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I'll go against the grain here. I like her for the simple reason that she was John Lennon's love. She had to endure witnessing his murder. It blew me out of the water watching my dad die from cancer 26 years ago. I could not fathom what happened to her.


I choose not to listen to her attempts at music but like her as a person. My recommendation is that for people who really can't stand her, don't listen or buy her products. I also don't blame her solely for the breakup of the Beatles. Go ahead and yell at me. My opinion. It is rarely one person's fault but rather a combination of people and events in the context of the time.



My wife is Asian and even can't stand Yoko but really can't come up with a great reason why. She has never listed to her music which would give her a reason but it seems like it's still cool to hate on Yoko.

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What she had to endure due to standing next to John while he was shot is not what is being discussed here. It is the the sheer fact that what is called her music and her vocals grates on people like nails on a chalkbord. Have you ever heard Bill Hicks the comedian - "We live in a country where John Lennon takes eight bullets, Yoko Ono is walking right beside him and not one hits her. Explain That To Me".


FZ Fan I can express my opinion and justify why I like her. Feel free to block me if you wish. I don't believe you defined what was being discussed here.

Standing next to someone being murdered gets my sympathy vote. Her music is awful but I don't belong to the I hate Yoko club and that's what I said.

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I don't hate her. I just see nothing to like about her. Horrible music aside. But, why would she feel compelled to insert herself in situations where she clearly has nothing to contribute and I'm sure it's pretty obvious she is not wanted?

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If you are serious about liking her voice you might just need several years of psycotherapy and electric shock treatment.

Not the first time that's been suggested to me! [biggrin]

By the way, I love pretty melodic music as well as harsh atonal stuff. I think that many people trying to achieve her sound/ effect on that track would demonstrate her skill at it. Maybe if she wasn't quite as high in the mix it would sound better to most, remember it's live, Like I said before, I think it complements what John's doing . I also quite liked Double Fantasy, and think the song 'Kiss Kiss' with her vocal was great. Sorry.

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I've always just kind of thought of Yoko as John's metaphoric middle finger to those who would have him conform to their expectations of what he should do and be - hence his 'use' of her in performances (and his life more generally). [wink]

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WOW I am at a loss. Side 2 of Live Peace In Toronto is what people in Hell get to listen to on their coffee break when they are getting a break from standing on their head buried up to their ankles in feces. Excuse me Beelzebub. Can I go back to standing on my head. What ever we are listen to is worse than doing that.


Mmmmmmmm...Cold Turkey....

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I have one Yoko Ono record.


This one -



I dare you. Go on, actually listen to a bit of it.


She 'curated' the Meltdown festival at London's South Bank a while back - I think it was this year - and her concerts sold out.


And then there is Diamanda Galas who made a record with John Paul Jones:



She gets an awful lot further out than this and has been described as 'Kate Bush from Hell'...!

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