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Maybe I’m alone in thinking this, but…


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I have many mixed feelings on the current status of Gibson and what has happened to the company over the last few decades.

Henry J saved Gibson in the 80s...  There is no doubting that, if it wernt for him Gibson may not even still be around. In the 80s people were interested in pointy super strats..  Of all the artists at the time, Slash was one of the main big Gibson players. I think he has given a lot to the company in terms of street cred... 

It was Henrys insistence on trying to make Gibson a lifestyle brand that I think is when things really started to go wrong..  The 2000s to like 2016 were crazy years. And I agree that it went a bit far with the constant varying models. The main issue there is they were just variations on a theme. Like really, how many different types of LP and SGs do we really need. And then he went around buying up all these small useless electronics companies which was just odd. But then the proof really is that they went bankrupt. 

JC, well he has reigned things in a bit but now its just too boring... I used to love going to the main Gibson site and seeing what was new every few weeks. Now when I look at it, I cant tell whats new, whats old.. Just all seems the same.  

I have said this for many years now. What I think they should do is to offer more different wood choices in their builds.  Theres such a huge variety of incredibly beautiful woods out there they could be using and yet its always the same mahogany/maple construction..  By just making a run of say 100-300 guitars in a unique wood, I think it gives more of a USP than artist or historic models and will make each run far more unique.

As others have said. I am glad I have my guitars that I do have and got them when I did..  

Edited by Rabs
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All valid points. Gibson, Martin, Fender, ect.,  all don't know you, unless you are the likes of a Slash. As much as I love Martin's, Chris has never called me up to ask me what I think about the 000-28's or the D-35. They want to sell their product, and charge as much as possible. End of story. Its called capitalism. 

Here is the definition an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.

If you can't afford a Gibson boo-fuking-hoo to you. Same goes for any other maker. That is the very reason there are $250 Chinese guitars in the store and $3000 ones as well. You usually get what you pay for, and if you can't afford it,  King Henry didn't care, and neither does CJ, because he knows someone else can.

If you like Gibson and can afford them buy them, and if not well then you won't be . . .  end of story.

Edited by Sgt. Pepper
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I’m looking at new Cars.. I’m an old School guy who likes V-8 Engines. Strong, Fast, Reliable & give a Car great Ride…

I checked out BMW.. Almost all are 4 cylinder regardless what Series it is.. They throw Super Chargers on them & sell you on ho Sporty they are.. Forgetting to tell you they're noisy & ride like crap..

Guess what? Mercedes too! In fact it’s almost impossible to buy Cars with V-8’s anymore.. There are a handful but they’re disappearing quickly!

I have 0 interest in a Top of the line Performance Luxury Car with a 4 Banger & Super Charger. Or a 6 Banger with a Super Charger like the new Lexus LS….

I already got a Sporty Car.. Corvette with a 400 HP V-8 Engine.. If I get another it will have a V-8 or maybe a V-12? Not 4 Cylinders… 

If you want one, better get one.. 

That’s my current Car rant… Sorry to derail…..

As for the Slash Guitars.. Aren’t they Epiphones? Who’s Slash? What was that? Like 40 years ago? 

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6 minutes ago, Larsongs said:

As for the Slash Guitars.. Aren’t they Epiphones? Who’s Slash? What was that? Like 40 years ago? 

A F D came out 35 years ago, so only off by 5. I still want more Beatles, and thanks to Giles we are getting the big records (they were all pretty big) on or about 50th Anniversary's of their release, and I could listen to them on repeat forever. So if ya gotta pine for Slash then I guess you gotta. That top hat just never gets old. Kris Derrig anyone? Many do and many don't know that story. 

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I don’t particularly care for signature guitars but many people apparently do. The only sig guitar I ever purchased was a Jeff Beck Strat. It was less than $1500 new with a nice tweed case. Cool guitar… I like GnR but don’t want a slash sig Gibson. They put on a great show and Slash practically has a different Gibson for every song they did. I forget how many hundreds of millions he’s worth. I think Slash connects well with Gibson. 

