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Weird Stuff That Keeps Me Up At Night

Sgt. Pepper

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24 minutes ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

So we all dream, and in our dreams we see things. What does a person who is blind from birth dream about? They have never seen anything in their entire life. 

I hope this helps you sleep better   🙂 



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Well, I’m sure blind people have some sort of visualization in their mind, even if it’s not accurate. If I hear a voice on the radio, I conjure up a fleeting and nebulous vision of what they might look like, but if I try to pin it down, it’s like trying to see a floater in your eye… it’s clear as a bell until you try to see it. 
I’ve never flown (like a bird) so I have no idea what it might be like, but I’ve flown in dreams. I think our brains will connect dots that we’d never be able to do consciously. 
These are comments that I would make about halfway through the second joint, and that’s been a lot of years. 

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11 minutes ago, ksdaddy said:

Well, I’m sure blind people have some sort of visualization in their mind, even if it’s not accurate. If I hear a voice on the radio, I conjure up a fleeting and nebulous vision of what they might look like, but if I try to pin it down, it’s like trying to see a floater in your eye… it’s clear as a bell until you try to see it. 
I’ve never flown (like a bird) so I have no idea what it might be like, but I’ve flown in dreams. I think our brains will connect dots that we’d never be able to do consciously. 
These are comments that I would make about halfway through the second joint, and that’s been a lot of years. 

The guy in the YT video has been blind since birth, and said he sees nothing in his dreams, because he has never seen anything.

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Here is a question that has bothered me for years.

Since right-handed persons make up a greater proportion of the population than those who are left-handed, and it is much easier for righties to write in languages that are written from left to right, why were the written Semetic languages such as Arabic and Hebrew originally conceived to be written from right to left when it would be more difficult for right-handed persons to do so?

While literacy was limited to far fewer individuals then, is it possible that when these languages' writing evolved that the proportions of handedness were different with more lefties in the population than are seen today?


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Here's one I've always wondered about. Take young kids that are 3rd-4th generation American and have spoken nothing but English. One is of Chinese descent and the other German. If you try to teach them Chinese and German.  Would it be easier for them to learn the language of their ancestors as opposed to the other language?

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Interesting....but none of the above things keep me up at night!

I'm blesses that I can fall asleep quickly each night....I do have dreams, but I almost never can recall them in the morning.

I do wake up each night @ 2 or 3 am.... and often resolve problems I may have and so I can implement those ideas the next day.

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I just find it fascinating, how when we dream, our brain creates separate characters that interact with our "selves". It's like our brain separates into partitions and one partition doesn't know what the other is thinking or doing until they interact with each other. 

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1 hour ago, gearbasher said:

Here's one I've always wondered about. Take young kids that are 3rd-4th generation American and have spoken nothing but English. One is of Chinese descent and the other German. If you try to teach them Chinese and German.  Would it be easier for them to learn the language of their ancestors as opposed to the other language?

Probably not. Many people born in this country (USA) in which English is their first language can't speak or write it correctly. 

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I saw on the internet the other day that SNL was proud to announce they had the first Non Binary Cast Member. WFT does that even. mean. Look, last I checked when you are born the OB/GYN that delivers the baby (I have 2 kids and was in the room when both came in to the world) has had years of medical training for that one moment, to  safely deliver the newborn (and it can only be a woman giving birth, that is called Science) and then determine the sex of the baby. I don't think there is a box on the Birth Certificate yet that says - Other, Non Binary, Both, Elf, You Make The Call, Too Soon To Tell, or I'm Not Sure Yet. Its a box for Male or Female. No matter how you decide to mutilate your body when your old enough to decide to get an operation to change things, you CAN NOT change what you were born as . . .  End Of Story. You can call yourself what ever you want, but it doesn't make it true.

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NYS rec

5 minutes ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

I saw on the internet the other day that SNL was proud to announce they had the first Non Binary Cast Member. WFT does that even. mean. Look, last I checked when you are born the OB/GYN that delivers the baby (I have 2 kids and was in the room when both came in to the world) has had years of medical training for that one moment, to  safely deliver the newborn (and it can only be a woman giving birth, that is called Science) and then determine the sex of the baby. I don't think there is a box on the Birth Certificate yet that says - Other, Non Binary, Both, Elf, You Make The Call, Too Soon To Tell, or I'm Not Sure Yet. Its a box for Male or Female. No matter how you decide to mutilate your body when your old enough to decide to get an operation to change things, you CAN NOT change what you were born as . . .  End Of Story. You can call yourself what ever you want, but it doesn't make it true.

NYS recognizes 31 different gender identities. Sounds like Baskin-Robbins. 

