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Gibson SG ‘61 Reissue signed by Derek Trucks and Susan Tedeschi


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Hey folks; I have an SG ‘61 Reissue that I was fortunate enough to have signed by Derek Trucks and Susan Tedeschi. To make a long, sad story short, my old college roommate kicked it over while on a stand. It cracked the finish on the body right below the tone knobs and around the side and back (he caught it before it toppled over and hit the neck or headstock on the floor).

This happened about 4 years ago, and I just recently noticed some small cracks in the finish where the cream binding goes down the fretboard on the neck. So, it’s time to bite the bullet and have it fixed.

My question to anyone who has had experience with this: how much do you think Gibson will charge to fix these cracks?

The pictures show the damage on the body and now the neck... as well as one of Derek’s signature 😛










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My guess would be around 1,600.00 based on an estimate I got from a different guitar maker. Granted that is not a quote for Gibson themselves, this could potentially be highly inaccurate, so I apologize for not being able to give you a more reliable estimate. 

How sure are you this is a Reissue? I'm not too familiar with 200Xs custom shops, buts there are a few things you'd normally find on 201Xs regular Gibson USA guitars. For example, tuners, the Made in USA/year stamp, and the lack of bleeding of the die into the binding. I'm not saying it isn't a Gibson Custom, I'm just curious about your guitar.

Please excuse me for my unsolicited opinion. If it were my guitar, I'd leave it as is. I personally wouldn't pay extra for a factory distressed guitar. Unless of course, the guitar was absolutely phenomenal, but I'd be getting the guitar in spite of the factory distress and not because of it. However, I quite dig naturally distressed guitars. Your particular one screams a well loved and played guitar. The checking on the neck near the binding look like natural aging of nitro. It's not that the factory distressed guitars look bad or don't look genuine, it is just the knowledge of how the distress happen that for some weird reason matters to me. With that said, it's your guitar and therefore my opinion is quite irrelevant. You should do to it whatever you feel is right for you. 

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I bought it at Guitar Center brand new in 2009. It’s definitely a Gibson SG ‘61 Reissue Heritage Cherry; it’s got the ‘57 Classic Pickups, that super thin nitro finish, and it’s all one solid piece of mahogany. 

They don’t sell it anymore; the new ones are called the Gibson SG Standard 61 (burstbucker puckups along with a few other differences).

Made in 2008; I edited the post to put another picture of the back of the headstock.

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the cracks on your guitar look pretty deep to me, almost certainly all the way through the timber.  The good news is that almost any skilled wood worker wo works on furniture should be able to repair the crack and make it stable, however if you want if you want the finish repairing to conceal the damage ever happened you will need a good luthier used to working with those finishes. The repair itself shouldn't cost much, it's just a case of working some PVA glue into the cracks and (very carefully) clamping it up. I think Gibson will charge you a lot more than a good local bloke.


Good luck,


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