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She shot him and kept pumping gas


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I live real close to where this occurred. I do NOT pump gas at night anymore (I used to once upon a time).


If this had been me I'd been raped I bet, but not THIS bish!!1

This is the female equivalent of walking away from an explosion without turning back to look at it.


Bishes be CRAY CRAY

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In addition I hope the police can find something with which they can charge his brother.

I fully understand the concept of blood being thicker than water but to defend a would-be rapist is repulsive.



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IF he was trying to assault her I say good but I don;t see enough evidence in that report to convict. Hopefully witnesses will confirm her story. In general I'm very much in favor of shooting and killing criminals.

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I wasn't there, so who knows...and, I'm NOT defending the "attacker," at all!

BUT, the fact that she had time, to go to the trunk, unlock it, get out

the rifle, then shoot the guy, says to me, she had other opportunities,

options, to just leave!


Why didn't she go inside the station, have the owner/operator call the cops?

I worry, about this "vigilante" mindset, at times. Of course, there are instances,

when self-defense deadly force is required, even prudent. I'm just not sure

it applies, in this case. Why didn't she (or someone) call 911? And, how

can anyone just go back to what they were doing, after killing someone...

justified, or not?! That's pretty "cold," IMHO. But, again...I wasn't there.


As to just "shooting criminals??" Shoplifters? Non-violent White collar criminals?

Rapists and murderers, in self-defense, I'd have no problem with. But, just

the term "criminals" is a bit broad, for that kind of "justice," don't you think?

I mean, where does it stop? When/where do you draw the line between "that 'Criminal'

needed killing," and just vigilante? When do you become the judge, jury, executioner,

or just a murderer...even if "justified" in your own mind? And, given the way some

folk's logic is tendered, that could become a very slippery sloap, indeed!




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I have only one problem here. I see in this article (link is down there) that the lady LEFT THE STATION!!!!!

Okay, now, as out of it as I may be after this sort of thing goes down, I'd have asked someone to call 911 and I'd stay and then I'd explain myself to the PO-PO. I mean, WTF?!


Then again, I'm not the type to carry a weapon. I'd have called 911 to start with and gotten in my car and driven off scared like a frightey cat, but if you shoot someone to death in self-defence you gotta call the PO-PO.


Why did she leave?


I wish they had vid footage of the shooting just to see if the dude was really being THAT crazy.

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When/where do you draw the line between "that 'Criminal'

needed killing," and just vigilante? When do you become the judge, jury, executioner,

or just a murderer...even if "justified" in your own mind? And, given the way some

folk's logic is tendered, that could become a very slippery sloap, indeed!


First time I've really missed that + button! So +1 [thumbup]

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Well, he did take a swing at her and knocked her back aways, but that was after she shot him in the foot, or close to it.


I don't think stand your ground says you can shoot somebody when they're running away from you.


Man, that lady is one cool customer. La-ti-dah, I'm walking to my car and driving away now. Are quaaludes still popular in Texas?

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As to just "shooting criminals??" Shoplifters? Non-violent White collar criminals?

Rapists and murderers, in self-defense, I'd have no problem with. But, just

the term "criminals" is a bit broad, for that kind of "justice," don't you think?

I mean, where does it stop? When/where do you draw the line between "that 'Criminal'

needed killing," and just vigilante? When do you become the judge, jury, executioner,

or just a murderer...even if "justified" in your own mind? And, given the way some

folk's logic is tendered, that could become a very slippery sloap, indeed!





I think you're right. "Criminals" is a bit too broad a term. Mostly I'm talking about people you perceive as potentially violent offenders and thieves who are at risk of getting away. Of coarse all this comes with the understanding that the shooter will have to defend yourself in court.


The difference between a justifiable killing and vigilantism is simple enough. A vigilante goes looking for trouble.


Calling 9-11 is simply a formality. Police don't stop crimes because they aren't there when the crime is happening. All cops do is draw a chalk line around the body and fill out a report. In Detroit if you commit a crime there is a 7% chance that you will ever be caught. So my over all opinion is that not enough criminals are being killed by their victims in this country.


Maybe that's more clear. [scared]

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Violence only perpetuates, and escalates, violence. As was witnessed in

that video. If she had simply walked away, or gone inside called the cops

(or, even locked herself in her car, and drove off, etc.), things could have

been much different. We don't know, that she didn't know the guy, or had a

previous problem with him, or he with her, for that matter! ??? Too many

unanswered questions, some of which we may never know, as it's hard to read

someone's mind, and especially the dead guy's! Why did she feel (beyond her

own ego gratification?), she needed to video tape the result, of her "deed,"

prior to driving away=leaving the scene of a homicide??? If she was so brazen

about that, so sure she was justified, why run away?!! This smacks (to me)

of just one (possible) "nut case," killing another! But, then again...Maybe this

guy, was just the last, in a long line of offenders, to this woman...and, she'd

finally had enough? Apparently, as of now, only SHE (and possibly the police)

know that?


As to Vigilante's being the one's looking for trouble, as opposed to defending oneself?

