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Spam and peanut butter!


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Was that seriously about peanut butter and that canned meat muck?


OK I answered my own question....not awake yet...Yawn~

I've always been disgusted by Spam until I went to Hawaii and tried spam musubi. Those things are addictive!


And don't forget my spam pedal!


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We were in Hawaii. Hawaiians told us, not to eat the Poy. Actually warned us not to try it. One gal from our table did. (Our table was all newly weds) she tried a bite and ran to the restroom to throw up. I think Spam would taste better? Actually my Mother fed it to us when we were little.

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I've always been disgusted by Spam until I went to Hawaii and tried spam musubi. Those things are addictive!


And don't forget my spam pedal!




That thing looks like it will explode if you step on the switch!!

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I once sent my three oldest to school with spam sandwiches, and to the last of them as they came home they told me,:Never NEVER, give us spam again.It was disgusting. Darn I liked it when I was a kid, they do not have their father's taste buds..

And yes early this AM I tried to log in and the site was slow as cold molasses,once I finally got in I then understood why,SPAM>Spam.jpg

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