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Just a joke.....


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Don't get all anti-Uncle Ted on me......


Ted Nugent was being interviewed by a French journalist and animal rights activist. The discussion came around to deer hunting. The journalist asked, "What do you think is the last thought in the head of a deer before you shoot him? Is it, 'Are you my friend?' or is it 'Are you the one that killed my brother?' "


Nugent replied, "Deer aren't capable of that kind of thinking. All they care about is, 'What am I going to eat next, who am I going to screw next, and can I run fast enough to get away. They are very much like the French.' "


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In the UK the term used for an obsessively mad-keen birdwatcher is a 'Twitcher'. They go all over the country if a rare species is seen anywhere in the land.


I asked my wife (who is French, BTW) what the term was in her language for someone who is a fanatical birdwatcher? She replied; "Hunter".



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The subject of jokes on ethnical groups itself deserves a dissertation to be written.


Some say, they are rude, but many of these are became part of the folklore. They are based on preconception about a group of people - without the intention to hurt anyone. I guess it depends on one's attitude whether it upsets, or makes Him/Her smile. I know in USA people use to say jokes about French and Polish people (and used to about Hungarians in the early 20th century).


We had jokes about Jewish people, mostly based around their suppositional affinity for financial things. They are - of course - mostly based on generalization about the national character, but in a kind and acceptable form. Interesting tough, they were banned in the 50s. So they became the "Scottish jokes". I remember, I had a colleague and friend from Scotland, who worked here in Budapest with us for a while. He liked the jokes, but could never understand how the Hungarians came to the conclusion that Scotsmen are greedy. :D


What surprised me the most is that the very calm, tolerant Swedes also have these kind of jokes. Guess who's the target! The Norvegians! They are neighbours, speaking a dialect of the same language, they have the common roots. These jokes often very rude. I had to ask one of my Swedish colleagues about this: "Why and when did it started? You're like brothers...". The answer was: "Nobody knows. It's so natural for us to hate them." :D



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Ted's funny, but mostly because he's a dopey maniac.


I have rules about how to make jokes about other people.


Don't insult them, including:


1. Never insult their values. That's what Ted does. Playground stuff.

2. Don't insult their appearance.

3. Don't insult their past.

3. Make the joke about your own diversity, not about the other guys' diversity.

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The subject of jokes on ethnical groups itself deserves a dissertation to be written.


Some say, they are rude, but many of these are became part of the folklore. They are based on preconception about a group of people - without the intention to hurt anyone. I guess it depends on one's attitude whether it upsets, or makes Him/Her smile. I know in USA people use to say jokes about french and polish people (and used to about hungarians in the early 20th century).


We had jokes about jewish people, mostly based around their suppositional affinity for financial things. They are - of course - mostly based on generalization about the national character, but in a kind and acceptable form. Interesting tough, they were banned in the 50s. So they became the "Scottish jokes". I remember, I had a colleague and friend from Scotland, who worked here in Budapest with us for a while. He liked the jokes, but could never understood how the Hungarians came to the conclusion that Scotsmen are greedy. :D





Very good points, Bence.


Humour can be a very emotive subject and one's ability to laugh at ones' self is essential if major offence is wished to be avoided.


3. Make the joke about your own diversity, not about the other guys' diversity.

Excellent point, BBP.




As Bence put it, "Generalization about the National Character" is an odd one.


As a Scot myself I am used to hearing the 'mean with money' description and truth be told, as a race we DO tend to be, well, more 'careful' with money rather than 'mean' with it. Yes Really!

In fact my two best friends are another Scot and a Jew. I'm sure you can guess the jokes along the lines of 'Who's going to buy the first round of beers?'...

Amongst ourselves and our friends we all have a good giggle about it but would the same hold true if we walked into a London pub and the locals, hearing our accents, made the same jokes? Hardly.


Equally some of our friends from North America had a hearty laugh with us about how "War is just God's way of teaching us Good-Ole-Boys Geography."

But if it was said by, say, a middle-eastern looking person would it still be quite as funny? I rather doubt it.


So, yes. You've got to be careful not to offend with what you say, write, do otherwise some folks might take it the wrong way!


