amp the guitar's sound as well as a B-Band System, or Taylors ES-2 system. I've had both in previous guitars and didn't feel the need to micro adjust either of them for a nice accurate acoustic sound.
  2. I would tend to agree with you - you don't see that many people playing them anymore, and I would imagine sales are down quite a bit. I have an L-5 and a CS-356 and love them both, but about the only archtops I see being played are 335s which seem to remain pretty popular with older musicians. And those are semi-hollow with a center block so moving away from the true archtop design. As to an acoustic archtop, I haven't seen anyone play one of those for a really long time.
  3. Be careful. A headstock repair is a little risky. If done properly it can be as strong or stronger than the original, but if not you could run into problems later on.
  4. In 1970 I really came to admire a guitar player that I saw frequently in a local band. He played a Les Paul so I figured if I ever wanted to approach his playing level that is the guitar I should have. Shopped around and found a '68 Gold Top that was affordable for me at the time. Played it for about 25 years before trading it off. I soon realized I had made a mistake and was so used to a Les Paul that I really needed to go back to that model. So with several big box stores in my area I just went out played a lot of them until I found one that felt really close to what I had before. Since then I have traded a few in for different ones, but always played them before purchasing. In 2017 I took a chance a bought a LP Standard on-line from Sweetwater without playing it first and I guess I lucked out because it has become my number 1. It took a little getting used to as it has a compound radius fingerboard, but once I got used to that it is probably the easiest playing LP I ever owned. But overall I'd suggest getting out and playing as many as you can to determine what feels right to you. As a working musician the color was never as important to me as the feel and the tone.
  5. Yes, the '57 Classic pickup would be closer than a Burstbucker Pro, but that alone isn't going to duplicate his sound.
  6. Looks a little off to me. The horn on the cutaway seems a little odd shaped. And if he ordered it special as a custom shop guitar why doesn't he have the original case? I'd want to see it in person and play it before thinking about making an offer.
  7. I remember an ad I cut out and saved in the mid seventies showing Carlos Santana playing one of these. I believe his quote was " a guitar is like a color, but my L6-S is like a rainbow".
  8. Depends on the seller what price you might be able to negotiate. The manufacturers want all retailers to advertise the same price, but that doesn't mean you will have to pay it. High volume stores and on-line retailers usually have more wiggle room. All you can do is ask for a discount, and at places like Guitar Center, Sam Ash, and on-line Sweetwater you will always get something off the MSRP. Since you are in Bermuda I would recommend Sweetwater. They have great photos and descriptions of each actual guitar on their website, you are assigned a sales associate when you call who will stick with your for years, they have great customer service, check each guitar over carefully and package it well for shipping. And if anything is wrong a no hassle return policy.
  9. The questions were how does different weight relief effect sound, playability, neck dive etc. I have owned a non-relieved LP, a few with modern (9 hole) weight relief and one with ultra-modern weight relief. As to sound the pickups account for most (if not all?) the difference, not the weight relief. As to playability, I am old so lighter is better for a 3 or 4 set gig. Neck dive is never an issue with a LP regardless of which type of weight relief it has. It would be cool to play three different LPs with the different weight reliefs available through the same amp with the same settings, and all three have the same pickups (regardless of what PUs they were) to see if we could hear a difference. But I have not seen that type of comparison done. The different types of weight relief come on different model LPs, and different models almost always have different pickups. As mentioned two identical model LPs may sound quite different anyway, so attributing any tone difference to weight relief is almost impossible to do. Just get out and play and bunch of them and when you find the one that feels and sounds good to you, buy it.
  10. I don't know, but there has to be someone here who knows about metallurgy - sometimes two different types of metal can react to each other Chrome is just a plating over some other metal, and it's pretty hard so you're probably ok, but I would seek further info first.
  11. Congrats, nice looking Strat. I think you have it covered now as far as handling just about any guitar sounds you need between that the Custom LP. Surprised you didn't pick up that first LP in line at the shop - only $8,499. Can that one really sound $6K better than a regular Standard? But someone will buy it.
  12. That is really cool and in such nice condition. Congratulations and enjoy!!
  13. If the tech thinks the pick guard is valuable, ask him how much he is willing to give you for it. Never heard of the off-gassing problem being stopped or reversed.
  14. Cudos for remembering that story considering the time and location. To post pics sign up for a free hosting sight (I use Imgr), download the photos to that sight and then they can easily be copied and pasted into a thread here. I remember Wooden Music in Chicago - I think it is gone now? But I might be wrong. Spent many years in Buffalo Grove, so know Woodstock, Il pretty well. Here is an SJ-200 I just bought a couple months ago for finish comparison:
  15. Never had a customs agent ask for a COA on a guitar, and travelled across borders many times. Few guitars have a COA to begin with. No Gibson will not re-issue a COA - think about it a little in terms of all the counterfeit guitars out there.
  16. You should probably use the humidifier in your guitar. Palm Springs is out in the desert if I recall so humidity probably very low. As others mentioned try to keep relative humidity 45 -55 per cent inside the guitar case.
  17. I enjoyed the halftime show - very much like going to a strip club, but without the cover charge. Paid no attention to the so called "music". As an official judge I declared Shakira the winner of the butt shaking contest. The game was pretty good too. I had predicted if SF could run the ball effectively and keep KC's offense off the field they could win. They managed to do that most of the game, but then Mahommes and company did their thing in the 4th quarter like they usually do. Agree the commercials were weak this year - many I couldn't tell what product was being sold.
  18. Glad you got it and are enjoying playing. Sounds like a wonderful amp for the money, versatile and useful for home, band practice, or smaller venue gigs. Enjoy👍
  19. Sounds like fun. Would that be 3 degrees of separation then?
  20. I'd try Note's suggestion first as fixing a strap button to the upper horn of a hollow body just doesn't offer very much wood to sink it into. Pretty sure that's why they put them in the base of the neck where it joins the body as there is plenty of wood to dig into.
  21. Don't downgrade an expensive fancy guitar by removing the gold tuners. Depending on how thick the plating is, the gold will wear away with time anyway.
  22. I'm with you almost all the way. I've always been a "pickguard on" guy, and never a fan of the speed knobs. As to the tuner knobs, not an important detail to me, but as long as you like them that's all that matters. I think the reflector knobs and white switch tip really make it look much better than the original. 👍
  23. At only 15 watts is there much head room for clean tones before it starts to break up? Is it a bedroom practice only amp? Or can it stand up to a drummer in a band rehearsal session? Looks to have some good features for the price, but wondering about it's usefulness.
  24. I have the same question as Rabs. I got divorced legally in 1976, so 44 years later am I still technically divorced? Or can I go back to being single now?
  25. That's because the thread is over 10 years old 🤣
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