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Carrie Prejean


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It seems that this conversation is chasing a rabbit.


She answered a question based on her current beliefs and convictions. The media and pagent officials didn't like her answer so they found dirt on her and are trying all sorts of ways to silence her. They didn't just state they disagree but instead they took action to hurt her and then act innocent about it.


It doesn't matter if you agree with her or not. From what I have read, she has been treated unfairly.


How many here have worked in a place where something similar has happened?

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If Prejean wasn'to much of a hypocrite' date=' this would not have happened to her. Little Miss Ultra Christian Proper has dropped her suit against the pageant people because of this little video she made of herself when she was 17 that shows her "pleasing" herself. And she comes across as some sort of moral compass. All of her problems are of her own making.[/quote']


Professing to be a Christian now does not make her a hypocrite because of something done at 17. Nor does it make her a moral compass. That would be Jesus Christ (sorta pointing the way if ya follow). Your contempt for anything or anyone that mentions Christ is interesting. Why the hate.

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Nice reply cookieman.

I think that was the point I was trying to make in my post.

The things I did when I was 17 would probably automatically disclude me from any afterlife.

It's the decision I made several years later that would include me in the afterlife.

I get what you're saying. It's just hard for many to understand.

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How many here have worked in a place where something similar has happened?


I've had it happen to me.

It's often non-Christians who are the most judgemental, malicious, and slanderous. There's quarter for a wounded Christian.

Stomp them into the ground. Defame, curse, and rale against them for being human.

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How many 17-year old girls and boys have even come close to developing a sense of who they are in the world. Most can't even consieve a world view' date=' let alone the intricacies of their own religious beliefs.[/quote']



I couldn't care less about her religious or political views or her path to self awareness. I just want to see her playing with herself.


End of story.



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Is this the chick that lost that beauty pageant a While Ago? Who Frickin' Cares?


If yer gonna try and start a thread about the Cristian Persecution Complex at least dig up some Current Events. This is dusty.


FYI it's all over the news again.

Today Show on NBC had a great interview with her today. She's a very well spoken woman. Articulate and charming.

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I couldn't care less about her religious or political views or her path to self awareness. I just want to see her playing with herself.


End of story.






Out of interest I have noticed some Amercians say "I couldn't care less" but the majority say "I could care less"


The later of the two doesn't make sense to my logic as if you could care less then the caring you exhibit isn't that bad!![biggrin]


Not being able to care less is rock bottom in that there is no more caring??? right??



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Honestly, I'd disagree with the contention that Rap is the "new music" of the era.


A new poetry, a cultural phenomenon that has taken root more broadly than its beginnings, yeah - but not "music." You simply can't hum it. If anything, I'd call it a resurgence of "romantic" poetry in the sense that it tends to state immediate emotion rather than reflection on emotion after consideration. Its grammar and vocabulary are horrid, but then, who cares any more today?


I think it lacks the general appeal even a lotta Beatles stuff had in its day. Mommies and daddies of teenagers even liked some of the Beatles stuff or at minimum did not dis it. Rap? I think not.


Granted, "talking blues" has been part of the American music scene in a way for at least 70-some years, but Rap is that sorta concept of rhythm without much music in it.


Musical breakthroughs to me are more along the lines of that brought by the electric guitar, Bluegrass from early country-folk stuff a la Carter Family, Rock from swing and reduced to combo from big band... Romantic from classical from baroque... Blues? Sheesh, I can't even define blues and don't know anyone else who can without getting far beyond any sort of "simple" definition.


To me music isn't music unless it has a tune that might be reproduced - not just a lyric to be rhythmically repeated. The bards of Northern Europe did the rhythmic poetry thing too, as still reflected in much poetry even of the 20th century, the rituals too of Odd Fellows and Freemasons.


I guess too, I've always disdained "political correctness" in both its right or left wing forms. Both - to me - are "gee, we've gotta be gentle and make certain nobody is offended at all" forms of political correctness, at least as long as none of my friends are included in that taking of offense and the devil take those with whom I disagree.


The addition of "under God" in the pledge was not just something from the "right wing" since at the time in the US just about all but overt Marxists were not against it any more than all but a few overt Marxists were really against "In God We Trust" being on US currency and coins. Up until Vietnam you'd have radical leftists and rightists both wearing uniforms of veterans' organizations and badmouthing Rock as unmusical.


