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When I joined this forum in 2007, actually may have been before then because I lived through a couple crashes, I knew nothing about guitars. I knew I liked them, I knew I wanted to be able to play them and I knew I had a long road ahead of me to become a guitar player. Joining this forum was one of the best things I've done in achieving my goals… The wealth of knowledge and the willingness of the people to help here gave me the encouragement I needed to forge ahead. I have worked in music all my life but not as a "player" I was a Sound Engineer, Producer, DJ, Roadie, Promoter...etc You name it I did it. But I always wanted to be a guitar player. Too bad I was so lazy as a child, I just assumed guitar would be too difficult to learn. I picked up the drums instead, came to me very naturally and easy. In retrospect learning the drums gave me a tremendous advantage as far as my timing goes. My meter is spot on [biggrin] . Back to the point, none of my questions were ever to stupid or basic to get a solid answer from those that were in the know. I actually asked once how to hold the pick when I was having problems holding on to them… I have a long way to go in become a good guitar player but the enjoyment I get is well worth all that goes into it. Will I ever be the guitar player I'd like to be? I doubt it, there just isn't enough time… I'll die trying though [wink]

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I just went and had a look.. Im only 200 or so behind you and I joined in 2012 [rolleyes] :)


And yes... I feel the same.. I knew nothing about the technical side of guitars when I first joined.. I didn't even know what intonation was.. And now I build them, and that is largely down to the kind and knowledgeable people on here.. Without the support of this place I doubt I would have ever have tried it or got as far as I have (so far :))....


So thank you one and all [thumbup]=D> =D>

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We knew you when!


Yep. We knew you when you were young, only had a few posts and a few guitars and there was no Lounge.


Then we knew you during the Wild, Wild West that was the Lounge Un-Moderated.


Now you're an old man with 10,000 posts on a guitar forum.


Oh, and one more thing.


Get off my lawn....................



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