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17 minutes ago, gearbasher said:

NYS rec

NYS recognizes 31 different gender identities. Sounds like Baskin-Robbins. 

So what are these 31 different genders and why are they not on birth certificates? I recognize 2, the original 2. The only 2. I'm sure OB/GYN's only recognize 2 as well. Your born a male, and if not your born a female. Yes there are some times when the DNA/Chromosomes get messed up after conception, but like that rare White Tiger, it happens in nature, but is few and far between. But still the White Tiger is still a Tiger, unless he/she/it identifies as a Lion of course.

Edited by Sgt. Pepper
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8 hours ago, RBSinTo said:

Here is a question that has bothered me for years.

Since right-handed persons make up a greater proportion of the population than those who are left-handed, and it is much easier for righties to write in languages that are written from left to right, why were the written Semetic languages such as Arabic and Hebrew originally conceived to be written from right to left when it would be more difficult for right-handed persons to do so?

While literacy was limited to far fewer individuals then, is it possible that when these languages' writing evolved that the proportions of handedness were different with more lefties in the population than are seen today?


Seems to me it would be easier to write from left to right for a lefty(like me), but we've been accustomed to adapting to a right handed oriented world we found many different methods of writing.  From the way we hold a writing implement, to how the paper we write on is situated.  It can be summed up in a coffee cup my wife got for me which read;

"Hire the left handed.  It's fun to watch them write."  [wink] And to begin writing from right to left would be easier for a "righty".  To say otherwise seems identical to saying it's best to start a footrace from the finish line.

1 hour ago, DanvillRob said:

Interesting....but none of the above things keep me up at night!

I'm blesses that I can fall asleep quickly each night....I do have dreams, but I almost never can recall them in the morning.

I do wake up each night @ 2 or 3 am.... and often resolve problems I may have and so I can implement those ideas the next day.

True  We do have dreams.  Several a night.  But any dream remembered is likely the last on before waking.  I remember that from some book about dreams and dreaming I read years ago.  

My dreams have common denominators.  Like any room I'm in or the outdoors are usually dark.  And I seem to know where I am despite not being able to see clearly.  And sometimes I can see where I am and know where that is, like I'm home, but in recalling that dream the house I was in was somewhere I've never seen, but in the dream it's as familiar to me as the back of my hand. 

I too, wake up each morning at around 2:30 am and 4:30 or so.... and usually to go pee.  :rolleyes:  And right now I'm going through some throat or chest congestion issue that causes squeaking sounds in my throat that cause difficulty in getting to sleep until either I can clear it out or it eventually clears up on it's own.  I'm working with an ENT to resolve the problem.

I liked to see and hear my dogs dreaming(probably)  as they would make muted barking sounds in their sleep and I'd assume they were barking at something or somebody in their dream.  Or their legs would be moving slightly as if they were running.  Cute as hell.


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11 minutes ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

So what are these 31 different genders and why are they not on birth certificates? I recognize 2, the original 2. The only 2. I'm sure OB/GYN's only recognize 2 as well. Your born a male, and if not your born a female. Yes there are some times when the DNA/Chromosomes get messed up after conception, but like that rare White Tiger, it happens in nature, but is few and far between. But still the White Tiger is still a Tiger, unless he/she/it identifies as a Lion of course.

I agree with you. I'm just stating fact.

You asked for it. Here's the list:

  1. Bi-gendered
  2. Cross-dresser
  3. Drag King
  4. Drag Queen
  5. Femme Queen
  6. Female-to-Male
  7. FTM
  8. Gender Bender
  9. Genderqueer
  10. Male-to-Female
  11. MTF
  12. Non-Op
  13. HIJRA
  14. Pangender
  15. Transexual/Transsexual
  16. Trans Person
  17. Woman
  18. Man
  19. Butch
  20. Two-Spirit
  21. Trans
  22. Agender
  23. Third Sex
  24. Gender Fluid
  25. Non-Binary Transgender
  26. Androgyne
  27. Gender Gifted
  28. Gender Blender
  29. Femme
  30. Person of Transgender Experience
  31. Androgynous                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
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29 minutes ago, gearbasher said:

I agree with you. I'm just stating fact.

