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Everything posted by Larsongs

  1. Core belief? Hmmmm.... That’s like saying there’s no difference between a Yugo & a Lexus.....
  2. Like I mentioned you may have some problem Frets that need attention..
  3. I’ve had a Royal Tan on Order from Sweetwater for over a year. I’m having their Mod Shop add a Bigsby & Vibramate to it.. I’ll probably get it in July... I called Gibson a couple days ago & spoke to one of their Customer Reps about the mindset behind these new Casinos.. He said, the design is not by accident or a fluke.. It was indeed planned & intentional.. They want this new USA to be unique from all the previous Casino's & not be a tribute reissue.. Their intention is for it to be identifiable as a new issue USA Casino.. He says the level of quality is second to none..
  4. How much are they? Buy both... Check All Parts too. A Digital Caliper is a very handy Tool... Not expensive & comes in very handy....
  5. What kind of Guitar is it? New or Old? If it’s fret buzz when depressing a String it may be an uneven Fret. The Fret itself may need work.. It may need to be Set properly. Or some filing or addressed a number of other ways.. Including a re-fret job..
  6. I can’t think of anything cooler than both of those!
  7. I have a very close friend who owns 111 Guitars & build high end Custom Guitars for guys like Joe Walsh, Joe Perry, Steven Tyler, Billy Gibbons etc.. They know the level of quality & content of his Guitars. I don’t think they even try them out.. That’s cool! I’m not that level of Guy.. His Guitars start at $3500.00.. He has a little Blackstar cheapie SS Amp.. It sounds like a little cheapie SS Amp.. I couldn’t plunk down $3500+ based on that Amp... I’d have bring one of mine or he’d have to bring the Guitar over to my house.. Still I wish you the best of luck....
  8. When I go to a Music Store to demo a potential Guitar I want to buy do I plug it into a cheap SS Amp? No! IMO, doing that would justify buying just about any Guitar.. Whether they're low quality or high quality... They’ll sound equally as bad. We’re talking about spending my hard earned money! I want to hear it under the best of circumstances. Preferably on a high quality Tube Amp like I intend to use.. Good luck
  9. The Beatles Casinos were USA’s... Epiphones by Gibson... To the best of my knowledge there were no Chinese, Japanese, Korean or any other Manufacturer of Epiphone Casinos when they got theirs.
  10. Both are in the £300 range & both are far more than just a Work Shop Amp... My Apologies, I’m not a Digital Modelling fan as the louder you play the harsher it sounds. I’m a Tube guy who likes the Clean, Dirt, Reverb & Trem from the Tube Amp where the loude you play the sweeter it sounds. If any other FX are needed I’d get it from great Pedals. I doubt I’d buy a Guitar from listening to it thru a Digital modeling Amp. For me, that in itself would cast a negative on the quality of the Guitar.. Again my apologies.. I’m just telling it like I see it..
  11. I’d forget about SS Amps altogether.. Especially if you want great Sound.. I’d recommend that Tube Fender Pro Jr or the Vox AC10-C1... You’ll continue to use these long after your modeling Digital phase wears out.... Great little worker Amps for your purpose but also for Recording, Rehearsal, Noodling & small Gigs too.... Check these out.. https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/AC10C1--vox-ac10c1-10-watt-1x10-inch-tube-combo https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/ProJr4--fender-pro-junior-iv-15-watt-1x10-inch-tube-combo-amp
  12. There are a lot of People who have been Office. It’s been going on over a half Century. Even the People in Office now that haven’t been able to do much if anything about China... She’s a laugh in that regard.. The Issue has been raised for years.. Political nonsense usually ending up about needing Money! Politics!
  13. Global warming or Climate Change began after the Ice Age. It’s been going on ever since.. The Ice Age was caused by something other worldly. The End will most likely be caused the same way... We can all do a better job of taking care of where we live... And should.. What can she do about the biggest Polluters like China? Nothing.. Is she planning a future in Politics? Sounds like a Polotician.
  14. When you get lemons make lemonade.. We all have to make the best of it... Not make the worst of it..
  15. It’s been legal in California for quite a while now.. Now it’s not as big a deal for me....
  16. One of the best sounding Acoustics I’ve ever played was a Collings.. If I recall it was a little less expensive than a Martin D-45 which sounds amazing as well...
  17. Also.... BYOB & BYOJ
  18. I believe we all should keep our Politics to ourselves.. Just Vote... I don’t need anyone telling me I should be this or that or how to live or how to Vote.. That’s my personal business... I did like “Journey to the Center of your mind”.....
  19. I started singing at birth I think, maybe in the womb.. I’ve always loved to sing... I bought a Guitar to accompany me... I used to think singing was more important than the Guitar.. My focus & concentration was Singing first & good accompaniment second.. I endeavored to be a good Rhythm Guitarist.. All these years later it’s still pretty much the same but I have been working harder to get better on Guitar.. The Guitar is one of the most amazing creations of all time!
  20. It’s like buying Ford Fusion or a Lincoln Continental.. Both are Cars & get you from point A to point B... But, which one does it better, which one has more deluxe Content & more refinement? And, which one do you prefer?
  21. My wife used to love listening to me sing & play Guitar. That’s how we met.. She still does after all these years.. Does she love the Guitars? Fast forward many years....... Now She says, “How many Guitars do you need?”, “You don’t need any more Guitars”, “You can only play one at a time”, “You don’t even have any room for another one”.. I’d have to say she’s not passionate about them....
  22. Nice Jumbo12! Those Guilds sound great! Enjoy..
  23. My apologies friend.. I guess I misunderstood or mistook you for someone else... The guy who thinks USA Gibsons should be cheaper ..
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