If anything, I'd posit that politically our education system has done a fairly good job of moving the U.S. toward a more socialist culture. I'm not, here at least, suggesting that's good or ill, but rather that it is. Heck, Marxists badmouth earlier styles teaching of public school arithmetic as an evil bourgeois artifact to brainwash the masses - and guess what, we've changed how we teach math at the grammar school level how many times since the 1950s?


Yeah, WWII stuff was horrid in ways - but not to me as horrid as the way it's now hidden away or reviled as "evil" rather than as an exemplification for study of what was going on culturally at a period of time.


Then... I've been accused of being rather analytic on some topics rather than understanding how some are instead "believers" who figure I'm attacking the basis of their belief systems.


By the way - there are versions of "English" grammar that are rather different in British and American usage.



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She has a book out.

That's why she's making TV appearances.

Cashing in before her 15 minutes of fame grow too distant a memory for anyone to care....

End of story.



She's a BIMBO in a bimbo world where sex sells.

Well, if your idea of sex is fake hair, tons of makeup, with everything posed and contrived.

I saw her on Hannity and it drove me crazy how she would move her head so her hair would fall in her eyes then lean back and brush it away only to repeat the whole thing 5 seconds later - over and over and over again.....

You're going on world-wide TV - fix your hair ferChrist's sake!!!!


She said her piece about her personal beliefs, what's so different about that?

Doesn't everybody else in the pageant get to do the same?

If she embraces Christianity (though she didn't really live it) I still think it's better than the carbon copies of her with NO discernable moral compass who are influencing our daughters - both of mine know who Prejean is....


In the fickle world of celebrity high fashion she made a boo-boo by not agreeing with all sexual deviancy.

There are 100 times more gays in that world than could exist in reality - she chose her soapbox poorly.

Of course, I'm sure EVERYBODY saw where the little "man" Perez Hilton got beat up and got it on the internet immediately so HE could cash in - after calling Prejean a "Dumb B!tch" in a web blog that got millions of hits.

Not even his real name, wonder why he chose Hilton as a publicity name eh?

Who's the media whore in all this?


That's the little piece of sh!t who started the whole thing by asking her such a question (knowing she actually had some values) and then acted with mock horror and indignation to try to bury her name in the mud - with some degree of luck...


As a Christian myself, I have little sympathy for her.

If she wants to slay all the dragons in the world by herself, it'll be a tough job.

I applaud her beliefs and question her intelligence.


If she gets into the real world and lives a real life with the convictions and morals she wants us all to believe she has, only then will I give more than two sh!ts about her.

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FYI it's all over the news again.

Today Show on NBC had a great interview with her today. She's a very well spoken woman. Articulate and charming.


i wonder how we both could have seen the same show and have such polar opposite impressions of her. oh well. she can scob my knob anytime beyond that, she a ****in' phony and a waste of time. i hope she swallows.

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Out of interest I have noticed some Amercians say "I couldn't care less" but the majority say "I could care less"


The later of the two doesn't make sense to my logic as if you could care less then the caring you exhibit isn't that bad!!:-


Not being able to care less is rock bottom in that there is no more caring??? right??





Well' date=' I was born in England. My parents are British. I left when I was 10. Moved to Belgium and lived there until I was 14. Then moved to New Jersey...:-&


So I am a hybrid. Though, even here "I couldn't care less" is correct. Here is a little chart that might clear it up.


I could care less....means that they do care but have the capacity to care a little less than they do.



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Out of interest I have noticed some Amercians say "I couldn't care less" but the majority say "I could care less"


The later of the two doesn't make sense to my logic as if you could care less then the caring you exhibit isn't that bad!!:-


Not being able to care less is rock bottom in that there is no more caring??? right??





Well' date=' I was born in England. My parents are British. I left when I was 10. Moved to Belgium and lived there until I was 14. Then moved to New Jersey...:-&


So I am a hybrid. Though, even here "I couldn't care less" is correct. Here is a little chart that might clear it up.


I could care less....means that they do care but have the capacity to care a little less than they do.




So the rest of the country is wrong.

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