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Everything posted by sparquelito

  1. They are both delightfully red. Nearly identical, to the untrained eye. One of them, though, has a vibe that says to me, "I love puppies, and kitties, and dandelions. And peace on earth." And the other one practically snarls, "I would kill everyone in this room right now for an unfiltered Camel cigarette." I'll leave it to you to decide which is which. πŸ˜”
  2. It must be a slow news day, I can't believe I'm doing this. I had my bride take a photo of me holding my Les Paul, in roughly the same position, angle and distance from body as the artist in that photo. He's 6' 1". I'm just 5' 9 1/2" I can't be sure, but that factory image is photoshopped in some crazy fashion for maximum guitar presentation. Okay, I'm gonna shut up now. πŸ˜‘
  3. I scoured the interwebs, and concluded that Adam Jones is 6', 1" tall. I can also say that the Adam Jones Les Paul Standard is the same size as any other Les Paul. (As opposed to something like the unusually-large Buckethead signature Les Paul.) So. It seems like the photo there is a matter of the camera angle, camera lens, or some clumsy photoshopping job. 😐
  4. Man oh man. Such a fabulous restaurant, group of team-mates, and food!! Wow. 😍
  5. A very exciting gig! Congrats. I'm headed toward retirement at the end of this year myself. Am I correct in that you can earn up to $18,000 a year (in retirement) on side hustles, without it decrementing your Social Security dollar for dollar? πŸ™‚
  6. Well, by doggies. I reckon I got to get me one of those hydra guitars now. 😐
  7. Congratulations!! A fantastic car. πŸ™‚
  8. It's what I live for. It's what makes the entire gig worth all the effort of loading in, the lousy pay, and the loading out. Thanks for that original post, saturn. It's the best stuff, ever. πŸ™‚
  9. Thank you all for the good wishes and wonderful karma. Beth and I are back home from Savannah, and we just rescued the dogs from the kennel at the veterinarian's place. Everybody is glad to be home, maybe me most of all. The Tele helped me through a lot of it. That, and the peace and tranquility of the Catholic Cemetery in that grand old town. We spent some quiet time just resting and visiting Beth's mother's grave there. My gosh, what a lovely and peaceably storied old place. πŸ™‚
  10. Hey gang, my wife and I are leaving tomorrow morning early for Savannah. Memorial service for a fallen beloved sister-in-law, and long-overdue visit with some family. I won't be taking a computer, but will have a beat-up old Telecaster. And an elderly guitar effects processor, cable, and headphones. The hotel gets lonely and sideways at four a.m. Once I get some quiet coffee going, I need something to play on and to philosophize with. I should be back home and in town by Thursday afternoon, and back to Opns Normal on Friday. God speed, fair winds and following seas, and all that. πŸ˜•
  11. I would use a piece of terrycloth (or any rough rag) and some automotive paste wax. The blemish will rub right off, and you will have a beautiful waxed finish. Mind you don't get any of the wax in crevice's, cracks, or seams. You would have a devil of a time getting the dried residue out of there. Some would use a small amount of lighter fluid or WD-40 first. That's fine, but be sure to wax again over that. My personal favorite is a liquid Carnauba wax product. Over here it's Turtle Wax Express Shine, or Wax N Dry, same thing. I have used it on all my cars, motorcycles, and guitars for at least 20 years now. No dried reside, ever. πŸ˜› t
  12. Of the two, the Custom Shop '58 Reissue VOS is worth more. In my opinion, the one you really want, the LP Custom Black Beauty is priced just about right, if it's in really splendid condition. The Custom Shop jobbie is priced lower than normal at 3200 Euros. (They go for a thousand more than that, on Reverb anyway.) Maybe it's not in such great shape. Or the seller just wants to be rid of it. Either way, you should get the one that you really want, and not worry about getting a deal on something you don't particularly crave. πŸ˜›
  13. I believe that many people learned that absolute power corrupts, absolutely. I didn't particularly need this lesson, for I learned it many years ago. 🀫
  14. Hmmmm... I can see where Malcom Young might have wanted to play one. I like it. A lot. But not $5,000 worth of like it. πŸ™‚
