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Screw you, We're from Texas!


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You say that like it's a bad thing!


Secretly...I love them backwards thinkin' rednecks.

If only they didn't scare me too [cool]

Nothing sexier to me than a white guy on a john deer lawnmower with a ball cap and a bud light, shirtless

I wish I was kidding, but when I first arrived to this country I said to a friend, "take me to this place called 'trailer park.'"

She asked, "ew, why?" Frankly, they're like tigers and pandas to me, frightening but gorgeous and exotic.

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I do love my state...even if it is filled with backwards thinking morons.

Whoa' date=' hold on there pardner!


Wonder what them Good Ol' Boys might think of [i']you[/i], eh?


(Insert song title here)


[biggrin][flapper][lol][confused][woot] :D/


And that's the polite way of saying it - I always used the full-strength word at the beginning.

Well, 'cept with the Ladies.

Always try to be a Gentleman unless somebody just won't let me....







Decided to alter my signature out of respect to my fellow Texans.

It's like a whole other country.

You'd have to spend some time there to understand...


When I retire, I might just move back to Texas.

No state income tax, ya know....



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Check out the kid playing with Ray in this great clip.

Hell yeah' date=' they got some good pickers and strummers down there in Texas.





Gotta get me some o' him. Nice tune. How old you reckon that kid is? Bet he won't forget that night.

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I may be coming to Texas in the spring....Dallas to be exact. Im looking forward to it!

Any good Steak houses y'all could recommend? mmmmm!


Name a price range first - you can drop some big bucks in a steakhouse around here. Besides, you oughta be coming for the Tex-Mex food. And FWIW, Fort Worth is much more interesting than Dallas.

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I lived there for over two years and I must say that I do miss it. I love being back where I was born, but Texas is a special place. The people there are the most friendly I've seen in this country. Note, I've been to 43 states and I don't count them unless I spend time in them. There aren't too many states where people pull over on the side of the road to let you pass, and give you a big smile and a wave while they do it. One time while on business in Dallas I decided to venture out on my own. I ask someone "where's a good place to eat?" This Texas gentleman not only told me, but proceeded to walk me to the place himself, which wasn't anywhere near where he was going. I have a ton of stories like that.


People from Texas have a certain pride for their state that no one will ever understand unless you've lived there. When you ask someone "where are you from?" they don't answer "Dallas or Houston or Austin, etc." Nope, they say "I'm from Texas" and they are darn proud of it. It is truly a great place with great people...

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I was always amazed at the reactions from 'furriners' who were shown courtesy and didn't know how to act.

They would be surprised, suspicious, and looking around for somebody not in on the joke.


No joke, they were simply being treated as a guest by one of 20 million Ambassadors who live there.

Even if you do something incredibly stupid to offend the locals, the guy who's gonna teach you a lesson

in manners is usually far out-numbered by those with the Grace to let you learn from your mistakes.


Slow learners, on the other hand, can find day to day life to be full of 'challenges'...


I got pulled over by the Highway Patrol (most polite in the nation) and got my *** chewed for pulling onto

the shoulder to let people pass when I was moving a big crane to Brenham one day.

The first couple of cars wouldn't pass on the two lane, though they had room, and there was a line of cars

and trucks for a mile behind me. Instead of stopping them, they pulled ME over to tell me to not

spend so much time on the thinner pavement of the shoulder. If they were too stupid to pass - fck 'em!

The crane weighed 234,000 pounds on 34 tires and went 43 mph. I was trying to be nice....


I still practice much of the same here in Arizona - and get some funny looks at times.

Too bad.

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I was in Italy this past summer. We didn't want to wait in line so we ordered the "no-wait-in-line" tickets. We were supposed to go with another couple but they couldn't make it. So we had two extra tickets for the Colosseum. I told my wife we'll go to the end of the line (it was about a 3 hour wait that day) and give our tickets to the last two people in line. When I offered the tickets to this couple, they didn't want them because they thought I was trying to scam them. We were there a few minutes and nobody would take them! Finally a couple from Australia had come up and said "we'll take them." So they got to skip the entire line and go in for free.


I remember thinking to myself "this would never be a problem in Texas." The people in that state are known for their hospitality. You can trust a stranger there. I wish that the rest of the world would follow their lead...

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Check out the kid playing with Ray in this great clip.

Hell yeah' date=' they got some good pickers and strummers down there in Texas.




That's my favourite RWH song. That one and the snake song. Eeeeewwwwwww!


Nice guitar he's got there ;-)


Watching the Screw You We're From Texas video was like watching home videos of Calgary! [thumbup]

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I do love my state...even if it is filled with backwards thinking morons.



Texas is a special place. The people there are the most friendly I've seen in this country. Note' date=' I've been to 43 states and I don't count them unless I spend time in them. There aren't too many states where people pull over on the side of the road to let you pass' date=' and give you a big smile and a wave while they do it. One time while on business in Dallas I decided to venture out on my own. I ask someone "where's a good place to eat?" This Texas gentleman not only told me, but proceeded to walk me to the place himself, which wasn't anywhere near where he was going. I have a ton of stories like that. [/quote'']


You're right, "Izzy", Texas is full of "backwards thinking" people.


The kind of behavior "rocketman" described is becoming less and less typical, it belongs to the past, and someday all of the "forward thinking" people will have done away with it entirely.

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Texas is full of "backwards thinking" people.

Care to relate your experiences?




... it belongs to the past...

Belongs to the past?

How would you prefer to see people treated?

Polite' date=' considerate, respectful - all belong in the past?


If you've ever spent much time in Texas, I think you'll find they are very capable of administering an

'education' on very short notice as well - when somebody desperately deserves it.


What's to complain about?

You can get yours either way!






... someday all of the "forward thinking" people will have done away with it entirely.

Oh' date=' what a Glorious Day that shall be, eh?


Welcome to the forum.


No, really...



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Care to relate your experiences?


I think we may have a misunderstanding here, "NeoConMan".


When I said Texas is full of "backwards thinking people", I was simply quoting another poster, whose post I didn't care for.


I then quoted "Rocketman", who talked about how nice the people are in Texas.


Like "rocketman", my "experience" has been nothing but positive. I like the South. I like Texas.


All I was saying is that the friendliness and courtesy "rocketman" was talking about is pretty rare in many parts of America today. These qualities have become a thing of the past. But not in Texas.


So I was basically turning the original quote around to show that the only "backwards thinking" in Texas is "thinking back" to the time when people acted the way they should.


I guess that may have been a bit cryptic, but I really had no intention of insulting Texas. Just the opposite!



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