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Everything posted by sparquelito

  1. Wow, such a gorgeous guitar!! 😍
  2. Man, I don't know. Long Cool Woman In A Black Dress always struck me as a CCR song. Until I realized it was the Hollies, a British band. Of course, John Fogerty sued The Hollies and won half the proceeds from the recording for reasons that I can't divine, so..... I'm gonna shut up now. 😐
  3. Welcome, Steve. You are a good man, and that is a GORGEOUS Gibson Les Paul. Congratulations, sir. Glad to have you aboard! πŸ˜€
  4. Sophie the Boxer says, "Can you all keep it down just a bit? I'm trying to get a nap here." 😐
  5. Ten pounds of joy. Haul away, haul away, haul away. πŸ˜”
  6. Cash it out, go down to your local bookie, and make two bets; One for $500 for the Miami Hurricanes to win next Saturday in their season opener. A second bet for $2,500 for Alabama to win that same game instead. At the least, between the two bets, you'll break even if Alabama wins. In the best case, if Miami wins, you'll pocket several thousand dollars. Then on Monday, go back to the bank and deposit the $3,000, and then notify the school district HR that there was some sort of mistake. Everybody wins this way. 😬
  7. A communist joke isn't funny unless everyone gets it. 😬
  8. Leon McAuliffe, most likely. If they used Bob's players, and not movie extras. Not sure about the guitar. Tough to tell with that film quality. Thanks for sharing that. I love old western swing music. One of my favorite acts in that genre is John England and the Western Swingers. πŸ˜€
  9. Oh yeah, I don't know what I was thinking. KMC is only 4,000' up. Still, quite cool there. πŸ™‚
  10. Okay, just one thing, Manuel. Can you request a clearer photo of the Tune-0-Matic bridge? The guitar looks legit in many ways, and is indeed beautiful. I think it's genuine. But I want to see if the studs on the bridge feature smooth pins (signs of a real Gibson) or a slotted as in a screw-driver adjustable type application. Slotted like a screwdriver is a red flag, and I can't tell from the photos what's going on there. This (below) is genuine.
  11. Manuel Baptista, If genuine, that serial number simply tells us that the guitar was made at the Gibson plant in Nashville, TN on April 28th, 1989. See if you can post some photos of the rest of the guitar. All you have to do, in this website anyway, is to copy and paste the photo link as plain text. πŸ™‚
  12. Oh man. A little slice of heaven. I spent some time on the Hilo side whenever I could, and Beth and I relaxed upon Kilauea Military Camp quite a few times. (I was Active Army and she was a Government Servant.) Beautiful country there, I love it! PS I asked the question, by the way, because you were wearing a long sleeve t-shirt in that earlier photo. I said to myself, "It has to be cool where he is, and that means 5,000 or 6,000 feet or higher on the Big Island. πŸ˜ƒ
  13. Where you live, bradda? Town or country? πŸ™‚
  14. Some sort of knock-off from the 1970's or 1980's. Most likely Japanese. Lawsuit era Hondo, Tokai, Kent, who knows? Not Gibson. Why would I say such a thing? * As brad1 pointed out, three screws in the truss rod cover. * The funky non-Gibson-tune-o-matic-bridge with screws instead of smooth post ends. * Non-Gibson, decidedly Asian tuners and keys. * Poor fit on the back covers. It's a keeper, if it stays in tune and sounds okay. But it's not a Gibson. 😐
  15. Well, I sure do thank you, Rabs. That's the best gift I have gotten all month!! πŸ˜€
  16. I remember when the George Clooney Batman suit had nipples all of a sudden. THAT was a game-changer!! πŸ˜—
  17. Simon, Sophie, and Petey. (The goofy bandannas were the wife's idea. I cannot be held responsible for that. ) They make a lot of noise whenever anybody comes near the house. 😬
  18. That's a fair question, and of course I felt the pain of the loss. I just traveled to New Hampshire month before last to be with my sister as she died from lung cancer. It was crushingly sad. I just went back and read my original words, and realized that I edited myself poorly the other night, and pulled the trigger on that posting before I had proof-read myself. I published, "sad and out of sorts whenever our beloved family members and treasured rock stars pass and eventually release this mortal coil?" Where I was going with that sentence was to our collective sense of loss at this rock star or that one, and would have read more like so, if I had checked my restructuring while writing: "sad and out of sorts whenever treasured rock stars pass and eventually release this mortal coil, even in the same measure as our beloved family members ?" I'll slow down and work it out better next time I post such a thing. 😬
  19. The passing of Charlie Watts earlier today, and the demise of Dusty Hill a few weeks ago. (And the death of David Bowie a few years ago, I must mention.) It has given me pause to consider the question, who exactly lives forever? Can any of us name somebody who has achieved lifelong immortality? Let's set aside Christ and Buddha and Vishnu and all the other manifestation of our Almighty God. I'm talking about human beings that we have come to know and love and cherish. Can any of us name somebody who managed to live forever in the end? (The verdict is still out on Keith Richards, let's admit that much.) Further, if we admit that nobody lives forever, why exactly is it that we get sentimental and sad and out of sorts whenever our beloved family members and treasured rock stars pass and eventually release this mortal coil? Is this a reflex action? (This expected mourning phase.) Are we conditioned to be astounded by that which was expected all along? Why do we feel the need to utter, "Oh my gosh, RIP, (insert name here)."? We are ALL gonna die. Why do we do this? Is it out of simple respect for our heroes? Or are we just on auto-pilot anymore? πŸ˜—
  20. Very sad news. Always an elegant and lovely gentleman. Class was his middle name, I think. πŸ™‚
  21. Very nice! Congratulations, and makemake wau iā Κ»oe i nā lā hauΚ»oli he nui o ka pāʻani Κ»ana. πŸ™‚
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