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Everything posted by Larsongs

  1. It's kinda funny to think of '90's Guitars as being old! But, here it is almost 2020! The late '90's & early 2000's was a great period for Gibson Guitars.. I have Les Paul Std. Plus & a Bozeman Masterbilt J-160E from that period.. Both are fabulous Guitars! High Quality time for Gibson's..... It shouldn't be too hard to find a primo late '90's or early 2000's ES335.... Good luck..
  2. I think my F hole Gibson Memphis Blacktop ES Les Paul with MHS Pickups & Bigsby fits perfectly with Gibson ES 335 & my Gibson Les Paul Standard. Also my Gibson Les Paul Special with P90's... Truly great Sound & Tone can be had with all of them... I can't wait til Gibson reissues the F hole ES Les Paul Gold Top with P90's & Bigsby. I'll be first in line! Played one when I got my Blacktop ESLP & wanted them both! But didn't have the $$$$. Then the Gibson BK....... Ending Production on lots of Models.....
  3. When I had my 1959 ES345 Stereo I did.. Beautiful for Jazz.. Or any Genre...
  4. Have you adjusted Pole Screws on the Pickups? Your Treble Pole Screws may be too low or your Bass String Pole Screws may be too high. Or a little of both... Gibson Brite Wire Strings might also help. Good Luck!
  5. One of my Band mates buys from Wildwood & is very happy with them. First rate Guitars & Purchse experience.. My Rep at Sweetwater always gives me a better Deal, sometimes significantly better Deal. Also First Rate Guitars & always xlnt Purchase experience in my experience. They also have their own in House Mod Shop which I've used on a couple Guitars.. Definitely 2 of the best!
  6. Supposedly as of Jan. 1, 2019 a law went into affect requiring Out of State Sellers of new Gear to collect appropriate State Sales Tax from Buyers. Over the years I've found Dealers will deal one day & won't the next .. Go figure? I take time & Shop to find who wants to make a deal. Sometimes calling all the Major Online Co's if it's New... I'm not concerned about buying from reputable Online Major Gear Retailers.. I like Brand new untouched in the Wrapper Gear. Whenever I don't like something I'll exchange it until the right one comes along... Most Brick & Mortar Stores seldom have what I'm looking for. When they do they usually have 1 or 2 of whatever that have been played by others. Many times leaving Knicks & scratches...
  7. That is the same as my Gibson ES Les Paul's. Similar or same as my Gibson ES335.. Previous Chambered LP's varied... So there is obviously a difference.. I have no problem with Feedback.. I like that I can get it when I want it... Nothing against non F Hole Guitars.. Gibson &. Gretsch mainly.. I like them too. They get a different Sound..
  8. Aren't they essentially chambered Les Paul's? They've been around for years.... Is it a Marketing gimmick?
  9. I remember my 12 days & a wake up... That's another story though.... Thank you for your Service & Congratulations.. I own most of the essential Gibson & Epiphones & love them. The looks, the Sound & how they play... That said, Fenders have their own Sound & are great Guitars too.. I wanted to diversify the Sound of my Arsenal of Guitars so I went out & played all the Fender I could find. In 1993 I got a gift for Fathers Day, a new Fender 40th Anniv. American Strat! It is one of the best Strat's I've ever encountered. Years later I got a couple Tele's. One of them is a Fender USA Reissue '69 Thinline Tele in Aged Olympic White with Maple Fretboard.. That is one Sweet Guitar! With the Gibsons & Fenders I have the best of both Worlds... And both Worlds are great but neither are anything alike. Nothing against the 339 as it's a great Guitar but not much different sounding than the ones you have... Good luck & enjoy enjoy your retirement, Larsongs
  10. Sometimes I gotta scratch my head at the things people do? An ES330 is one of those "about as perfect as a Guitar can get" Instrument out of the Box... Other than a Bigsby I don't see any Mod making them better... But, different Strokes I guess.... Good luck..
  11. Why not shoot for a 20% off discount? I usually do & many times get it.. Especially on Gibsons.... I did on mine a few years ago..
  12. Well, they do make ES339's & ES235's. Gretsch is offering Broadkaster Jr's..
  13. I've got an early '90's Les Paul Standard Plus I'd put up against any Les Paul in all those categories.... I've got newer ones too... But, IMO early '90's Gibsons are really hard to beat.... Except for real 1959's.....
  14. Sounds like someone in his Church needs to intervene....
  15. If you can prove they're really from a Gibson ES330 I'm thinkin maybe a couple hundred bucks for all of it if in perfect condition.. And they're not Hot... The question I gotta ask is why would anyone remove them?
  16. It says, "Interesting twist on a Classic". I'm pretty familiar with ES345's & don't recall one without a Varitone from the 50's or 60's... From the 70's on they were pretty much based on the Originals but Reissues & IMO never equalled the Sound.... Still don't even with MHS. Although the MHS in my Memphis ES335 are the closest I've heard to my 59 ES345.. Now Poetic license is very much the standard for most, not all, Reissues...
  17. I owned a real Vintage 1959 ES345 Stereo with PAF's & Varitone.. Wish I still had it. I'm not familiar with real Vintage ES345's that didn't have Varitone.. When was that? Thanks..
  18. I've got quite a few Guitars.. After years of having someone else do them I finally decided a couple years ago to learn to do my own Setups. I bought a new cheap Squier J Mascis Jazzmaster to learn on .They all seem to come with Setups that are as bad as they get. Reminded me of cheap 60's Electric Guitars. I spent hours on YouTube watching How To videos & printed out Spec Sheets for Fenders & Gibsons.. I used basic Tools I had in my Garage & went to work. It took a lot of time to get a decent Setup on that Guitar. Now, it's a great Playing Guitar. It was worth it.. I started doing Setups & Adjustments on my other Guitars. I'm slow but getting better. They turn out like I want them.. I've purchased some Luthier Tools to make it easier. Total less than $100.00. It's worth it to learn..
  19. Blinged up 335's have been around for a long time.. What's the big deal? I've owned a Vintage Gibson 1959 ES345 Stereo with PAF's & it was an amazing Guitar.. The Varitone was not a problem. It's one of two of about 100 Guitars over my lifetime I wished I'd kept.
  20. You didn't mention what Martin model you had? If it was a quality D-28 they're very hard to beat. Actually, they are the Bar that most Guitars aspire to. But like everything, taste is subjective. I agree that quality J45's are quite nice Guitars.. Though I really like my Vintage Sunburst Solid Top Gibson Bozeman Masterbilt J-160E. And also agree about sticking with a popular Maker & Model.. In case you want yo sell it down the road... By the way, with regard to how dark or bright an Acoustic sounds can be pretty well controlled by the Strings you use..
  21. Using Gear that works best for you. That is an important part of knowing, having & employing good Dynamics... Nicely done Murph... I play, sing, record & perform in 3 different Bands. I have a ProTools & Logic X Recording Studio & do lots of Recording with fancy Gear. But, my favorite thing to do is go out in Nature, the Mountains, Desert, Lakes, Oceans where I can just play & sing.. Nothing beats that....
  22. If you bought it new from a reputable Dealer within the past 45 days most will do a refund or exchange with no hassle. Beyond that contact Gibson Customer Service & request to send it to them for Warranty Repair. In my experience they will fix it to perfection or replace it with a perfect Guitar.. Let us know the outcome.. Good luck..
  23. Very nice! Congrats! I've got a USA Fender '69 RI Thinlinline in Aged Olympic White with Maple Neck... Weighs 5 lbs. Love that Guitar... Enjoy yours.. L
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