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American made guitar sales, signature models or not, have gone through the roof during the pandemic, and so have  prices. People seem to be buying anyway. Fender prices, relics or not, are crazy, too, compared to what they were. But, Mexican Fenders are still reasonable. Gibson Studio prices are much higher, but still relatively low. Epiphones are still reasonable, as are Squiers. I've got all the Fenders and Gibsons I need or want, so I really don't care. It is what it is. The market will determine the price. As it is, Gibson can't keep up with the demand. IMO, most Gibson buyers these days are every bit collectors as players. If I was a gigging musician, my Gibsons would never leave home. If I was to screw up a guitar or get it stolen, I'd rather it was a  MIM Fender or an Epiphone that is more than adequate to get the job done. 

Signature models or relics... you can have 'em. If you want to pay extra for them, have at it. My thing these days is, I've been paying for a lower priced guitar and make the mods necessary to make it my own. I'm not thinking about resale value,. If I'm buying it, I'm not thinking of selling it, and I pretty much know when I buy it what I'm getting, and what I'm gonna do with it.

As far as Gibson's current management, I like what they're doing. I think they're smarter and care more for their customer base and their needs than the last guy. But they're a business, too, and I think they have a better plan to make money and keep their base reasonably happy.

Edited by zigzag
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32 minutes ago, zigzag said:

American made guitar sales, signature models or not, have gone through the roof during the pandemic, and so have  prices. People seem to be buying anyway. Fender prices, relics or not, are crazy, too, compared to what they were. But, Mexican Fenders are still reasonable. Gibson Studio prices are much higher, but still relatively low. Epiphones are still reasonable, as are Squiers. I've got all the Fenders and Gibsons I need or want, so I really don't care. It is what it is. The market will determine the price. As it is, Gibson can't keep up with the demand. IMO, most Gibson buyers these days are every bit collectors as players. If I was a gigging musician, my Gibsons would never leave home. If I was to screw up a guitar or get it stolen, I'd rather it was a  MIM Fender or an Epiphone that is more than adequate to get the job done. 

Signature models or relics... you can have 'em. If you want to pay extra for them, have at it. My thing these days is, I've been paying for a lower priced guitar and make the mods necessary to make it my own. I'm not thinking about resale value,. If I'm buying it, I'm not thinking of selling it, and I pretty much know when I buy it what I'm getting, and what I'm gonna do with it.

As far as Gibson's current management, I like what they're doing. I think they're smarter and care more for their customer base and their needs than the last guy. But they're a business, too, and I think they have a better plan to make money and keep their base reasonably happy.

I think Gibson is more than a happy to keep their prices going up, and they know people will by them. The rich get richer and you guys who buy them help them achieve that goal. I only by used now so at least my money doesn't go to Chris.

I'll bet if some how makers could some how find a way to get some of the profit when their guitars sell used, they would do that too.

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4 minutes ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

That is just what his house costs.

His house?  Yeah, our in-laws live like that too. Their house in Michigan is worth, $3 million. Then they have another mansion in Florida. That's where the kids are now visiting Mom & Dad. They just live off interest. 

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I never understood the appeal of signature model guitars at all. For decades I just couldn't wrap my head around it. 

Then I saw Trogly demo a Chuck Berry model. He played a Chuck riff and duckwalked up & down while he was doing it. The penny, as they say, then dropped.


So do I want to play a Doug Irwin guitar swathed in a dense cloud of hash smoke? Well no. Not so far I don't. 


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3 minutes ago, NighthawkChris said:

The Adam Jones Silverburst was CRAZY expensive and sold out faster than they could make them. All of a sudden silverburst customs shot up in value crazy-like too. How much appeal does Tool have with the kids these days?

I can’t take them anymore. And I would say none.

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Just now, NighthawkChris said:

Isn’t there a Derek Trucks SG that goes for crazy money? 

So Gibson again appealing to rich, already-made-it guitarists. 

And Derek is amazing guitarist. He probably would put everyone that participates in this forum to shame lol! Seen him a couple times and he absolutely kills it. 

I saw him with the Allmans in 2009. 

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