Fair enough...but, that happens, often in the disguise of "Self-Defense," almost daily,

in our society. Maybe, more so now, than ever, with all the frustrations, with the

criminal "justice" system, and how it operates, or doesn't operate? Maybe the police

wouldn't have been able to stop this, in time? But, without her even trying, who knows

that, for sure? Anyway...lot's of possiblities=questions, here. Many of which we may

never know, or understand the answers to...with this particular incident, anyway.



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For her, he's just a fly in the wall and needs to be swatted. She is a cold blooded killer and should be locked up. I'd understand if she'd call the cops ( even after she shot him ), but to keep on pumping gas and record him like nothing while dying is totally sick.

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Violence only perpetuates, and escalates, violence.






No... Violence ends violence. Guns are successfully used to stop crime and save lives every day in the U.S.



As for the video... I still say we wise internet jurors don't know enough to have an informed opinion.

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Gee I wonder if the usual suspects will show up. Jesse?? Al??? the ball is in your court now. Oh wait...its black on black crime...so probably no.


Well, I guess they could invent a new race for the shooter like "white-black" so they can keep the word white in there and keep hate alive. [thumbup]

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No... Violence ends violence. Guns are successfully used to stop crime and save lives every day in the U.S.


As for the video... I still say we wise internet jurors don't know enough to have an informed opinion.


Oh, Searcy, in some cases. But, Not Always! As in most situations, it really depends on the person(s),

involved, and the actual situation. There's no blanket answer, or coverage, there. Heck, I believe in

the 2nd Amendment, and would (and, do) defend it. But, irresposible behavior, especially with a gun, is just that!



And, you're right...we have NO idea, what ALL the facts are, in this case. Only that of a fuzzy security camera. Which only captures the actual act, and the really odd behavior of the shooter, afterwards...but, not what led up to it.


Back to guitar playing! [tongue][biggrin]



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oh crap. I didn't mean to start a gun debate.


I was just shocked that a person could walk away from someon she just shot and be cool...nay, COLD about it like that.


A-hole or not, if I shot a man, even if he was f-ing a baby when I shot him, I'd have to take a moment.I'd shake and cry, I'm SO sure.

This lady acted like....like Bruce Willis in an action film or something. Maybe she acted more like a cold blooded killer in a film, but either way, there is something very odd about that level of cool.

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No... Violence ends violence. Guns are successfully used to stop crime and save lives every day in the U.S.


I often hear that. My own observations would be that that just doesn't happen, or it just isn't spoken of. The cops shoot people that have already home invaded or car jacked or robbed a liquor store, and you never, and I do mean never, hear of some citizen taking out some crook on their way in the bedroom window.


It just doesn't happen. I'm not arguing, and I don't want to pick a for/against guns thing, I'm reporting my observations. I'm only trying to say that if it were true, we'd all know about that sorta thing, we'd all have heard of it, it would be understood. But it isn't, that's why somebody always has to state it like it is as factual as sunrise each day.


I live outside of Philadelphia, so not exactly as bad as Chicago, it is still a pretty rough city. Around here in the far flung southern suburbs it really doesn't happen.



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Looks like the frickin wild west to me.


Texas is as Texas does.

What ever he did in the moments leading up to his demise on that video, sure didn't seem to me just cause for losing his life.

Another senseless black-on-black crime.


And where the hell is the Reverends Al and Jesse?

Why aren't they all over this?

I guess it doesn't fit their narrative.


Hey... maybe the girl can hire Gloria Alread as her lawyer.

It certainly fits Alread's narrative.

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And where the hell is the Reverends Al and Jesse?

Why aren't they all over this?

I guess it doesn't fit their narrative.




....exactly my thoughts, they better complain about this if they want some credibility.

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I often hear that. My own observations would be that that just doesn't happen, or it just isn't spoken of. The cops shoot people that have already home invaded or car jacked or robbed a liquor store, and you never, and I do mean never, hear of some citizen taking out some crook on their way in the bedroom window.


It just doesn't happen. I'm not arguing, and I don't want to pick a for/against guns thing, I'm reporting my observations. I'm only trying to say that if it were true, we'd all know about that sorta thing, we'd all have heard of it, it would be understood. But it isn't, that's why somebody always has to state it like it is as factual as sunrise each day.


I live outside of Philadelphia, so not exactly as bad as Chicago, it is still a pretty rough city. Around here in the far flung southern suburbs it really doesn't happen.




Well, just because it isn't reported on the national level doesn't mean it isn't true. If you really want to read the stories they aren't hard to find at all.


Here's a just a few from this month.


Motorcyclist turns tables on would-be robbers


Clerk shoots robberin store


Man shoots intruder holding fiancée at gunpoint


Man Shoots home Invader, Protects Wife and Baby, Dog Injured.


Resident Shoots and Kills Hatchet Wielding intruder


Dad Shoots and Kills 2 of 3 Armed Home Invaders, Saves His Wife & Four Children


Grandma shoots at home intruder


And these are just a few of the ones that make the news.


Happens every day. Even if you don't know about it.

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And these are just a few of the ones that make the news.


Happens every day. Even if you don't know about it.


K, I see your stories, thanks for that. I live in a place that is pretty tough on guns, there are just too many people(1200 odd per square mile), too flat, people don't carry guns here, that's why those are not our stories.


I prefer it this way.


Carry on.



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