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Came into some unexpected cash and rather than do something practical with it - decided to go for the ultimate Gibson.




Nice Tailpiece treatment




Grecian Urn Headstock




Controls (not sure I needed Custom Shop plaque in middle of pick guard - but what can you do?)




Some flame




Player's eye view (I love the way the bottom of the neck curves up)




Have to hand it to Custom Shop on this one - none of the common issues - intonation right on, nut cut and filed properly so no sticking while tuning. Fit and finish perfect to my eye - but best of all it sounds wonderful.


Never bought a guitar over the innerweb before - but since moving to rather remote SC area not the selection of guitar shops I had near Chicago. Kudos to Sweetwater - knowledgeable salesperson on phone, negotiated a good price, free FedEx and I received it two days after ordering. Gotta go now - some practising to do!! [biggrin] [biggrin] [biggrin]

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Thanks guys I am loving it. Played until my pinky gave out - not enough callous for the 12s yet. And Danny, they did have a wine red one, but I didn't want you to think I was covering you [smile]


Don't make me start posting blonde photos! <_<


BTW the one in my avatar isn't wine red, it's a custom transparent cherry.


Danny W.

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Thanks guys I am loving it. Played until my pinky gave out - not enough callous for the 12s yet. And Danny, they did have a wine red one, but I didn't want you to think I was covering you [smile]


I'm a big wine red fan! I'm not that familiar with these models, but am I correct that yours has a spruce top and a maple body and neck?

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@ Danny - custom color, nice. That splains it I didn't think your avator really looked wine red,but didn't know what else it might be.


@jdgm - I am using my Rivera Venus 6. Haven't quite got the exact sound I want dialed in yet, but think the amp is capable of giving it to me, has a great clean channel, notch filters, presence control, and a "focus/warmth" push pull. Did try it through solid state AER amp as well and sounded pretty good although that amp is really designed for acoustic guitar. Last guitar? Probably not, but between my LP Lite, Tele, 336, Taylor solid body and this I should have all styles (that I'm capable of playing) covered. At 60+ years old I don't do heavy metal or shredding [flapper]


@jm2112 - yes, maple back and sides, spruce top, classic 57s hmbkrs. Gibson says neck is maple and mahogany, but seems mostly maple. Photo of the back/neck shows two thin strips of mahogany going up the neck, but not sure how thick they really are? Seems solid as a rock and they've been doing it since the 1920s so am pretty sure it works OK [rolleyes] Neck profile is fairly chubby, but I am used to LP 50s profile so no problemo, does have long scale with 20 frets.

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A total trip... [thumbup]


Because of this I will listen to Wes Montgomery for the rest of the day... [biggrin]


I would not have the nerve to order a guitar of this calibre over the inter-web for pony-delivery :blink:


How much does a Grecian Earn?


About 6 squid a week... [thumbup]


Enjoy big time and be very sure we will want sound clips


V(thou shalt not etc etc)



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