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Chinese Toothpaste......


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This lady tells me "some major brand" is Chinese.


I went to Walgreens the other day and noticed Colgate said "Made In U.S.A"


So did "Aquafresh".


Crest didn't say crap......


Is this the brand she was speaking of?



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I mostly have no beef with Asian made stuff' date=' I'm too young to be a nationalist...


but Chinese toothpaste?

maybe it's time to go buy some Aquafresh...[/quote']


No, you're good. They have good teeth.


No worries.

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You can stick a Made in America label on anything. The problem is they all get their ingredients from China and just mix them together in the USA. When the toothpaste scare was going on earlier this year it was this exact problem. One of the ingredients from China was contaminated.

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This entire Chinese toothpaste thing got me thinking about criminal punishment in China.

It's common knowledge that if you own a business, say a toothpaste manufacturing company and you poison a large group of consumers who use your product and die. You are put to death for your negligence.

Likewise if you defraud any part of the financial system over there, say what for instance... what happened here in our country with the financial debacle we've been going through, you likewise are put to death for your greed. Bernie Madolf, et all...

Not a bad idea.

Not bad at all.

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This has nothing to do with nationalism, they have NO CONSUMER PROTECTION LAW'S IN CHINA!!!

There have been countless stories of toothpaste made in China testing positive for antifreeze!

China has few law's regulating the use of pesticides on produce. Their fish farms are infamous for using mass amounts of hormones and antibiotics. Their fish farms where they raise Tilapia for sale in the US are nothing more then net pens in rivers, and that is where 90% of their sewage is flushed, into their rivers.

I will not eat food from China. I have no problem with food from countries that have standards. China has few.

But them I don't eat any fast food for the same reason, there is too much garbage in it and it's fried in fat that was old when I was young!

I don't place all the blame on China, our FDA and USDA does a terrible job of testing food and drugs, as of 2008 the FDA had 600 inspectors to oversee all drugs imported into the US.

There are over 20,000 meat plants in the US and the USDA has 2,000 inspectors. Feel safe now?

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