But, Hey; in the end? You've Just Got To Laugh! Eh?





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Humour can be a very emotive subject and one's ability to laugh at ones' self is essential if major offence is wished to be avoided.




This is the wisdom! Regardless the joke meant to be funny, or meant to hurt, just laugh! Win-win situation.


Cheers... Bence

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I think 'political correctness' has ruined our sense of humor.


Ethnic jokes are funny (usually) because they have a bit of truth, but shouldn't be cruel.


I recall giving a speech in a public speaking course in college, since I was lazy, I did it on 'Ethnic Humor'.


Because I'm 1/4 Portuguese, I used them as the basis for my jokes.


The teacher said when I started, "you'd better be careful, I'm Portuguese."


I said, 'Don't worry, I'll tell 'em slowly'.

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Yep, too much PC, do-gooder-feel-good crap these days.


If it's funny, it's funny. You can *pretend* you didn't think it was funny if you want people to think you're someone you're not.


Or you can present yourself honestly.



We've reached the point where we're preventing people from developing enough skin thickness,

then we wonder why kids grow up unable to deal with reality without antidepressants and semiauto

weapons with large capacity magazines.


We spend too much time *preventing* offensiveness and too little time learning to deal with offensiveness in

ways that are appropriate to the offense.


It's all over the top now.

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...and lot more than humour. Unfortunately! It completely killed honesty as well.


Yep, too much PC, do-gooder-feel-good crap these days.


If it's funny, it's funny. You can *pretend* you didn't think it was funny if you want people to think you're someone you're not.


Or you can present yourself honestly.



We've reached the point where we're preventing people from developing enough skin thickness,

then we wonder why kids grow up unable to deal with reality without antidepressants and semiauto

weapons with large capacity magazines.


We spend too much time *preventing* offensiveness and too little time learning to deal with offensiveness in

ways that are appropriate to the offense.


It's all over the top now.


Ain't that the truth? People can't discuss 'real things' for fear of 'offending' someone.


I think it's like the mother who keeps her child away from all things dirty, (like soil, trees, grass, etc), so

the kid never develops any immunities to germs and is therefore 'sickly' their whole life.


Since no one can handle being made fun of, people never develop the ability to 'let things roll off their backs'.

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When I was a kid we were lucky because we grew up with a lot of different ethnicities but there wasn't the tension like the previous generation. Most of my buddies were "ethnic."


We could joke among our buddies about who was italian or polish or whatever and it was o.k. But you didn't make jewish jokes in front of jewish people. And you didn't go around calling some adult "Paisan'" or something.


It's still the same. You have to walk a tightrope. And you have to understand and respect the sensibilities of everybody.


Guys like Ted don't get it. The best way to win an argument is to play by your opponent's rules.


When I was a kid we called these guys bullies. When they couldn't back up their bluster, we called them punks.

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When I was a kid we called these guys bullies. When they couldn't back up their bluster, we called them punks.


Yep. And learning to deal with bullies and punks is far better than trying to rid the world of them via the legislative process.

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OK maybe not a politically correct joke for Ted to say (BTW I laughted).Seems to me if the French interviewer was trying to start some sort of trouble about Teds hunting practices, a sore subject with a lot of animal activists.So Ted went ahead and cut him off and shut up a question that shouldnt even been asked.The Nuge play rock and roll ask about that!

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The subject of jokes on ethnical groups itself deserves a dissertation to be written.


Some say, they are rude, but many of these are became part of the folklore. They are based on preconception about a group of people - without the intention to hurt anyone. I guess it depends on one's attitude whether it upsets, or makes Him/Her smile. I know in USA people use to say jokes about French and Polish people (and used to about Hungarians in the early 20th century).