  15. It's bone-stock. Bought it well-used, last year, from a local pawn shop. Paid $299 for it. One of the best Telecasters I ever played. The previous owner put some miles (and a few dings and chips) on it, but she's rock-steady. πŸ˜›
  16. This is tough. The one I grab most often is an old beat up Telecaster. I love my old beat up Les Paul. I have sentimental attachment to those five over there, and I could never part with these six over here. If you held a gun to my head, and said, "You are on your way to an important gig, and you can only take one guitar, and so which one is it??" , I would very likely reply, "It doesn't matter, pick one. I'll make it work, and I will make glorious music with it." I'm at the point in my life where every single guitar I own is tied for Number One. Spin the bottle. I'll kiss whatever girl it points to. πŸ€”
  17. In my opinion, nearly every human being on Earth has been infected with covid19 and/or it's more recent variants, probably twice or thrice. It's the nature of things, it's how it goes. Many humans are asymptomatic, many display very mild symptoms, many get sort of sick, some get really sick, and sadly, a comparatively small number perish. I'm absolutely not meaning to sound cavalier, and I'm certainly not political, in any way. Just stating what I believe to be the simple truth. This, after consulting over the years with two close friends who are physicians, a close lady friend who is a Nurse Practitioner, and three Flight Surgeons with whom I regularly fly. I don't listen to (or trust) a single thing being put out on the subject by any of the news outlets. For the record, my wife and I were both infected with the original strain in February of 2020, and just a couple of months ago with the strain that presents much like a head cold. Both vaccinated, both boosted, in between those two events. We are grateful to be in the category of humans who only suffered mild symptoms. God bless all of you who had it either better or worse. I wish for you only continued good health. 🀫
  18. Oh man, a classic. Very similar to my MIM 2004 Tele, in Agave Blue finish. Must be the lighting. πŸ™‚
  19. Welcome back! MXR makes great gear. That EQ looks like it doubles as a boost pedal, with the Gain slider over there on the right. Nice!! 😐
  20. Oh man! I love the green strat and the purple Lead III. Envy for breakfast! πŸ˜™
  21. Grateful for the information, and also happy to realize that I have all the tube amps and solid state amps I will ever need. Still, for amp builders and tone-seekers, this is bad news. ☹️
  22. Six degrees of separation: ELP - Emerson, Lake, and Palmer knew the guys in ELO - Electric Light Orchestra, who often rode in an ELevator - Conveyance that takes you up or brings you down, much like the music of ELvis Presley - Who had a top ten song on the pop charts in June of 1961, which was the birth year and month of EL DeBarge - Musician, producer, who played piano and keyboards, just like Keith Emerson of ELP. It's almost scary. I'm gonna shut up now. πŸ˜‘
  23. Great thread, and some insightful memories and lessons there, ksdaddy. Thank you for this. I'm always on the lookout for a good used Jaguar or Mustang, though the right one has never found me. The search continues. I must confess that I yearned for a Jazzmaster for many years, less because of the early 1960's surf music influences, but more because I was a huge Elvis Costello fan in the 1980's and '90's. I purchased this 2021 Fender Player Jazzmaster from Chicago Music Exchange a few months ago, and even though it isn't true to the elderly Fender ethic of switches, knobs, and sliders, it makes me very happy. Jazzmaster pickups are unique, I must say, and I love their myriad tones and timbres. She's 8 lbs 2 ounces and comes in a 25 Β½ β€œ scale. "Exclusive" build for both Chicago Music Exchange and Anderton's, over across the pond. The black face headstock is the telling feature. Many are still available for sale brand new, I reckon. πŸ™‚ https://www.chicagomusicexchange.com/blogs/news/cme-exclusives-fender-player-jazzmasters
  24. Felicidades congratulatabamanos, SeΓ±or! Muy bueno. πŸ˜‰
  25. I must say, that looks good. The 'inside the city' night scenes remind me of the original Blade Runner, by Ridley Scott. Sith Lords hunting down and killing Jedi. Blade Runners hunting down and retiring Replicants. Everything old is new again. πŸ€”
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