You asked for it. Here's the list:

  1. Bi-gendered
  2. Cross-dresser
  3. Drag King
  4. Drag Queen
  5. Femme Queen
  6. Female-to-Male
  7. FTM
  8. Gender Bender
  9. Genderqueer
  10. Male-to-Female
  11. MTF
  12. Non-Op
  13. HIJRA
  14. Pangender
  15. Transexual/Transsexual
  16. Trans Person
  17. Woman
  18. Man
  19. Butch
  20. Two-Spirit
  21. Trans
  22. Agender
  23. Third Sex
  24. Gender Fluid
  25. Non-Binary Transgender
  26. Androgyne
  27. Gender Gifted
  28. Gender Blender
  29. Femme
  30. Person of Transgender Experience
  31. Androgynous                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

Those are just words to describe their psychosis, and give head shrinks and excuse to be employed. Of those 31 terms  everyone who claims to be that, are either Male or Female, no matter what nutty term they come up with. How is this hard for people to understand. Even if your bi-sexual you are still either a man or woman, and all that means is your willing to take it from any angle you can get. Look I can feed my dog cat food, but it doesn't make her a cat.

A Drag Queen is a "guy" who likes to play dress up, and dress like a woman. I'll say it again a "man" dressing like a woman, no more no less. When dressed like a women, he is still a "guy," just dressed up all sexy like. Its not gender, its just Halloween every day for them.

Edited by Sgt. Pepper
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4 minutes ago, Whitefang said:

Seems to me it would be easier to write from left to right for a lefty(like me), but we've been accustomed to adapting to a right handed oriented world we found many different methods of writing.  From the way we hold a writing implement, to how the paper we write on is situated.  It can be summed up in a coffee cup my wife got for me which read;

"Hire the left handed.  It's fun to watch them write."  [wink] And to begin writing from right to left would be easier for a "righty".  To say otherwise seems identical to saying it's best to start a footrace from the finish line."............



I disagree.

I too am left-handed, and have always found that we lefties are at a disadvantage when writing from left to right: awkward angle of the hand leading to it smudging the ink or pencil by as it follows and rubs on the writing surface, as well as fatigue caused by the awkward angle of the hand.

Of course, like many of the other activities I do in a right-handed manner (such as playing golf, and guitar) I have learned to adapt when writing left-right running languages despite being primarily left-handed. This awkwardness disappeared when years ago I had to write Hebrew in religious school, which got me thinking about my question.

However, among my other strange "skills" no doubt caused by my left-right brain flip that resulted in my handedness, is the ability to spontaneously mirror-write, which is to say I can write backwards. Aside from amazing and amusing my Grandchildren, it serves me no useful purpose (although Leonado da Vinci, who was a lefty wrote all of his notebooks that way). 

And when I do this little parlour trick to amuse my friends, and confound my enemies, I find it much more physically comfortable to write backwards English from right to left than the conventional way.

But none of this answers my original question.


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5 hours ago, gearbasher said:

I agree with you. I'm just stating fact.

You asked for it. Here's the list:

  1. Bi-gendered
  2. Cross-dresser
  3. Drag King
  4. Drag Queen
  5. Femme Queen
  6. Female-to-Male
  7. FTM
  8. Gender Bender
  9. Genderqueer
  10. Male-to-Female
  11. MTF
  12. Non-Op
  13. HIJRA
  14. Pangender
  15. Transexual/Transsexual
  16. Trans Person
  17. Woman
  18. Man
  19. Butch
  20. Two-Spirit
  21. Trans
  22. Agender
  23. Third Sex
  24. Gender Fluid
  25. Non-Binary Transgender
  26. Androgyne
  27. Gender Gifted
  28. Gender Blender
  29. Femme
  30. Person of Transgender Experience
  31. Androgynous                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

I'm very live and let live, but some of those are hilarious. 

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6 minutes ago, kipkohl said:

I'd have to agree with Sgt Pepper; If you're born with a Y chromosome you're a male whether you feel like one or not. I feel for people that truly feel "mis-gendered", but all these classifications and pronoun nonsense is not the answer to their problem.

Yep and the man determines the sex. Every female egg is an X and the sperm is either X or Y.

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5 hours ago, Pinch said:

I'm very live and let live, but some of those are hilarious. 

It should be a comedy routine. 26 and 31 are exactly the same just spelled different. I don’t think I want Gender Fluid anywhere near me.

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22 hours ago, RBSinTo said:


I disagree.

I too am left-handed, and have always found that we lefties are at a disadvantage when writing from left to right: awkward angle of the hand leading to it smudging the ink or pencil by as it follows and rubs on the writing surface, as well as fatigue caused by the awkward angle of the hand.


I've never had problems with smudging, likely due to my  way of "twisting" my hand in a way that puts the line of writing beneath where  my hand is.   But, as said, we lefties all adapt in our own ways.  

I'm just glad we're past the times when people thought being left-handed meant you were possessed by the devil or a communist or such dumb ideas.


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