We had jokes about Jewish people, mostly based around their suppositional affinity for financial things. They are - of course - mostly based on generalization about the national character, but in a kind and acceptable form. Interesting tough, they were banned in the 50s. So they became the "Scottish jokes". I remember, I had a colleague and friend from Scotland, who worked here in Budapest with us for a while. He liked the jokes, but could never understand how the Hungarians came to the conclusion that Scotsmen are greedy. :D


What surprised me the most is that the very calm, tolerant Swedes also have these kind of jokes. Guess who's the target! The Norvegians! They are neighbours, speaking a dialect of the same language, they have the common roots. These jokes often very rude. I had to ask one of my Swedish colleagues about this: "Why and when did it started? You're like brothers...". The answer was: "Nobody knows. It's so natural for us to hate them." :D




For an ethnic based joke to be funny it has to be have some truth to it. Nugent's view of the French is that they are "surrender monkies" because he erroneously thinks they didn't resist te Nazis in WWII so he feels it's OK to make some kid of juvemie comment about them.

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For an ethnic based joke to be funny it has to be have some truth to it. Nugent's view of the French is that they are "surrender monkies" because he erroneously thinks they didn't resist te Nazis in WWII so he feels it's OK to make some kid of juvemie comment about them.


More to the modern day point, the French didn't support The Nuges girlfriend W in the Great Weapons Of Mass Debacle. You remember, that oh-so-important war because they had a Mr Softee truck? 13 billion a month disappeard into Cheneys brother in laws company? That one?


Nuge is a tard that should have learned to shut his mouth long ago when he stopped being musically relevant. Glad I never bought a record of his and I didn't ever really like doing Stranglehold or Cat Scratch, but we had to.


I would tell you how I really feel, but this will be locked in 5...4...3...



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Guest Farnsbarns

During the Napoleonic war an English officer was captured. After a long interrogation the French officer asked "why do you English officers wear red jackets? It makes it easy for us to see and shoot at you". The English officer replied.. "We wear them so that if we're shot our men can't see blood, this stops them from panicking and coming to our aid and keeps them in the battle". The Frenchman was impressed by the idea. Ever since that day the French officers have worn brown trousers.


Now, now... Just a joke!


I think most European nations now take these things as a friendly joke. Another QI fact... Nearly all nations in Europe traditionally blamed another nation for the spread of syphilis. We called it the French disease, they called it the German disease, who in turn called it the Dutch disease.


As for Pippy's comment above, he must have not heard me when I made tight Scotsman jokes at his expense :P


When it comes to the nations that make up the UK, I have never even heard of anyone taking real offence, all of our 4 nations have a self deprecating sense of humour anyway so imx it's all good fun. However, if anyone is offended I feel bad... For them... And then I make more jokes! (That was a joke too, in case anyone finds it difficult to understand my British humor)

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When it comes to the nations that make up the UK, I have never even heard of anyone taking real offence, all of our 4 nations have a self deprecating sense of humour anyway so imx it's all good fun. However, if anyone is offended I feel bad... For them... And then I make more jokes! (That was a joke too, in case anyone finds it difficult to understand my British humor)


Three guys walking down a NYC street.... an Italian, a Greek and a Jew.


Piano fell on them and they were all killed.


St. Peter wasn't expecting them, so gave them the opportunity to return to NYC, but

told them they'd all have to give up the very thing they most enjoyed on earth. If they

failed, they'd immediately be called back to heaven.


"POOF!" they were walking down a NYC street again.


Italian sees a sign that says PIZZA SLICE $1. He couldn't help himself, but as soon as

he put the first bite in his mouth "POOF!", he was gone!


The Greek and the Jew looked at each other and shook their heads.... and continued walking

down the street. Suddenly the Jew sees a quarter laying on the sidewalk....bends over to pick

it up and "POOF!" the Greek was gone!



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Guest Farnsbarns

What did Zimbabweans use for light before candles...

































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...As for Pippy's comment above, he must have not heard me when I made tight Scotsman jokes at his expense :P ...

That's because I've gone to the Gents to wait until either you or Simon has bought the next round...



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Guest Farnsbarns

That's because I've gone to the Gents to wait until either you or Simon has bought the next round...






A perfect example. I think us Brits are such a bunch of jokers that we will poke fun at anyone, starting with ourselves.

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Ted really is something else....but he can play a mean Byrdland!


I make racial jokes all the time but I don't mean it out of prejudice or to be offensive.


I also make gay jokes....but I'm pro-rights and NOT homophobic in any way, so go figure!


My political jokes are my best work.

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